Hot Wheels Elite Official Web Site

By admin, August 21, 2010 12:43 pm

After years of preparation, Hot Wheels Elite finally launched its offical web site for die-cast fans. (Especially excited for Ferrari die-cast fans)

銀色的英國超跑Mclaren F1

By admin, August 19, 2010 9:40 pm

英國的超跑Mclaren F1曾經雄霸車壇整整十個年頭﹐其出類拔萃的成勣令眾多車迷們至今還如痴如醉。UT大約十年前曾經推出過一批完整系列的Mclaren F1﹐現在全成了國際拍賣網站上的珍品﹐隨隨便便都動則過千。

這次AA終于不負眾望﹐這款銀色的Mclaren F1完全可以稱得上是Signature系列的表表者﹐全車應用仿油壓的開關極多﹐Mclaren F1完全打開後﹐的確很像一隻張牙舞爪的昆虫。值得稱讚的是這次的Mclaren F1品質控制(QC)做的不錯﹐唯一不滿是車座位太過單調和塑料感比較強。還有就是價格也貴了點﹐但相信此車的性價比還是可以的﹐作為第一台AA正式的Mclaren F1產品﹐它確實沒有令一群Mclaren車迷失望﹐值得讚許。



1/18 Autoart McLaren F1 – Silver


I Love You Phillip Morris

By admin, August 18, 2010 9:17 pm

Jim Carrey近年罕有的登峰造極之作﹐淚中帶笑﹐苦中帶甜﹐絕對值得一看﹗


Who said there aren’t angles live around us?

By admin, August 17, 2010 12:50 pm

Jackie Evancho, 10 years old sings ‘O mio babbino caro’ from Musical ‘Gianni Schicchi’

Paul Potts, mobile sales man sings Nessun Dorma

Susan Boyle, housewife sings ‘I Dreamed A Dream’ from Musical ‘Les Miserables

令人失望的Autoart Porsche 959

By admin, August 13, 2010 11:28 pm

今天在香港看到和摸到了實物﹐說實在的﹐完全不值得港幣900(這是打8折後)這個價格﹐外形還不如我那些幾年前的EXOTO 959準確﹐車頭燈做的肯定不夠EXOTO好﹐水撥簡直開玩笑﹐車尾不夠EXOTO 的圓潤﹐紅色PORSCHE燈飾模糊一片﹐內飾雖然精細但顏色太漆黑﹐看不出什麼細節﹐車門裡面感覺太塑料﹐引擎室只有那麼一點進步。整體來說最多值港幣600﹐所以我放棄了購買這台銀色和之後的紅色﹐白色還有一丁點興趣。










Autoart Jaguar E-Type Series I 3.8 Roadster & Coupe

By admin, August 11, 2010 3:38 pm

Coming soon, a must have item for all Jag’s die-hard fans. I am going to get the Silver/Red Roadster and the Green/Red Coupe.



烈艷紅唇Aston Martin DBR9 #58

By admin, August 10, 2010 12:14 pm

今天有幸得到了另一款的24 Hours of Le Mans Aston Martin DBR9  #58﹐上AA網站查了一下﹐原來橙紅色嘴唇的其實出過兩款﹐而又以這款的橙紅色顯得特別突出。(前幾天才在MC論壇裡看到有模友把這台拍的特別有氣勢)








Some of my findings from past 2 months research

By admin, August 9, 2010 11:21 pm

The new Virtual Data Center project has been keeping me really busy, the followings are some of my findings.

  • Learn that R810/M910 with 4 sockets will only use 1 memory controller instead of two, memory bandwidth will be cut by half, that sucks! Strange enough, when R810 populates with 2 sockets only, it will use both memory controllers and gain access to all 32 DIMMS. So R810/R910 is still best for 2 sockets server, that why we switch to R710 instead after read the benchmarking, it’s a waste of money to go for R810.
  • DDR3L low voltage (1.35V), we populate with 2 DPC (8GB x 12 DIMMS), guess what? Voltage will shoot to normal 1.5V! and no one at Dell pre-sales or pro-support can answer us this, I found out this fact from HP’s resources, ridiculous! Anyway, it’s still running at 1333Mhz, that’s a bless.
  • Equallogic PS6000XV 15K should be a monster, we will only be worried about adding front-end (like R710/R720/R730) and adding back-end PS6000XV/PS7000XV etc. in the future, that’s main selling point for this solution, scalable beyond imagination, this really is the whole motivation we selected EQL boxes.
  • With the release of vSphere 4.1, VAAI, iSCSI Off-load fully support on Broadcom 5709 but no Jumbo Frame, what the heck! EQL vStorage off-load improvement, Multipath plugin (EQL finally solved the big problem)
  • One box of PS6000XV is good enough for 4Gbps, absolutely no need to go for 10Gbps for the time being except you are aiming for that 200M/s increase (yes, it can only reach 650M/s at max, there is no way reaching 1000M/s in reality. We were also told by paying about 1/4 of the box, you can always upgrade to 10Gbps version of PS6010XV in the future, but for our environment, IOPS is way demanding than thoughput, so 4Gbps is more than enough, just get a PowerConnect 5448 with 48 ports, we should have lots of space to grow from here.
  • There is a special iSCSI Key need to be purchased in order to have TOE+iSCSI Off-load on R710, this is the same on HP Proliant servers.
  • Found HP Proliant’s server resources are much more professional than Dells’, but Dell’s stuff are a lot cheaper (1/3 at least), so we just have to live with that.
  • In ESX 4 or above, Thick provisioning is always recommended for performance concerned VM applications, it’s a lot faster.
  • Talked to two of the local IDC who’s going to start a cloud business, but their core technical team doesn’t seem to know what they are really doing, seemed they have a long way to go comparing with US counterparts.
  • Again, virtualization is the future and you need a good SAN to support it!
  • Talk to your inside sales manager, show your sincerity, you will be rewarded and get unbelievable discount at quarter end!
  • Dell’s EQL expert is really helpful and resourceful, thank you so much! You are really the super-hero, kick-ass type!

橙色的McLaren F1又做Octane封面了

By admin, August 7, 2010 6:12 pm



By admin, August 6, 2010 5:54 pm

All I can say is What a Film! Make sure you stay till the end that’s where the real ass-kicking coming in.


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