
By admin, November 30, 2013 6:11 pm

秋風起、食生蠔! Yummy!!!


By admin, November 29, 2013 1:14 pm




By admin, November 28, 2013 3:19 pm


可能是全球首發Autoart D-Type Lemans Winner!

By admin, November 22, 2013 10:01 pm




如果你認識我,你肯定會知道我經常把AA罵得体無完膚,但是這次它真的做得很棒,所以要贊一個!!! 很多細節E做到的,AA也做到了,這些小地方的用功程度真令我惊訝。



1/18 Autoart Jaguar D-Type LeMans 24 Hr Race 1955 Winner J.M.Hawthorn/I.L.Bueb #6


F1贊助商Marlboro (轉文)

By admin, November 20, 2013 6:18 pm


格蘭披治賽車多年來, 都極受煙草商歡迎, 藉著贊助此運動來推廣他們的品牌。而賽車活動能在全世界流行, 或多或少也是靠這些煙草贊助商長期的支持。由於這是煙草公司都願意付上巨額, 所以往往都能成為車隊的主題贊助商, 有權要求賽車的車身塗上配合該品牌的顏色, 使人留下深刻印象。當中最具代表性的,一定要數到萬寶路 (Marlboro)。

於70年代初期, 萬寶路 (Marlboro) 這香煙品牌已出現於F1賽車的車身上,更為他們所贊助的麥拿倫賽車換上紅白色的新裝, 使人一看便能識別所推廣的品牌。在70年代期間,麥拿倫車手費迪柏堤 (Emerson Fittipaldi) 和韓德 (James Hunt) 分別取得世界冠軍,為萬寶路打響聲勢。80年代起,除了贊助麥拿倫車隊外, 他們也有作金錢資助一些二三線的車隊或個別車手, 故此可在很多不同的賽車上看到他們的標誌。當然那時最成功的, 要數和麥拿倫車隊的合作, 該車隊最輝煌時期, 是在 1984 至 1991 期間, 由著名車手, 如羅達, 保魯斯和冼拿, 合共勝出七次世界冠軍, 盡收宣傳之效.  和麥拿倫車隊的合作, 一直至 1996 年底才結束, 可算是F1車壇中最長期的一個贊助關係。

除了麥拿倫車隊外,另一支受到萬寶路金額的一線車隊,就是意大利國寶法拉利車隊。法拉利創辦人 Enzo Ferrari 早年曾說過,自己的賽車只會貼上跟汽車有關的贊助標貼,他的賽車也不會吸煙,故此多番拒絕了萬寶路的贊助建議。只是隨著F1費用日漸高昂,單靠 FIAT 車廠和其他贊助金額已不足以應付開支,對抗其他車隊的攻勢,結果在84年起,法拉利F1賽車也開始出現萬寶路的貼紙,即使只是佔到細小的面積。於90年代中,萬寶路看到麥拿倫車隊成績開始低落, 便決定改變贊助計劃, 放棄麥拿倫車隊,97年起全力贊助當時剛羅致了舒密嘉的法拉利車隊。那時起,法拉利賽車也由原本的深紅色,變成萬寶路一向於賽車運動中採用的橙紅色,傳統的法利利車迷曾一度抗議。經過數年的耕耘,法拉利車隊於 2000 至 2004 年連續五年奪得世界冠軍的名銜.  萬寶路再成大贏家.

這些照片能顯出萬寶路逐步 (87, 94, 97) 加強佔領法拉利賽車 – 94年,萬寶路在車身改用更大的貼紙,尾翼改用上白底黑字的萬寶路標貼。97年起,萬寶路在法拉利賽車車頭也佔上更大的位置, 尾翼也轉為萬寶路的紅白色,而非法拉利的傳統全黑色尾翼。

萬寶路的賽車贊助計劃部高層 John Hogan,在80年代尾曾有以下的見解:“我們在選擇以那車手或車隊為我們的贊助目標,決定於多個因數,包括個人的觀察,相關機構的推薦,賽車車壇中人的推薦等等。基本上,車手或車隊不用聯絡我們,要求得到贊助,因為我們已經有長遠的計劃,已知道我們想贊助的是誰。所以車手們不用上門找我們,而是我們去聯絡我們的目標車手。我們的宣傳部常收到很多電話,來電者常說自己會成為世界冠軍車手,就是想我們贊助他。只是我們都會拒絕這些車手,因為我們已知道在未來三年的贊助計劃。我們熟悉賽車壇內的行情,有潛質的車手,我們早會收到線報。“

對於在87年駱駝香煙加入F1戰圈,John Hogan 有這樣的回應:“他們的出現,唯一的分別是令車隊所要求的贊助金額提高了。我認為他們仿傚我們的計劃,我們沒有必要對他們的出現而作出反應。我們已有一系列的計劃,也會作出定期的評估來作出相應的修改。在87年,他們的皇牌是本田引擎和冼拿,但在隨後一年,這兩個優勢都已歸納入萬寶路 (麥拿倫車隊) 旗下。若果有公司投訴F1的贊助金額太昂貴,這是他們沒有做足功課,F1根本就不是平宜的運動,就像法拉利跑車就應是昂貴品,不可能是平價的,在於你能負擔與否。我知道 Ron Dennis 並不同意我以下的睇法,但我認為F1的休戰期太長,實際兩個月已有足夠, 縮短休戰期之話,也等於車隊不能每年花錢研發全新賽車。另外,F1是不可能在美國成為受歡迎的運動項目,FIA 可以忘記這市場。我有一個瘋狂的想法,就是在 Indianapolis oval 賽車場舉辦F1賽事,但我知這是不可能的。”


萬寶路的賽車美女,是80/90年代賽車場的常客。萬寶路最喜歡跟一線車手的名字放在一起, 吸引車迷的注意。而萬寶路贊助的車手,往往能夠包辦頒獎台的三甲位置,盡收宣傳果效。



by 保魯斯


By admin, November 17, 2013 10:17 pm


Time to Clean Up Windows 7 Rubbishes

By admin, November 14, 2013 1:22 pm


6 months ago, I found my Windows 7 C:\ drive (50GB) is almost used up, using WinDirStat (another neat tool), I quickly found out C:\Windows\WinSXS and iPhone Backup took up 20% and 15% of the space respectively.

I’ve been searching for a simply solution to reduce these wasted space especially in C:\Windows\WinSXS without success. It has come to a point that I almost used up my entire C:\ today, my only option is to use Acronis Disk Director to expand C:\, but that involves some risks.

Luckily, I fount out Microsoft has released a nice updated Disk Cleanup tool just about two weeks ago that will solve all the problem at once.

So problem solved for now!

As for changing the default iTunes backup folder location, here is a good link.

OMG! This is So True!!!

By admin, November 14, 2013 11:23 am


Gigantic External Storage for Desktop

By admin, November 12, 2013 10:20 am


I couldn’t believe my 2TB LaCie Minimus (two of them, 2nd one is for backing up the 1st one) has been filled up so quickly in less than 2 years, probably due to all those 720P MKVs. :)

So I’ve decided to look around for something bigger in storage size. This time I was looking for at least 3TB to 4TB, and it turns out 4TB is the one to go for in terms of $ per 1TB, at least this is the case for LaCie Porsche Design P′9230 as it’s the same $ per 1TB for 3TB and 4TB.

Most importantly I wanted to have another Lacie because I can re-use the existing power supplies (ie, 3A plug) instead of adding two extra power supplies which I don’t have room for on the power bar.

Physical dimension is also important, as LaCie Minimus is currently the smallest external disk available and of course not not mention how cool it looks! The only draw back is LaCie Minimus only comes with 1 year warranty.

In fact, I’ve looked at other brands as well such as Seagate and Hitachi (Touro Pro, 7,200RPM), but the size is simply much larger than LaCie and they all look dull in terms of design and style.

Yes, I am well aware of the extra 20% premium I have to pay if I stick to LaCie, but consider all facts and limitations, plus I found out LaCie Porsche Design P′9230 comes with 2 years warranty, so the choice is very clear!

Somehow all LaCie disks are in fact Seagate, my Minimus 2TB is ST2000DL001 and Porsche Design P′9230 is ST4000DM000, both are 5,400 RPM.

People say the best is yet to come and yeah, the shop owner agreed to give me extra 2.5% off as I was buying two at the same time, so here we go, two gigantic 4TB disks sitting in front of my desktop and doing the data transfer now.

The only complain I have is why LaCie couldn’t make the Porsche Design P′9230 to be the same size as Minimus? It’s about 20% larger in dimension and it also uses plastic material with holes instead of metal in the bottom part (that’s why it’s hotter). I thought Seagate harddisk should be the same size, no matter if it’s 2TB or 4TB, or does the bigger brother requires more space to dissipate heat?

Of course, 400GB was wasted after format, leaving only 3.66TB usable, this somehow reminds me the same 3.66TB usable size in my Equallogic PS6000XV (600GB x 16). So think of having all the storage of a PS6000XV in a little LaCie Box, the idea is quite neat and funny.

Finally, there will be 6TB and 8TB to be released in 2014, well, reliability is always another issue of course. :)

關於Exoto抄襲模具的江湖傳聞 (如有雷同,純屬巧合)

By admin, November 11, 2013 9:07 pm

近年在網上看到不少關於Exoto的傳聞,其中一個比較震撼,說Exoto所有的1比18 F1其實都是抄自早年田宮 1比12的模具。


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It is not a rumour but hard fact.

Tamiya models are the best in those old days so many other model manufacturers copied their molds one way or another.

There is nothing Tamiya can do because as long as the real cars existed, they can’t blame Exoto being a copy from their plastic model.

In those days, nearly all 1/12 F1 racing cars and the Porsche and Lola racing cars from Tamiya are copied by Exoto in 1/18 scale. They didn’t copy the Wolf WR1, Honda F1 and Brabham BT44 though.

They has saved a huge amount of money in R&D as well as mold making.

Later they also copied the Ferrari 312 variants from 1/12 Protar F1’s such as the 312T2.

They did have a few original molding though. The best racing classics from them are the Shelby Cobra GT series and the Ford GT40MkII series but I think they copied the GT40 MKIV from someone else, probably AMT( can’t remember well).

BTW, if I remember correctly, I don’t think those early days Tamiya F1 models have exclusive licence either.

They sort of got the good cooperation of the manufacturers or car museums to measure and take photos of the real car then research the details by available books and plans. I think exclusive licencing was started by Ferrari and that is why Tamiya stopped producing the big scale F1 models as well as other racing cars probably they find it difficult to accept this new culture.

It was after quite a long period of emptiness that Tamiya began to produce the F1 cars in 1/20 scale again.

In the old days, there is no such exclusive licensing requirement for producing the models. We have lots of excellent model cars by various models manufacturers such as AMT, Monogram, Linberg, Revell, Airfix, then later joined by many other Japanese model manufacturers.
I personally don’t like this licensing fuss as it adds cost directly to we collectors.

以下是網上找到的田宮 1比12的F1模具:

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