
By admin, July 30, 2012 6:13 pm


味道太鹹而且沒有酒香的味道,青衣柳也比較老, 看來各種材料的對比和火候應該出問題了,唯一滿意的是賣相還可以,哈哈。。。




By admin, July 30, 2012 5:40 pm








Dell spills its hot cache Fluid, hopes to beat off rivals (by theregister)

By admin, July 30, 2012 9:22 am

Dell recently lifted the lid on its “Hermes” project, named for the speedy chap from Greek mythology, at the Dell Storage Forum. The product, which Dell hopes will smack down EMC’s VFCache, will carry writes between flash caches in a Dell cluster to make sure they all carry the same data. That’s a big deal, so project “Hermes” has to be quick.

Caching is pretty straightforward; you put hot data from a slow storage medium in a small chunk of faster, and more expensive, storage in front of it. This procedure means that accesses to the cached data are faster than to data in the slow storage. We have flash caches in front of disk drive arrays or in in array controllers to perform this function. They cache data to be read from the array and data to be written to the array.

Currently there’s lots of activity putting PCIe flash caches in servers, such as EMC’s VFCache and Fusion-io’s ioDrive products, to accelerate applications by avoiding enforced waits for data to be fetched from slow disk drive arrays. When the servers have multiple nodes there is a caching problem with data writes. When one server writes data into its cache, such as an updated price for an XYZ dongle, that data is only in its cache. If an application in another server then looks up the price of an XYZ dongle, it gets a different price.

Typically this prevents write caching being implemented across multiple nodes, because the different caches don’t necessarily hold the same data; they are not coherent. Cache coherency problems generally prevent distributed write caches across a server cluster or a group of server blades in a single chassis.

Fast disk arrays with a very high speed controller inter-connect, like the VMAX’s virtual matrix, can solve that problem. But for ordinary x86 server nodes in a cluster it’s impractical, which is where Dell’s Hermes sprints into view. Carter George, Dell’s exec director for storage strategy, spoke about it in a keynote at Dell’s Storage Forum in Boston last week.

He said that a coherent distributed cache needs software technology to detect a write being made to one cache node and replicate it quickly to the other nodes (ie, so there will be a single XYZ dongle price across the cache).

In effect, a single virtual cache is formed from the individual ones. Dell acquired its virtual cache technology by buying RNA Networks [1] in June last year. Its Memory Virtualisation Acceleration (MVX) technology can pool server DRAM or flash into single virtual pools – with Ethernet or InfiniBand carrying the linking messages to ensure coherency across the physical instances of DRAM or flash.

Naturally Dell is calling this Fluid Cache, the “Fluid” tag being applied to most storage concepts on Dell these days, and says it will move its tier 1 storage from its arrays, the Compellent and maybe EqualLogic ones, and put it into the servers. Existing Compellent storage tiering software will be developed to place hot data into the Hermes physical caches for fast read access, and the RNA technology will be used to spread one server nodes’s fresh write data in its physical cache across the separate flash stores to provide a single version of the truth.

These caches will physically be PCIe flash cards. In this scheme there is no shared flash box sitting between the servers and the array, as is the case with EMC’s Project Thunder [2] and XtremIO technology. Dell would say that a networked flash box would not be as fast as a coherent server flash cache scheme because it still slows data access through network latency. This will provide Dell with a response to competition from networked all-flash arrays like those from Nimbus, Pure Storage and Violin Memory.

Dell could also use its RNA technology to aggregate a clustered server’s DRAM into a single virtual pool and so enable apps running in that cluster to use an in-memory database [3].

Going further, “Hermes” could then sprint between clustered X86 controllers in a storage array and give them either a coherent virtual memory pool or a coherent virtual flash pool, or both, and enable them to handle vastly more I/O traffic, meaning support more servers and more applications.

Dell’s RNA technology can support more than 100 server nodes in a cluster. The Hermes coherent distributed cache scheme has a first quarter 2013 target introduction date and should speed up applications significantly – especially those with a lot of write I/O which would not be so accelerated by read-only caching schemes such as VFCache. ®

90年代經典的M. Benz SL系列

By admin, July 29, 2012 5:00 pm


好奇心所致,我兜到車尾一看,原來是台1992-93年生產的300SL-24(R129 )。其實車主就是那個之前4月中買了那台棗紅色奔馳300SE (W126)的鄰居,似乎300SE已經轉手,之後買了這台SL跑車過過癮(二手車大概也就10來個CMC的價錢),看來他還真對八九十年代的奔馳情有獨鍾。


幾乎可以和Exoto/CMC爭艷斗麗的BBR 法拉利375 Plus

By admin, July 28, 2012 1:30 pm

上星期才從那個意大利的法拉利車主那邊買到的這台合理價格的BBR 375 Plus街車版,

又一次的驚嘆,這個車的做工幾乎可以和Exoto/CMC抗衡了,法拉利375 Plus美麗的

1/18 BBR Ferrari 375 Plus Street Version (HE180002)

巧遇1比1的Lamborghini Aventador LP700!

By admin, July 27, 2012 8:17 am

昨天在一間酒店的停車場巧遇最新大牛,而且還是台白色的! 尾巴簡直帥呆了!



紀念Carroll Shelby: AC Cobra 眼鏡蛇傳奇 (轉文)

By admin, July 25, 2012 9:55 am



AC眼镜蛇(AC Cobra),在北美俗称谢尔比眼镜蛇(Shelby Cobra),是20世纪60年代生产的英美跑车。


和许多英国专业制造商一样,AC公司在包括AC Ace双座敞篷跑车等小批量生产的汽车中使用了布里斯托尔直排6缸引擎(Bristol straight-6)。这种车拥有一个钢管框架手工打造的车架以及铝质车身。车载引擎在20世纪60年代被认为是由宝马公司在第二次世界大战之前所设计 的。所以布里斯托尔决定在1961年停止生产这款发动机,转而使用克莱斯勒331立方英寸(5.4升)V8引擎。虽然真相是否如此不得而知,但是AC公司 没有一个能面向未来的动力,而美国前赛车手卡罗尔•谢尔比(Carroll Shelby)将AC公司从破产的边缘挽救了回来则是一个被普遍认同的事实。

后来,AC开始在它的汽车中使用福特Zephyr引擎。1961年9月,谢尔比通过航空信件给AC邮寄了一封信,信中谢尔比请求AC为他制造一辆汽车,并 改装使之能装下一台V8引擎。AC同意了这个请求。谢尔比首先与雪佛兰沟通,试图在不让克尔维特参与竞争的情况下让雪佛兰为他提供引擎,雪佛兰拒绝了这个 请求。同时福特却希望他们能有一辆与克尔维特竞争的车,并且他们正好有一个全新的薄壁小缸体(thin-wall small-block)引擎可以使用在这项工作中。这款引擎是福特260立方英寸(4.2升)HiPo——一款新的轻量级、薄铸壁小缸体V8高性能引 擎。福特提供给谢尔比两台这样的引擎。1962年1月在泰晤士迪顿(Thames Ditton),AC的机械师把一台260立方英寸的福特V8引擎装入了编号为CSX0001的原型底盘中。1962年2月2日,经过测试和改装,拆除了 发动机和变速器后的底盘被空运到了洛杉矶的谢尔比那里。在不到8小时的时间内,谢尔比和他的团队在位于加利福尼亚州圣塔菲泉的迪恩•穆恩(Dean Moon)商店为这个底盘装备了引擎和变速器,并开始了道路测试。


AC的编号系统如下:Ace底盘编号为“AEX…”。“A”指的是车的系列,“X”指的是出口国外并且为左舵的车。后来装载了进口的布里斯托尔引擎的底盘 编号变为“BEX…”。在更换福特2.6升引擎后,Ace底盘编码变为“RS…”意思是拉德速度(Rudd Speed)。做为纪念肯•拉德在发动机选择方面的影响力。第一批眼镜蛇底盘是左舵的,并且按字母顺序下一个字母为C。因此对于所有出口的眼镜蛇,编号变 为“CSX2…”,反之则前缀为“CS2…”。随后的4个数字从2000开始。从MK III 型眼镜蛇制造开始,识别码变成CSX3000(做为左舵出口)。另外还有别的类型的编号如“COB…”和“COX…”。

由于AC已经为小缸体V8引擎做出大部分修改,包括AC Ace大量的前端部分的返工,当安装了2.6升福特Zephyr引擎后,车辆的生产变得非常容易。其中最重要的改装是拟合一个更强大的后差速器来处理提升 后的发动机功率。于是一个用于减少非悬挂重量的,拥有内侧盘式制动器的索利兹伯里(Salisbury)4HU设备被用来替代老的ENV设备。同样的设备 还使用在捷豹E型车上。在量产车的版本中,内侧制动器被移到了外侧以降低成本。第一批从AC Ace 2.6改装过来的眼镜蛇前端唯一的修改就是转向箱,它被向外侧移动从而为V8引擎留出空隙。

第一批75辆眼镜蛇Mark I型(包括原型车)装配了260立方英寸(4.3升)引擎,其余的51辆Mark I型则装配了体积更大的温莎福特(Windsor Ford)289立方英寸(4.7升)V8引擎。在1962年底,AC首席工程师阿兰•特纳(Alan Turner)完成了一个主要的设计,他改变了车的前端使之可以适应齿轮齿条转向,同时仍然使用横向钢板弹簧悬架。新车在1963年初进入生产,并指定为 Mark II型。转向齿条借鉴了MGB的设计,而新的转向柱来自于大众甲壳虫。截至1965年夏,大约有528辆Mark II型眼镜蛇被生产出来(最后一批输往美国的Mark II型生产于1964年11月)。

从领先的289(325)以及更大一些的427(390)直到“Cammer”,427最终被选定,谢尔比在最后一刻被告知,可以使用铸铁的427立方英 寸(7.0升)的引擎。但对于完整的开发一辆竞赛车辆来说,时间十分有限。螺旋弹簧(coil spring)减震器的眼镜蛇生产很缓慢,数量不足以得到国际汽联的认同。因此可以量产并用于道路比赛的S/C(街道 / 竞赛)类型的眼镜蛇被制造出来。

谢尔比曾早在1964年时,往CSX2196底盘上装配了一个更大的390立方英寸的(6.4升)福特FE引擎。不幸的是,当时的车辆并不能匹配这样的改 装。改装所需配合的其他部分的设计,都旨在GT级别的比赛中从法拉利手中夺冠。肯•迈尔斯(Ken Miles)在西布林(Sebring)驾驶着FE引擎的Mark II型赛车比赛,声称这辆车几乎不能驾驶,并给它起了个名字“大粪(The Turd)”。由于减震器以及引擎故障,这辆车未能完成比赛。于是就需要开发和设计一种新型底盘,这就是Mark III型。CSX2196底盘被改进并参加了位于拿索(Nassau)的对于赛车级别要求更为宽泛的比赛。在那里,GT级的眼镜蛇可以和福特GT的原型 车、通用GS级克尔维特以及Lola Mk6一起比赛。但是比赛最终还是失败了。

新车的设计是在底特律(Detroit)与福特合作完成的。新底盘使用了4英寸(102毫米)主底盘框架(从3英寸(76毫米)升级而来)以及全车螺旋弹 簧悬架。新车有更宽阔的挡泥板,还有一个更大的散热器开口。它的动力来自福特“Side Oiler”427(7.0升)引擎,在标准模式下输出功率425匹马力(317千瓦),最高时速164迈(262公里/小时);在竞赛模式下输出功率 485匹马力(362千瓦),最高时速185迈(298公里/小时)。眼镜蛇Mark III型两台原型车于1964年10月被送往美国,并于1965年1月1日开始投入生产。虽然这是一款让人印象深刻的汽车,但车的销售和财务状况并不好。 事实上,为了节约成本,大多数的AC 眼镜蛇 427实际上被装配了福特428(7.01升)引擎,这是一款长冲程、小缸膛、低成本引擎,更适合道路使用而不是比赛。在1965至1966年间,大概有 总数为300辆的Mark III型被送往位于美国的谢尔比,这其中也包括赛车版本。27辆小缸体窄挡泥板款,简称AC 289的眼镜蛇被销往欧洲。不幸的是,Mark III型错过了1965年赛季Homologation的认证,并且没有由谢尔比车队参加比赛。不过,在很多非公开赛中,Mark III型赢得了大量成功,并一路跑到了20世纪70年代。其余31个未售出的样车被收回并重新调整,装配了用于街道使用的风挡。并被叫做S/C,意为:半 竞赛车。原版的样车目前售价为150万美元,使其成为最有价值的眼镜蛇的变种之一。

谢尔比希望AC 眼镜蛇成为“克尔维特打击者(Corvette-Beater)”并且重量接近比雪佛兰克尔维特轻的500磅(227公斤),轻量级的车就是这样做的。 1963年2月2日在Riverside International Raceway,赛车手戴夫•麦克唐纳(Dave MacDonald)击败了克尔维特、捷豹、保时捷以及玛莎拉蒂,为眼镜蛇带来了第一次胜利。随后,谢尔比提供了一个拖车包,称之为“龙蛇 (Dragonsnake)”。Dragonsnake底盘编号为CSX2093,由赛车手布鲁斯•拉森(Bruce Larson)和埃德•赫德里克(Ed Hedrick)驾驶,并赢得了多场NHRA比赛。

1964年眼镜蛇跑车在M1 motorway赛道上所记录下的时速为186迈(299公里/小时),这个记录是在当年的勒芒24小时赛前,由杰克•西尔斯(Jack Sears)和彼得•博尔顿(Peter Bolton)在做稳定性测试期间测得的。

AC眼镜蛇在经济上的失败,导致福特和卡罗尔•谢尔比在1967年停止进口来自英国的汽车。AC汽车公司则持续生产带有螺旋弹簧减震器的、窄挡泥板、小缸 体福特289引擎的AC跑车,并命名为AC 289。汽车的制造和在欧洲的销售一直持续到1969年底。AC也一直在制造AC 428直到1973年。随着428的消亡和3000ME的成功,AC在1984年关闭大门并且把AC的名字卖给了一家苏格兰公司。这是一家模具公司,从 Autokraft授权获得最终名称使用权,Autokraft的所有者为布赖恩•A•安得利(Brian A. Angliss),是眼镜蛇的销售商和复制车制造商。


Autokraft从1982年开始制造AC 289的后续车Autokraft Mk IV,它基本上就是Mk III,并且装配一台302立方英寸(4.95升)的福特V8引擎和博格•华纳(Borg Warner)T5变速器。Mk IV依然使用独立悬架。此后不久,卡罗尔•谢尔比向美国洛杉矶地方法院起诉了AC汽车和布赖恩•A•安得利(Brian A. Angliss)。谢尔比和AC汽车以及安得利随即发表了一份联合声明。据此,AC/安得利承认卡罗尔•谢尔比是20世纪60年代AC眼镜蛇在美国的制造 商和记录所有者,谢尔比自己可以称他的车为眼镜蛇。尽管如此,Mk IV型车一直在生产,从1987年开始,做为与福特合资,AC Mk IV拥有了转速在4,200转时,250匹马力(186千瓦),4,942cc的福特V8引擎。该引擎能提供最高速度134迈(215公里/小时),从 0~100空里/小时只需5.2秒。1990年轻重量级版本在日内瓦发布,由于使用了合金轴头、霍利四腔化油器、没有催化转换器,整车重量下降到 1,070公斤(2,400磅)(之前是1,190公斤,2,600磅),动力上升到转速5,750转时370匹马力(276千瓦)。虽然轻量级车不符合 美国联邦法规,但是Mk IV却符合这些法规,所有版本的480在1996年前一直在制造。


布赖恩•安得利在1996年离开了AC汽车公司,随后公司在新的管理体系下进行了重组。两款新的“眼镜蛇”风格的车型于1997发布,其中一款是 “Superblower”,它拥有铝质车身,4,942cc福特V8增压发动机,可提供320匹马力。另一款则是更为便宜的“Carbon Road Series”(CRS)车型,这款车拥有碳纤维车身以及一款225匹马力福特V8引擎。22辆Superblower和37辆CRS在1997年至 2001年间被生产出来。

进一步的一个演变车型,是拥有3,506cc、350匹马力双涡轮增压莲花V8引擎的“212 S/C”,在2000年推出,但仅生产了两辆样车。

2006年,AC关闭了它在英国的工厂并转移到了马耳他。然而,直到马耳他工厂关闭,只有3辆340匹马力5升福特V8引擎的右舵碳纤维AC Mk V型被生产出来。从2009年开始,AC授权德国的Gullwing GmbH公司生产AC Mk VI型车,它拥有镀铝复合车身,动力为一台6.2升440匹马力LS3型雪佛兰引擎,或者550马力supercharged引擎。在英国,AC的遗产基 本保留在了布鲁克兰(Brooklands),一个AC授权的继续生产传统289和427的AC汽车工厂。


从20世纪80年代后期起卡罗尔•谢尔比(谢尔比汽车公司)及附属公司开始制造被称为“延续车”的车型。谢尔比授权原AC车身生产厂继续生产谢尔比眼镜蛇 系列。这些车在内华的州的拉斯维加斯生产,保留了原来的20世纪60年代的风格和外观,但配备有现代化的设施。最初,每个人想要的延续车是代表了 CSX4000系列的427 S/C型。这就意味着,在20世纪60年代大约是CSX3560系列最后一批427 S/C车型被延续下来。

最初的CSX4000是用一些据称是20世纪60年代底盘上遗留下来玩好的零部件组装而成的。鉴于这部车的价值,多年来已经出现许多“额外”的同型号车, 甚至有些车共享同一底盘号码。老式的零部件供应已逐步减少,新型的框架和车身分别从不同的供应商那里获得。底盘编号从CSX4001到CSX4999的车 辆生产大约持续了20年。

目前所有型号的眼镜蛇车型都在延续生产。2009年,CSX4999被生产出来,完成了4000系列。CSX6000系列的生产继续开展,其特色是“超越 螺旋(coil over)”悬架。国际汽联认定的289“板型弹簧”赛车版本的车被做为CSX7000系列重新生产,原始的“slab side”板型弹簧街车则为CSX8000系列。


2004年,在底特律的北美国际汽车展上,福特推出了一个现代化的谢尔比眼镜蛇概念车。福特谢尔比眼镜蛇概念车(Ford Shelby Cobra Concept)是福特在20世纪60年代成功的复古跑车的延续,包括福特GT40和第五代福特野马。



谢尔比汽车公司仅仅生产了23辆427竞赛跑车。在1966年,其中一辆眼镜蛇被选出并被改装成了一个特殊的型号,被称为427(CSX3015)“眼镜 蛇终结所有的眼镜蛇(Cobra to End All Cobras)”。改装使用的是合法的原始街车比赛版,改装包含消声器、风挡、保险杠和其他部分。有些部分则不能改装,包括赛车的尾部、刹车和排气歧管。 最显著的改装是增加了双帕克斯顿(Paxton)增压器。谢尔比精心设计并往两台427上安装了TPS(双帕克斯顿增压器Twin Paxton Superchargers)。他送给比尔•科斯比(Bill Cosby)一辆而自己保留了一辆CSX3015。谢尔比最终将一辆竞赛跑车改装成了合法的街车,包括风挡、消声器等,并把它命名为427 S/C(半竞争车)。

另一辆非竞赛427跑车,CSX3303,被改装并送给了谢尔比最好的朋友,艺人比尔•科斯比(Bill Crosby)。科斯比试图驾驶超级快的眼镜蛇,但是操控出现了问题。科斯比随后将这辆车还给了谢尔比,谢尔比把这辆车运到了位于旧金山范•尼斯大道的 S&C福特经销商那里。经销商随后把这辆车卖给了顾客托尼•马克塞(Tony Maxey)。马克塞遭遇了与科斯比同样的问题,车失去了控制并掉下悬崖坠落在太平洋海域。

谢尔比的原始型号,CSX3015,一直被卡罗尔•谢尔比本人做为私人车辆保留多年,有时他会驾驶着它参加一些比如Turismos Visitadores Cannonball-Run等在内华达州本地的一些比赛。CSX3015于2007年1月22日在亚利桑那州的斯科茨代尔(Scottsdale)举办 的巴雷特—杰克逊汽车收藏家活动(Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Event)中以包含佣金500万美金(280万英镑)的价格被拍卖。


By admin, July 23, 2012 6:17 pm

今年5月才剛走了一位Carroll Shelby,原來7月6號,Pininfarina大師也仙游了, Ferrari Dino, 288 GTO, F40, Enzo…這些偉大的設計全部都是他公司的創意!



Ferrari designer Sergio Pininfarina, who led one of the world’s best-known auto design and coachbuilding firms, has died at 85.


The Italian company said Pininfarina died overnight Tuesday at his home in Turin, according to an Associated Press report. No cause of death was given.

The company, founded in 1930 byy has Pinifarina’s father, designed cars for Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Maserati, Cadillac and Volvo, among many others. But it is most closely associated with Ferrari, designing nearly all of its models since the 1950s.

Ferrari issued a statement, calling Pininfarina “An exceptional person.”

Ferrari’s Luca di Montezemolo said “Sergio was one of the most important advocates of ‘Made in Italy’ all over the world, a man, who gave Italy credibility and splendor.”

Maserati, which like Ferrari is owned by Fiat, also issued a statement from its CEO:

“With the passing of Sergio Pininfarina, Italy loses one of her most prestigious ambassadors in the world while, at the same time, Maserati loses a great friend,” says Harald Wester, CEO of Maserati. “Always an enthusiast of Maserati for which his father Pinin had designed automobile models as far back as the 1940s and 1950s, Sergio was the force behind the return of the Pininfarina design on contemporary Maseratis when, in 2003, he designed the current Quattroporte.”

Hit hard by the auto industry recession, the company stopped making car bodies in 2010 to focus on its design and engineering businesses.

Pininfarina is survived by his wife and two children.

Adds Wester: “Sergio contributed to the birth of two other icons of the Italian car style: the Maserati GranTurismo and the GranTurismo Convertible. His place in the automotive history is assured and huge – as is the place he has within the culture of Italy. We will miss him very much.”
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina Designs

The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsThis morning’s news of the untimely passing of Andrea Pininfarina cast a pall over the future of the company. What a perfectly fitting moment to assemble a list of the ten most iconic Pininfarina designs. Over the last 50 years the company has penned some of the most significant models of their respective decades and, whether loved or disliked, they’ve all been memorable. Any list of Pininfarina designs limited to ten will more than likely fall short of expectations, so feel free to drop your favorite designs in the comments below if we missed one.

10. 1960 Peugeot 404
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina Designs Though still a French car, the 404 captures the long lines and angular style that has defined Pininfarina design since the company’s beginnings. Similar to the smaller Peugeot 403, also designed by Pininfarina, it would come to define what a Peugeot was for nearly two decades (and four decades in Nigeria). More than 2.75 million 404s were produced, which may be why the car is such a frequent PCH inclusion. Photo Credit: Coffee-n-Cake

9. 1987 Alfa Romeo 164
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsFrom the 8C Competizone to the Brera, it is impossible to look at a modern Alfa Romeo and not see a bit of the Alfa Romeo 164. The sedan’s crisp lines, the attention to aerodynamics and, particularly, the elongated nose are all traits mutually associated with the 164, Alfa Romeos and the Italian design house. This car also has the distinction of being the last Alfa sedan to be sold in the US, a fact we hope is temporary. Photo Credit: Flickr

8. 1968 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 (Daytona)
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsSpeaking of long noses, the 1968 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 is all hood, and we don’t mean like Jay Z. Better known as the Ferrari Daytona, it’s a design so unique and wonderful that it’ll make you forget this was the car Brock Yates and Dan Gurney Cannonballed in. Those wicked eyelash turn signals will erase the thought of four-cam, V12 power. The sleek, front-engined profile forces you to ask “Crocket and Tubbs, who?” Photo Credit: Flickr

7. 1987 Cadillac Allante
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsWe qualified this list with “iconic” solely to include the Cadillac Allante. The car itself was a ridiculous proposition: an American-assmebled, Italian-designed FWD V8-powered luxury roadster listing at $57,000. It’s major saving grace was its Pininfarina design — and that didn’t really get it all that far. Neither Chrysler nor Lincoln offered anything in the same league, putting the Allante on the level of the Mercedes-Benz 300SL and Jaguar XJS. Photo Credit: Flickr

6. 2006 Ferrari P4/5
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsThere’s something obscenely wonderful about buying a rare Italian supercar and having it rebodied, which is essentially what the Ferrari P4/5 is. James Glickenhaus is one of the few people who’d ever consider such a bold project, and Pininfarina is one of the few companies able to successfully compete it. Tnspired by the 330 P4 Ferraris of the 1960s, the swooping curves and uninterrupted greenhouse are an inspired nod to an entire era of the automobile. Photo Credit: Supercars

5. 2008 Maserati GranTurismo
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsWe’ve yet to pass up an opportunity to talk about the Maserati Granturismo, a car so beautiful that nuns have been known to weep in its presence. From the athletic shoulders to the angled headlights, the Maserati captures all of the characteristics of a Pininfarina GT while still creating new forms and freer profile that will likely come to dominate the company’s designs for the near future. Photo Credit: Flickr

4. 1987 Ferrari F40
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsThe jewel of Pininfarina’s designs for Ferarri in the 1980s, the Ferrari F40 was the fastest street legal production car for two years thanks in part to its lightweight and aerodynamic design. This is the Ferrari that graced the walls of teenage boys’ room’s from Taipei to Tuscon (right next to the Elle Macpherson poster). More than 20 years later the car still looks modern and the elongated greenhouse set back from a slanting hood has inspired mid-engined supercars ever since. Photo Credit: Flickr

3. 2003 Ferrari Enzo
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsA classic before anyone was even allowed to buy one, the Ferrari Enzo is the closest anyone is likely to come to capturing the essence of a Formula One racer in a streetable production car. As with the Ferrari F40, the designers at Pininfarina essentially created a new style in order to meet Ferrari’s demands for supercar dominance. In profile, the Enzo looks more like a fighter plane than a car, it’s cockpit pushed forward past the massively powerful V12. The large round rear window ensconced between two thick plates aft of the C-pillar and the F1-inspired nose defy comparisons to other vehicles. Now if people can stop ramming them into walls, we won’t have to keep trying to get Gawker to re-print the t-shirts. Photo Credit: Flickr

2. 1966 Alfa Romeo Spider
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsPopular before it hit the silver screen in the film “The Graduate,” the Alfa Romeo Spider was the most attainable and familiar representation of top-down Italian cruising for more than a generation. The Spider became the most recognizable and famous Alfa in history, the line that starts with the long curved hood is carried along the belt line and terminates what feels like a mile later. Pinifarina was involved in the design and production of the first three generations of the car, which debuted in 1966 and continued the same essential design until the early 1990s. Why mess with success? Photo Credit: Flickr

1. 1984 Ferrari Testarossa
The Ten Most Iconic Pininfarina DesignsThe red-headed, wild-eyed Ferrari Testarossa is arguably the most famous car of the 1980s, representing wealth, performance and excess. You couldn’t operate a car magazine in the decade without running a picture of the iconic sports car at least once a year. Though the design carried the long hood and sleek lights from the Daytona, the combed air-intakes running along the car’s flanks were like nothing else anyone had seen. The car’s wide back end was also a refutation of the smaller, puckered rears of most sports cars. There’s a reason why boys on Miami vice traded up to the Testarossa from the Daytona

Notable car designs

1933 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300
1936 Lancia Aprilia
1938 Lancia Astura
1948 Cisitalia 202
1952 Ferrari 250
1952 Nash Ambassador[3]
1952 Nash-Healey[4]
1953 Four Berlinetta and one Spyder version of the Maserati A6GCS/53
1955 Ferrari 410 Superamerica
1955 Peugeot 403
1956 Austin A40 Farina
1957 Lancia Flaminia
1958 BMC Farina cars – Austin A55 Cambridge Mk II, MG Magnette Mk III, Morris Oxford V, Riley 4/68, Wolseley 15/60
1959 Fiat 1800/2100
1960 Ferrari 250 GTE
1960 Peugeot 404
1961 Fiat 2300
1961 Cadillac “Jacqueline” Brougham Coupé (named after Jacqueline Kennedy)[5]
1962 BMC ADO16
1963 Chevrolet Corvair Super Spyder Coupé (2 built)[6]
1963 Chevrolet Corvette Rondine Coupé[7]
1963 Datsun Bluebird 410
1963 Mercedes-Benz 230SL concept car (”Pininfarina Coupé”)
1964 Ferrari 275
1965 Ferrari Dino 206
1965 MGB GT
1965 Nissan Cedric 130
1966 Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto
1966 Ferrari 330 GTC
1966 Fiat 124 Sport Spider
1966 Fiat Dino Spider
1966 IKA-Renault Torino
1967 Proposal for replacement for BMC 1100 (ADO16)
1967 Proposal for replacement for BMC 1800 (ADO17)
1968 Ferrari Daytona
1968 Peugeot 504 Cabriolet and Coupe
1969 Peugeot 304 Cabriolet and Coupe
1971 Fiat 130 Coupe
1971 Ferrari 365 GTC/4
1973 Ferrari 365 GT4 BB
1975 Ferrari 308
1975 Lancia Montecarlo
1975 Rolls-Royce Camargue
1976 Peugeot Peugette concept car[8]
1978 Jaguar XJ6
1980 Ferrari Pinin
1984 Ferrari Testarossa
1984 Ferrari 288 GTO
1984 Honda HP-X concept car[9]
1985 Ferrari 328
1985 Peugeot 205 Cabriolet and Saloon (4 doors) based on Gerard Welter’s initial design of the 205 (1983)
1987 Alfa Romeo 164
1987 Cadillac Allanté
1987 Ferrari F40
1987 Peugeot 405
1989 Ferrari 348
1989 Ferrari Mythos
1992 Jaguar XJ220—rebodied an unknown number of cars
1992 Ferrari 456 GT
1993 Fiat Coupé – Interior only
1993 Peugeot 306
1994 Ferrari F355
1994 Peugeot 306 Cabriolet
1995 Alfa Romeo GTV & Spider
1995 Ferrari F355 Spider
1995 MG F – Roof Structure only
1996 Ferrari 550 Maranello
1996 Lancia Kappa SW
1997 Peugeot 406 Coupé
1999 Mitsubishi Pajero
1999 Songhuajiang Hafei Zhongyi
2000 Daewoo Tacuma
2000 Ferrari 360 Spider
2000 Ferrari 550 Barchetta
2001 Citroën Osée
2001 Hyundai Matrix
2002 Daewoo Nubira/Lacetti saloon and station wagon
2002 Enzo Ferrari
2002 Ferrari 575M Maranello
2002 Hafei Lobo
2003 Maserati Quattroporte
2003 Ford Street Ka
2004 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti
2004 Ferrari F430
2005 Hyundai Matrix
2005 Maserati Birdcage 75th
2005 Peugeot 1007
2006 Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano
2006 Ferrari P4/5 by Pininfarina
2006 Mitsubishi Colt CZC
2006 Volvo C70
2007 Brilliance BS4
2007 Ford Focus CC by Pininfarina
2008 Maserati GranTurismo
2008 Pininfarina B0 electric car
2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé Hyperion concept car
2009 Tata Pr1ma concept car
2009 Ferrari 458 Italia
2010 Alfa Romeo 2uettottanta concept car
2010 Lancia Stratos for Michael Stoschek[10]
2011 Ferrari FF
2012 Ferrari F12 Berlinetta


By admin, July 23, 2012 8:57 am





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By admin, July 22, 2012 6:11 pm

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