靚佬湯跑Le Mans (轉文)

By admin, October 30, 2013 12:24 pm



去年離世的Carroll Shelby,既是F1車手也是汽車設計師,一生貢獻給賽車,由他創立的公司專門改裝Ford及出售賽車配件,是美國車壇舉足輕重的大人物。自傳式電影 《Go Like Hell》便是以Carroll Shelby為主角,回顧60年代Ford及Ferrari車隊在24小時勒芒(24 Hours of Le Mans)的比賽事迹。最近剛落實由萬人迷湯告魯斯飾演Carroll Shelby一角,並預定明年開始拍攝,令人期待。

Team Names Origins by 保魯斯 (轉文)

By admin, October 24, 2013 4:01 pm


麥拿倫 – Bruce McLaren
法拉利 – Enzo Ferrari
道文 – Ted Toleman
威廉仕 – Frank Williams
歴基亞 – Guy Ligier
文諾迪 – Giancarlo Minardi
泰利爾 – Ken Tyrrell
百拉咸 – Jack Brabham
蘇巴 – Peter Sauber

雖然都算好聽,但呢啲名其實無咩創意或意境 – 即係好似中國人的強記,明記咁, 如果有一支中國人車隊叫發記,真係暈低 – 當然呢啲用人名做的車隊名,都好聽過近期一啲用成個國家黎做名的車隊:  Force India / Marussia / Hispania – 點呀,國家隊呀?總之自己覺得呢啲名唔好聽。

箭隊 – ARROWS 來源其實都係用人名砌出來的,話說當年有五位人兄: Franco Ambrosio, Alan Rees, Jackie Oliver, Dave Wass 同埋 Tony Southgate 一齊出來成立F1車隊,就諗到用五個人名字的第一個英文字母來砌出車隊名,結果就砌出 ARROWS 呢個名。

MARCH – 同樣道理,呢個隊名亦係用車隊最初成立時,一班開國功臣的名字砌出來的:Max Mosley, Alan Rees, Graham Coaker and Robin Herd

Zakspeed – 車隊老闆 Erich Zakowiski – 用老闆名字前三個英文字母再加上 speed。


至於自己最鐘意的車隊名,係 Lotus。 但係又有冇諗過佢嘅來由呢?
經典的蓮花車隊 (中文譯名) 的來由又點來?有傳過係因為車隊老闆 Colin Chapman 以前成日去行汽車零件拍賣,看到其中一些賣不出的零件寫著 Lot. u/s (un-sold) 字牌,就忽發奇想用此來做車隊名。但普遍大多人認同的 Lotus 車隊名字來由,就是蓮花的意思,而 Colin Chapman 為何會用花來做車隊名字呢?話說是因為 Colin Chapman 第一次製造自己的車時,用了很長日子,通宵達旦的才完成,個人做到十分虚弱,就像蓮花本身能散發出令人疲乏的效力。小弟對花毫無研究,所以是否屬實,不得 而知。以前好多人問過 Colin Chapman 車隊名字的出處,佢都只係笑笑口不正面回答。無論如何,難得英文名或中文名都咁好聽,係一個剛陽味重的圈子中,用一個咁女性化的名字,但又唔覺乸型喎。

另一車隊名子較喜歡的,是 Onyx 車隊,用一種罕有的礦石來命名 ﹣ 瑪瑙石。
至於賽車型號的來由又點?部份都係用返車隊名字的首字母和年份, 如:

Toleman TG185 – Toleman Group 1985
Williams FW10 – Frank Williams
Benetton B186 – 就係 Benetton 1986

McLaren MP4 – McLaren Project 4。在 Ron Dennis 的 Project 4 F2 車隊入主麥拿倫之前,麥拿倫賽車的型號只有M字 – 例如 M23,直至萬寶路拉攏兩支車隊合拼後,賽車型號就用上 McLaren 和 Project 4 兩個名字來定名, 他們合拼後第一部車就是1981年的 MP4/1, 之後一路數落去 MP4/2, MP4/3 ….. 到今天的 MP4 – 28。以前MP4之後是用 / 的,但近期改用 – , MP4 – 28。

1982 – 126 C2 – 因引擎是V形 120 度6氣缸設計。
1983 – 126 C2 / 126 C3
1984 – 126 C4
1985 – 156/85 – 因引擎是 1500cc 6 氣缸
1986 – 1988 就是F1-86, F1-87, F1-87B
1989又轉 640,雖然都有人叫佢做 F1-89
1990 – 641,雖然仲有人叫佢做 F1-90
1991 – 642 和 643
1992 – 92A
1993 – 93A
1994 – 412T1,唔記得4字代表咩, 12就代表12氣缸,雖然之前已經用咗12氣缸五年喇。
1995 – 412T2

Ligier – 1976年進軍F1時,第一輛F1車叫 JS5 至 1996年最後一部 JS43  - 用上英因字母 JS 是要紀念 Guy Ligier 的已故好友 Jo Schlesser。還有是他們的賽車都是單數的 JS 5, JS 7, JS 9 …… JS 43, 原因是雙數型號是留給他們出產的房車 (JS 2 和 JS 4) 用的。JS1 和 JS3是 Ligier 在70年代初玩 Sportscar 時的賽車型號。

另外大家可能已唔記得的 Osella 車隊,就用上FA英文字母為他們的型號,而他們曾參與F1, F2, F3賽事,所以他們的賽車型號分別以 FA1 (F1), FA2 (F2), FA3 (F3) 作開頭。由1980年開始 Osella 車隊出戰F1,第一輛F1車叫FA1,之後隨每次推出新車就改最後一個英文字母
1980 – FA1
1981 – FA1B
1982 – FA1C
1988 – FA1L
咁就出事喇,賽車型號叫 FAIL,比車迷笑足成年,而車隊那年一分也得不到。

Sauber 的賽車型號是用 C 字頭,因為 Peter Sauber 的太太叫 Christine, 估唔到 Peter Sauber 咁有佢太太心。

Lotus 由1958年起玩F1,第一部F1車是 Lotus 12 至1994年最後一部的 Lotus 109, 當中 Lotus 93 至 100 的型號尾加上 T 字 (93T, 94T, 95T, 97T, 98T, 99T, 100T),代表這輛賽車配上 turbo 引擎。

Jordon 車隊 1991年加入 F1,第一部車叫原本叫 Jordon 911。但保時捷車廠得知後,要求佢唔好用911,經過一輪商談和送禮 (Porsche 一部) 後, Eddie Jordon 就把賽車改做 Jordon 191, 之後就 192, 193 咁落去。

有時車隊會把同一型號賽車用上多年,則會在型號尾再加上 B, C 等識別,如McLaren 的MP4/2賽車因為表現夠勁,只需少少改動就用足三年,所以就有 1984 – MP4/2, 1985 – MP4/2B, 1986 – MP4/2C 的出現, 連勝3年車手世界冠軍,可說是最成功的一款賽車,到1987才需改用 MP4/3。蓮花後期因缺乏資金,一部 102 賽車亦用了三個賽季: 1990 – 102, 1991 – 102B, 1992年初 – 102D。

引入深思: 你跟父母相處的時間其實只剩下55天 (轉文)

By admin, October 24, 2013 1:08 pm





香港人的平均壽命很長,太長了,容易教人產生某種錯覺︰父母雖然早晚會走,但是時間還有的是,反正隨時都可以見面,見面時再聊好了。最近在看的一本書,書名無法一口氣唸完,叫作《別以為你還有 20年──你跟父母相處的時間其實只剩下 55天》,裡頭有這樣的一條算式──

20年﹙父母剩餘的壽命﹚× 26天﹙每兩周回家吃個飯﹚× 2小時﹙每次吃飯花的時間﹚× 2天﹙除夕.初一﹚× 7小時﹙除夕.初一這兩個特別日子見面的時間﹚= 1320小時
算式的假設還算忠實。對大部分成年子女來說,頭一趟有意識地把「父母」和「死亡」看出關連時,兩老已逾六十了﹙人人都知道死亡,但理性上知道和在感性上準備,十萬個不一樣﹚。當然誰也說不準死神是否就在轉角處等着,但大膽假設他們的壽命跟平均數相去不遠,前望大概有二十年。二十年乍聽不短,可是若只算上親子相聚的時間,事情就變得很不一樣了。譬如說,每兩週來一次「旋風式」聚餐,一年只有除夕夜才在老家逗留得較久……七除八扣剩下 1320小時,即是短短五十五天。






Ubuntu Server Configuration Experience

By admin, October 21, 2013 9:40 pm

Today I got a chance to play with Ubuntu Linux Distro.

1. The latest compatible release for ESX 4.1 is 10.04 64bits, on the download page, it says ubuntu-10.04.4-server-amd64, and there is no version for intel 64bits, it turns out the iso will also work on Intel platform.

I suspect you can of course install the latest Ubuntu 13, but you may not able to install Vmware Tools, which is very important.

2. The bare server iso does not come with a GUI, so the following steps will help you to install a nice GUI.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop –no-install-recommends

3. I noticed the security is much better and fine tuned in Ubuntu than Redhat or CentOS, as root is diabled by default completely, every time you will need to issue command ’sudo’ to start with when changing something in system configuration.

If you want to enable root ssh, then edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the line PermitRootLogin to yes.

4. Enabling snmp is similar to CentOS, by adding rocommunity community_string mrtg.yourhost.com to /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf, but you will also need to modify /etc/default/snmpd, the line SNMPDOPTS=’-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/snmpd.pid -c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf’

5. To configure Ubuntu firewall, you need to install gufw, the rest is a piece of cake, same as in CentOS. In fact, you can also use ufw to block DDOS IP address.

sudo ufw deny proto tcp from to any port 22

6. After deploy a vm from Ubuntu template, I found eth0 has gone missing (reminds me w2k8 VMXNET 3 issue ), eventually I found this VMware KB. Or even easier, simply delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules will do the trick.

7. ‘gksudo gedit /etc/hostname’ is the command to graphically edit any file, no more vi, which is very useful for many new Ubuntu or Linux users.

8. Finally regarding extending disk in Ubuntu, the method is similar, but with some twist.

9. There is a very good link for installing VMware Tools, one specific thing is you need to create a special directory ’sudo mkdir /usr/lib64′ in order to successfully install VMware Tools. Just make sure you download the latest VMware Tools (latest is 10.04) as the older one comes with ESX 4.1 (8.0.x) doesn’t work in latest Ubuntu 16.x. I also noticed VMware Tools status shows as “Unmanaged”!  That’s actually ok, as the tools is installed from an individual package instead of using the default attached CD-ROM (which the version doesn’t work anyway), so you can safely ignore it.

Update: Oct 23, 2013

It turns out even the latest release 12.04 worked perfectly on ESX4.1.

Update: Oct 28, 2015

Tested the latest 14.04 also worked perfectly on ESX4.1.

Update: Nov 14, 2016

Tested the latest 16.04 also worked perfectly on ESX4.1.


By admin, October 18, 2013 10:51 am







By admin, October 17, 2013 2:11 pm



如果撇開政治方面, 事實魔童已經投入9億、製作超過數百小時節目(其它兩間幾乎沒有任何動靜),果個么官﹖(唔記得個名,再次證明政治冷感) 竟然厚顏無恥話香港電視咁都唔夠其它兩家競爭,詳細理由因為行會保密機制唔方便透露wor。




WTF may be is the phrase exactly well described this incident.

Don’t get me wrong, I mean Well That’s Funny ? :)


By admin, October 16, 2013 12:49 pm

引擎聲真好听,尾巴右邊那個黃色的環應該是F355 F1版本來的,而且很趴地,法拉利原來根本就是應該這個樣子的。





By admin, October 14, 2013 11:56 am

剛剛發現的CMC編號目錄 (另外這個是官方的目錄),覺得對收藏CMC的玩家門應該很有用。


CMC M – 006 HH – CMC Mercedes-Benz, W196, Monoposto 1954/55, signed by Hans Herrmann, Silver arrow legendary racing driver, Limited Edition 96 / in assortment


CMC M – 006T – Mercedes-Benz, W196, Training cart 1954/55, exclusively for Mercedes-Benz Classic Center, Stuttgart-Fellbach,Limited Edition 196/ no more in assortment


CMC M – 055A – CMC Mercedes-Benz SSKL GP Germany, 1931, exclusive CMC-Fair-Special Set on the occasion of “25 years Techno Classica”, Essen, incl. figurine Rudolf Caracciola, CMC-Disk in metal case with all available catalogs and photos    Limited Edition 25 / not yet in assortment


CMC Item-No. Illustration Limited Edition / Availability Name of the CMC modelcar Scale ColourCMC model

M-001 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz SSK, 1930, Black Prince leather interior in different colours green, black, red, white 1:24 black
M-002B not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 500K, Specialroadster, 1936 with and without whitewall tires 1:24 blue
M-002R not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 500K, Spezialroadster, 1936 1:24 red
M-003B not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 540K, closed, 1936 beige leather interior, 2.Version with removable roof, white leather interior 1:24 blue/gray
M-003R not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 540K, open, 1936 1:24 red/black
M-004 not limited / no more in assortment Porsche 550 Spyder, Nr.130, 1954/55 James Dean 1:24 silver
M-005 not limited / no more in assortment Benz Patent-Motorwagen, 1886 1:10 black
M-006 not limited / in assortment Mercedes-Benz, W196, Monoposto 1954/55 1:18 silver
M-006 HH Limited Edition 96 / in assortment Mercedes-Benz, W196, Monoposto 1954/55 signed by Hans Herrmann Silver arrow legendary racing driver 1:18 silver
M-006T Limited Edition 196/ no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz, W196, Training cart 1954/55 exclusively for Mercedes-Benz Classic Center, Stuttgart-Fellbach 1:18 silver
M-007 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 540K, Cabrio B 1:24 blue/yellow
M-008 not limited / no more in assortment Porsche 550 Spyder, 1954 1:24 red
M-009 not limited / no more in assortment Porsche 550 Spyder, 1954 with and without Porsche-Emblem 1:24 silver
M-010 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 500K, 1936 red leather interior 1:24 black
M-011 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 500K, 1936 red leather interior 1:24 beige
M-012 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 450 SL, US Version, 1973-80 1:24 red
M-013 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 450 SL, US Version, 1973-80 1:24 silver
M-014 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLS, 1956/57 1:24 silver
M-015 not limited / no more in assortment Horch 853, closed, 1937 1:24 red
M-015A Limited Edition 1000/ no more in assortment Horch 853, closed, 1937 incl. showcase in special box for Audi 1:24 black/silver
M-016 not limited / no more in assortment Horch 853, open, 1937 1:24 green
M-016A not limited / no more in assortment Horch 853, open, 1937 1:24 red
M-017 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SL, Panamericana 1952 Karl Kling 1:24 silver
M-018 not limited / in assortment Mercedes-Benz W165, 1939 1:18 silver
M-019 Limited Edition 1000/ no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W196, Start-Nr.2, 1954/55 Juan Manuel Fangio 1:18 silver
M-020 Limited Edition 1000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W196, Start-Nr.6, 1954/55 Stirling Moss 1:18 silver
M-021 Limited Edition 1000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W196, Start-Nr.8, 1954/55 Hans Herrmann 1:18 silver
M-022 Limited Edition 500 / no more in assortment Horch 853, Resin, 1937 1:12 black/silver
M-023 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SL, Panamericana 1952 Karl Kling 1:18 silver
M-024A not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 450 SL, opened, 1973-80 1:18 blue/gray
M-024B not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 450 SL, closed, 1973-80 1:18 silver
M-025 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W154, 1938 1:18 silver
M-026 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300D, 1958-62 1:24 green
M-026A Limited Edition 500/ no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300D, 1958-62 exclusively for Mercedes-Benz Classic Center, Stuttgart-Fellbach, in special box 1:24 white
M-027 not limited / in assortment Auto Union Typ D, 1938 1:18 silver
M-028 not limited / no more in assortment Wanderer W25 K, 1936-38 1:24 beige/black
M-028A Limited Edition 1000 / no more in assortment Wanderer W25 K, 1936-38 in special box for Audi with Original-Logo Wanderer u. Auto Union 1:24 grey/black
M-029 Limited Edition 1500/ no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SL, Start-Nr.21 Le Mans 1952 Hermann Lang / Riess 1:18 silver
M-030 Limited Edition 1500/ no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLS O’Shea, 1955-57 SL-Spezialversion von 1957 1:24 beige/creme
M-031 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W125, 1937 1:18 silver
M-032 not limited / no more in assortment Audi 920, 1938-40 1:24 brown/beige
M-032A Limited Edition 1000 / no more in assortment Audi 920, 1938-40 1:24 black/red
M-033 not limited / in assortment Mercedes-Benz W25, 1934 1:18 silver
M-034 not limited / no more in assortment Auto Union Typ C, 1936/37 1:18 silver
M-034A Limited Edition 1000 / no more in assortment Auto Union Typ C, 1936/37, Start-Nr.5 Bernd Rosemeyer in CMC-box, 2.Version in Audi-box 1:18 silver
M-034B not limited / no more in assortment Auto Union Typ C, Motor-Aggregat in showcase 1936/37 1:18 —
M-035 Limited Edition 1500 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W165, Start-Nr.16, GP Tripolis 1939 Hermann Lang 1:18 silver
M-036 not limited / in assortment Mercedes race transporter, 1954/55 “DAS BLAUE WUNDER” 1:18 blue
M-036K Limited Edition 9.999 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz race transporter, 1954/55 “DAS BLAUE WUNDER” 1:43 blue
M-037 not limited / no more in assortment Wanderer W25 K, 1936-38 1:24 red
M-038 Limited Edition 1000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W154, Start-Nr.24 French GP 1938 2. Platz Rudolf Caracciola 1:18 silver
M-039 Limited Edition 1000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W154, Start-Nr.26 French GP 1938 1. Platz Manfred von Brauchitsch 1:18 silver
M-040 Limited Edition 1000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W154, Start-Nr.28 French GP 1938 3. Platz Hermann Lang 1:18 silver
M-041 Limited Edition 2000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W196, Start-Nr.10, 1954/55 Juan Manuel Fangio 1:18 silver
M-042 Limited Edition 2000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W196, Start-Nr.12, 1954/55 Stirling Moss 1:18 silver
M-043 Limited Edition 2000 / no more in assortment Auto Union Typ D, Start-Nr.4 GP England 1938 Tazio Nuvolari 1:18 silver
M-044 not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W196 R, 1954/55 1:18 silver
M-045A not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, 2003 black leather interior 1:18 red-metallic
M-045B not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, 2003 red leather interior 1:18 anthrazit-metallic
M-045C not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, 2003 red leather interior 1:18 gray-metallic
M-045D not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, 2003 gray leather interior 1:18 blue-metallic
M-045E not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, 2003 red leather interior 1:18 silver-metallic
M-045F not limited / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, 2003 red leather interior 1:18 black-metallic
M-046 not limited / in assortment Ferrari 250 GT SWB, 1961 1:18 red
M-047 not limited / no more in assortment Maserati Tipo 61 Birdcage, 1961 1:18 white
M-048 not limited / in assortment Mercedes Targa Florio, 1924 Christian Werner / Karl Sailer 1:18 red
M-049 Limited Edition 5000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W196 R, Start-Nr.18 French GP / Reims 1954/55 Juan Manuel Fangio 1:18 silver
M-050 Limiting unknown / not in assortment Alfa Romeo 8C, 2300 Monza, 1931 1:18 red
M-051 not limited / in assortment Maserati 250F, 1957 1:18 red
M-052 Limited Edition 3000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W125, Start-Nr.12, 1937 Rudolf Caracciola 1:18 silver
M-053 Limited Edition 5000 / no more in assortment Auto Union Typ C, Hillclimber, 1936/37 1:18 silver
M-054 not limited / no more in assortment Ferrari 250 GT SWB, 1961 1:18 yellow
M-055 not limited / in assortment Mercedes-Benz SSKL, Mille Miglia 1931 Rudolf Caracciola 1:18 white
M-055A Limited Edition 25 / not yet in assortment Mercedes-Benz SSKL GP Germany, 1931 exclusive CMC-Fair-Special Set on the occasion of “25 years Techno Classica”, Essen incl. figurine Rudolf Caracciola CMC-Disk in metal case with all available catalogs and photos 1:18 Collectors Edition
M-056 not limited / in assortment Ferrari 500 F2, 1952/53 1:18 red
M-057 Limited Edition 4000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W196 R, 1954/55 Stirling Moss 1:18 silver
M-058 Limited Edition 3000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SL, 1952, Panamericana Hermann Lang 1:18 silver
M-059 Limited Edition 800 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W196 R, 1954/55 special model signed by Stirling Moss 1:18 silver
M-060 Limited Edition 3000 / no more in assortment Maserati Birdcage Chassis, 1960 1:18 —
M-061 Limited Edition 600 / no more in assortment Maserati Birdcage, 1960 special model signed by Stirling Moss 1:18 white
M-062 Limited Edition 600 / no more in assortment Maserati Birdcage, 1960 special model signed by Dan Gurney 1:18 white
M-063 not limited / in assortment Bugatti T35, 1924 1:18 blue
M-064 Limited Edition 5000 / no more in assortment Maserati 250F, Deutschland / Nürburgring 1957 Juan Manuel Fangio 1:18 red
M-065 Limited Edition 3000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W25, 1934 1:18 white
M-066 not limited / in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR, Mille Miglia 1955 Stirling Moss / Denis Jenkinson 1:18 silver
M-067 not limited / in assortment Porsche 901 Coupé, 1964 in CMC-box, 2.Version Porsche special box 1:18 baliblue
M-067A Limited Edition 5000 / in assortment Porsche 901 Coupé, 1964 1:18 champaign yellow
M-067B Limited Edition 5000 / in assortment Porsche 901 Coupé, 1964 1:18 irisch green
M-067C Limited Edition 5000 / in assortment Porsche 901 Coupé, 1964 1:18 light ivory
M-067D Limited Edition 5000 / in assortment Porsche 901 Coupé, 1964 1:18 sky blue
M-068 Limited Edition 5000 / in assortment Ferrari 156 F1, Start-Nr.2 GP Italy / Monza 1961 Phil Hill 1:18 red
M-069 Limited Edition 5000/ in assortment Ferrari 156 F1, Start-Nr.3 GP Deutschland/Nürburgring 1961 Graf Berghe von Trips 1:18 red
M-070 Limited Edition 5000 / no more in assortment Ferrari 156 F1, Start-Nr.4 Belgium / Spa 1961 Phil Hill 1:18 red
M-071 not limited / in assortment Ferrari Testa Rossa, 1958 1:18 red
M-072 Limited Edition 722 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Mille Miglia, 1955 special model signed by Stirling Moss 1:18 silver
M-073 Limited Edition 5000 / in assortment Auto Union Typ C #4, 1936 Bernd Rosemeyer 1:18 silver
M-074 Limited Edition 5000 / in assortment Mercedes-Benz W165 #24, 1939 Rudolf Caracciola 1:18 silver
M-075 Limited Edition 1000 / no more in assortment Audi 225 Front Roadster, 1935 exc. for Audi and VIP-Version in showcase, lim. Ed. 50 pcs 1:18 white
M-075A Limited Edition 4000 / in assortment Audi 225 Front Roadster, 1935 1:18 yellow/black
M-075B Limited Edition 4000 / in assortment Audi 225 Front Roadster, 1935 1:18 blue/silver
M-075C Limited Edition 4000 / in assortment Audi 225 Front Roadster, 1935 1:18 red/white
M-076 not limited / in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé, 1955 1:18 silver
M-077 not limited / in assortment Ferrari 250 GT SWB Competizione, 1961 1:18 red
M-078 not limited / in assortment Ferrari 156 F1 “Sharknose”, 1961 without race number 1:18 red
M-079 Limited Edition 7000 / in assortment Ferrari 250 GT SWB Competizione, 1961, Le Mans #14 Pierre Noblet, Jean Guichet 1:18 silver
M-079SV Limited Edition 200 / in assortment Ferrari 250 GT SWB Competizione, 1961, Le Mans #14 Pierre Noblet, Jean Guichet in Sonder-OVP anl. Eröffnung unserer web-Seite cmc-modelcarshop.de u. dem international Sammler-Forum cmc-passion.com Limitierung 7000 davon 200 Stück in numerierter Sonder-OVP 1:18 silver
M-080 Limited Edition 3000 / in assortment Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa Pontoon Fender Chassis 0732, 1958 race number 22 1:18 white
M-081 Limited Edition 5000 / in assortment Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa Pontoon Fender Chassis 0714 race number DM124 1:18 black
M-082 Limited Edition 4000 / in assortment Mercedes-Benz SSKL #8 Grand Prix Deutschland 1931 Rudolf Caracciola 1:18 white
M-083 not limited / in assortment Bugatti Atlantic Coupé Typ 57 SC, 1938 Chassis Nr. 57.591 R.B. Pope 1:18 blue
M-084 not limited / in assortment Ferrari race transporter, Typ Fiat 642 RN2 Bartoletti, 1957 1:18 red
M-085 not limited / in assortment Bugatti Atlantic Coupé Typ 57 SC, 1938 Chassis Nr. 57.591, Restauration Ralph Lauren 1:18 black
M-086 Limited Edition 2000 / no more in assortment Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa Pontoon Fender Chassis Nr. 0732, 1958 Rennversion Le Mans #22 1:18 white
M-087 Limited Edition 2000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz SSKL GP Deutschland, 1931 Jubiläumsmodell 15 Jahre CMC, incl. showcase auch mit Fehldruck auf Plakette 1:18 transparent
M-088 Limited Edition 4000 / in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé streetversion 1955 1:18 silver
M-089 Limited Edition 1500 / in assortment Auto Union Typ D, 1938/39 French GP 1939 #12 Siegerfahrzeug Hermann Paul Müller 1:18 silver
M-090 Limited Edition 1500 / in assortment Auto Union Typ D, 1938/39 GP Frankreich 1939 #14 Zweitplatzierter Georg “Schorsch” Meier 1:18 silver
M-091 not limited / in assortment Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder, 1961 1:18 red
M-092 Limited Edition 2500 / in assortment Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder, 1961 1:18 blue
M-093 Limited Edition 2500 / in assortment Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder, 1961 1:18 silver
M-094 Limited Edition 2500 / in assortment Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder, 1961 1:18 black
M-095 not limited / not yet in assortment Ferrari 312 P Spyder Sebring #25, 1969 Amonn / Andretti 1:18 —
M-096 not limited / not yet in assortment Ferrari 312 P Berlinetta, 1969 1:18 —
M-097 not limited / in assortment Maserati Transporter Fiat 642 RN2 Bartoletti, 1957 1:18 blue/yellow
M-098 Limited Edition 3000 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W154, GP Deutschland #16 Dick Seaman, 1938 1:18 silver
M-099 Limited Edition 1540 / no more in assortment Mercedes-Benz W154, French GP T-Car Dick Seaman, 1938 1:18 silver
M-100 B-002 Limited Edition 2000 / in assortment Bugatti Typ 35 Grand Prix Nation Colour Project England 1:18 green
M-100 B-003 Limited Edition 2000 / in assortment Bugatti Typ 35 Grand Prix Nation Colour Project Poland 1:18 white / red
M-100 B-016 Limited Edition 2000 / in assortment Bugatti Typ 35 Grand Prix Nation Colour Project Spain 1:18 red / yellow
M-101 Limited Edition 2000 / in assortment Maserati 250F, #32 Grand Prix Monaco Fangio, 1957 1:18 red
M-102 Limited Edition 2000 / in assortment Maserati 250F, #2 GP France Fangio, 1957 1:18 red
M-103 Limited Edition 2000 / in assortment Mercedes-Benz W25 Eifelrennen #20 Manfred v. Brauchitsch 1934 1:18 silver
M-104 Limited Edition 2000 / in assortment Mercedes-Benz W25 GP Monaco #4 Luigi Fagioli 1935 1:18 silver
M-105 not limited / in assortment Maserati 300S 1956 1:18 red
M-106 not limited / not yet in assortment Bugatti 57 SC Corsica Roadster 1938 1:18 black
M-107 not limited / not yet in assortment Alfa-Romeo 8C 2900 B Speciale Touring Coupé 1938 1:18 red
M-108 Limited Edition 3,000 / in assortment Maserati 300S #1 24H Le Mans, France 1958 1:18 red
M-109 Limited Edition 3,000 / not yet in assortment Maserati 300S, 1956 Rolling Chassis Wood plate incl. 1:18 —
M-110 not limited / in assortment Maserati 300S Engine, Showcase included 1:18 —
M-111 Limited Edition 3,000 / not yet in assortment Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Speciale #19 24H Le Mans, France 1938 1:18 —
M-112 not limited / not yet in assortment Bugatti 57SC Engine showcase included 1:18 —
M-113 Limited Edition 1,000 / not yet in assortment Mercedes-Benz W125 #1 Rudolf Caracciola GP Donington 1937 1:18 siver
M-114 Limited Edition 1,000 / in assortment Mercedes-Benz W125 #2 Hermann Lang GP Donington 1937 1:18 silver
M-115 Limited Edition 1,000 / not yet in assortment Mercedes-Benz W125 #3 Manfred von Brauchitsch GP Donington 1937 1:18 silver
M-116 Limited Edition 1,000 / not yet in assortment Mercedes-Benz W125 #4 Dick Seaman GP Donington 1937 1:18 silver
M-117 Limited Edition 2,000 / not yet in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR #658 Juan Manuel Fangio Mille Miglia 1955 1:18 silver
M-118 Limited Edition 2,000 / not yet in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR #701 Karl Kling Mille Miglia 1955 1:18 silver
M-119 Limited Edition 2,000 / not yet in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR #704 Hans Herrmann Mille Miglia 1955 1:18 silver
M-120 not limited / not yet in assortment Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Engine showcase included 1:18 —
M-121 not limited / not yet in assortment Ferrari 312P Engine showcase included 1:18 —
M-122 Limited Edition 2,000 / not yet in assortment Maserati Tipo 61 Birdcage Space Frame 1:18 —

Fangio in his Ferrari D50 and Turning, Just Pure Sexy!

By admin, October 14, 2013 10:19 am

I do hope Exoto will release Lancia Ferrari D50 in the future.


By admin, October 12, 2013 7:44 pm

話不多說,明白的自然明白,大家開始合作了,中東(Exoto)+俄國(Scale Figure),有錢一齊賺,何樂不為!

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