
By admin, January 31, 2014 5:12 pm

今天找到了一個專門販賣F1紀念物品的發燒友網站,尤其以車神Ayrton Senna的物品最為繁多,收藏物品幾乎包羅萬有,想不到世上還有如此對F1痴迷的收藏家。

感覺跟之前見過位於加拿大多倫多的那個Collector Studio差不多,這個更加個人化一些,一看就知道是個”F1狂迷”自己開的網店。



By admin, January 31, 2014 1:54 pm


67 Chevy Impala from Movie Supernatural by Green Light

By admin, January 31, 2014 1:30 pm



Make: Chevrolet
Model: Impala
Built Date: April 24th
Year: 1967
Engine: V8 327 4 Barrel
Horsepower: 275bhp
Transmission: 3-spd Auto
Body: Sedan
License Plate: (C-45P4 1973, BQN 9R3 1997, KAZ 2Y5 2005, RMD 5H2 2006, CNK 80Q3 2007-Present)
Seat: 5 mainly 6
Wheels: Cargar 330 Super Sports
Tires: BFGoodrich Radials
Owner: Dean Winchester

Dean’s trademark black 1967 Chevrolet Impala was passed down to him by his father. It bears a Sedgwick County, Kansas license (though their hometown of Lawrence, Kansas is actually in Douglas County) plate KAZ 2Y5, a reference to Kansas, the Winchesters’ home state, and 2005, the year the show premiered. Starting in the episode 2.20 “What Is and What Should Never Be”, the car sports a new Ohio license plate (CNK 80Q3) to aid in the brothers’ hiding from the FBI.

In an interview at a convention, Ackles said the main Impala they use has a 427 and skid plates.

The car has been prominently featured on the series, beginning with the teaser of the pilot which shows John Winchester holding his two sons as he sits on the car and watches his house burn. The car is Dean’s most prized possession, and he protects it with nearly the same ferocity with which he protects his family.

In the pilot episode, the trunk is revealed to hold various weaponry to fight the supernatural. On a closer look, the trunk contains at least three machetes, what appear to be Marine Corps Ka-bar knives, an arrow, a spearhead, two silver spikes, several throwing stars with engravings on them, a revolver-type grenade launcher (loaded with police 37mm grenades), two flare guns, two tazers, two double-barrel sawed-off shotguns (another shotgun with long barrels was taken in Hook Man), a pistol grip pump-action shotgun (which is used to prop the trunk open), and a Heckler & Koch G3A3ZF sniper rifle. There are also several pistols including: a silver Desert Eagle, silver Colt 1911 with engravings, a silver Beretta 92FS (and the matte black Beretta 92FS as well), a matte black Colt M1911, and a Smith and Wesson M645.

The car is moderately damaged at the end of the pilot episode and nearly totaled in a crash at the end of the season one finale. Dean manages to rebuild the car; the newly restored vehicle is prominently featured in Bloodlust in an extended sequence to the soundtrack of AC/DC’s “Back in Black.” Dean’s car continues to play an important role in the series throughout the second, third and fourth seasons.

At the end of season five, Chuck — while recounting the escapades of the Winchester boys — calls the Impala “the most important object in the universe.” A montage shows how important the car has been to the family and the boys throughout everything that has happened to them. On the final battlefield in Swan Song, a light glinting off the window of the Impala revives Sam and makes him snap out of his possession by Lucifer long enough to stop beating up Dean and to throw Lucifer, along with Michael, into the pit.

龍馬精神 2014!!!

By admin, January 31, 2014 12:30 am


Autoart 2014 Coming Soon

By admin, January 30, 2014 4:30 pm










最偉大的Grand Prix賽車手排名榜

By admin, January 30, 2014 4:23 pm

最近一直在追看BBC的Remembers F1’s greatest drivers of all time,當中有很多


車模收藏的方向與將來 (轉文)

By admin, January 30, 2014 2:38 pm



作者: hale 于 2014-1-28 19:40






由于對于AA的不滿足讓我開始關注EXOTO,收了代表作C9和GT40后覺得玩精細就該玩它們,用現在AA新品的价位衡量真不算貴,CMC 1800K的价格,大多虛高,哪怕是4000K的捷豹D,貴的也有道理,好模型就是要有歷史有上乘的做工當然還有适合的价位才值得收藏,而不是几個塑料件和浮夸的外表。CMC還沒有買,今年會入几台,雖說都是老爺車,車型沒几個,畢竟個個都是低調奢華有內涵的經典,不是次世代小弟們能比的,試問句真車老爺車&超跑你們更愿意收藏哪個


手版好還是合金好這個問題壇子里激烈探討過,合金把玩,面向小眾玩家,手版藝術品,放在水晶盒子里展覽,面向土豪最為貼切。今年收了台MR的LA法,心血來潮的准備將來凡是頂級意大利超跑將來絕不收合金,除了ZR那些車。不是貶低合金,因為車模是公認的藝術品,合金(特指超跑)雖然做出全開,發動机,細節一連串能動的東西無非是彌補外觀上存在的缺陷。漆面是合金車終身的課題。手版雖然沒細節,但它足以把超跑光鮮亮麗的外表神韻完美的展現出來了,我認為這就夠了。況且現在的超跑細節就是一塊塑料罩子,如AA MP4 HW F12等,標配的四門開,剪刀門鷗翼們還行,又有誰會想看這樣的超跑細節呢。一般車買回后拿來玩玩拍拍照就放柜子了,以后很少拿出,境遇和手版几乎相同,既然放柜子展覽,就選藝術品吧,當然有米是硬道理。



作者: 歪歪小子

我一開始是從04年購買瑪莎圖黑色蘭博基尼蓋拉多開始車模之路的,在此之前全是回力車火柴盒等,是瑪莎圖讓我接触了車模,接触了18比例的車模,讓我見識到車模的獨特藝術魅力!以前的很多車模都做的很棒,做工很仔細,价格也不貴。現在想想那也是曾經~還是求學時代的我曾經為了車模每周一至周五下午打籃球不吃晚飯,早餐只喝稀飯,把省下的伙食費去買車模!然后想方設法避開家長偷偷帶回家。那時身邊的同學很不理解我,說我傻!我當時還樂呵呵的(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……每當我用我省下的每一筆伙食費拿這錢去買心儀的車模就像在花辛苦掙下的血汗錢一樣,再,即使這車模价格不高我同樣也感覺它彌足珍貴!







作者: 王丁一鵬



作者: eugene841102
什么叫汽車模型?我覺得通俗一點解釋就叫最大程度的來還原真車的每一個細節: 比如發動机、內飾、外形等等。個人覺得汽車模型不是藝術品,因為還得不到大多數人的認同(很多人都覺得是玩具,只值几十塊),應該稱作珍藏品我覺得比較貼切吧。至于做工,無可否認現新出的做工都有瑕疵,沒辦法這是流水工厂出來的肯定是有瑕疵的,無非就是你能不能接受?有些人覺得稍微一點沒傷大雅,有些驗尸官就無法忍受了。至于价格嘛,我覺得沒什么可以吐槽的,因為人工費和版權費是占在价格里最大的兩塊(工人要吃飯,商家也要吃飯),該買的還是會買。至于CMC,EXOTO我個讓覺得做老車确實不錯,很精細,但是如果讓CMC來做現代超跑,不見得會比AA做的好多少。每個品牌個有各的特點啦。

Lenovo plans to acquire IBM’s x86 Server Business

By admin, January 30, 2014 11:45 am

Seemed Lenovo is making the move again, but it seem IBM is always selling the rubbish to Lenovo to me…haha…

On January 23, Lenovo and IBM have entered into a definitive agreement in which Lenovo plans to acquire IBM’s x86 server business. As a valued client of IBM, I wanted to reach out to you with this exciting news, and give you some of the highlights:

Under the agreement, Lenovo plans to acquire IBM’s System x, BladeCenter and Flex System blade servers and switches, x86-based Flex Systems, NeXtScale and iDataPlex servers and associated software, networking and maintenance operations.

IBM will retain its System z mainframes, Power Systems, Storage Systems, Power-based Flex servers, and PureApplication and PureData appliances. This is consistent with our strategy over the last several years to continually remix our portfolio to focus on high value solutions and services for our clients.

Lenovo and IBM plan to enter into a strategic relationship which will include a global OEM and reseller agreement for sales of IBM’s industry-leading entry and midrange Storwize disk storage systems, tape storage systems, General Parallel File System software, SmartCloud Entry offering, and elements of IBM’s system software portfolio, including Systems Director and Platform Symphony.

F1歷史問答: Grand Prix和Formula 1的分別

By admin, January 28, 2014 10:59 pm



Question from me: Can someone tell me why it’s called Grand Prix in the early days of motor car racing, but after 1979 (I think), it’s been renamed to Formula 1 (or simply F1)?

Answer by David Steele:

It was originally the Gordon Bennett Trophy. A race organised by a wealthy American Businessman between nations. Hence the colours of cars.

White = Germany, Red = Italy, Green = GB, etc, etc.

This then became the Grand Prize or Grand Prix and run by the Federation International Automobile (FIA), from Paris France.

Bernie Ecclestone then got his hands on it! The rest is history as they say. Formula 1 or F1 as it is known became a branding exercise. No longer does Grand Prix mean what it should …

Question from me: Just saw a car show, the host mentioned F1 was started in 1951, the very 1st F1 in Silverstone UK…Alfa 159 won 1-2-3…so I guess GP & F1 was used interchangeably between 50s-70s?

Answer by Wolfgang Beinhauer:
The Formula 1 World Championchip series started 1950, every race of this series is called a Grand Prix. Though, there was a couple of races in the 1950s and 1960s called a Grand Prix that didn’t count for the Formula 1 World Championchip. Prior 1950, there was no Formula 1 hence no official World Championchip.

List of Le Mans Winners

By admin, January 28, 2014 12:18 pm

Winner Year Car Drivers Distance Average

1923 Chenard & Walker 3 Litre Sport Andre Lagache, Rene Leonard 2209.536 km 92.064 km/h
1924 Bentley 3 Litre John Duff, Frank Clement 2077.340 km 86.555 km/h
1925 Lorraine-Dietrich B3-6 Le Mans Gerard de Courcelles, Andre Rossignol 2233.982 km 93.082 km/h
1926 Lorraine-Dietrich B3-6 Le Mans Robert Bloc, Andre Rossignol 2552.414 km 106.350 km/h
1927 Bentley 3 Litre John Dudley Benjafield, Sammy Davis 2369.807 km 98.740 km/h
1928 Bentley 4.5 Litre Woolf Barnato, Bernard Rubin 2669.272 km 111.219 km/h
1929 Bentley Speed Six Works Team Car Woolf Barnato, Henry Birkin 2843.830 km 118.492 km/h
1930 Bentley Speed Six Works Team Car Woolf Barnato, Glen Kidston 2930.663 km 122.111 km/h
1931 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Lord Howe, Henry Birkin 3017.654 km 125.735 km/h
1932 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Raymond Sommer, Luigi Chinetti 2954.038 km 123.084 km/h
1933 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Tazio Nuvolari, Raymond Sommer 3144.038 km 131.001 km/h
1934 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Philippe Etancelin, Luigi Chinetti 2886.938 km 120.289 km/h
1935 Lagonda LG45 Rapide Johnny Hindmarsh, Louis Fontes 3006.797 km 125.283 km/h
1937 Bugatti Type 57 G Jean-Pierre Wimille, Robert Benoist 3287.938 km 136.997 km/h
1938 Delahaye 135 S Eugene Chaboud, Jean Tremoulet 3180.940 km 132.539 km/h
1939 Bugatti Type 57 C Jean-Pierre Wimille, Pierre Veyron 3354.760 km 139.781 km/h
1949 Ferrari 166 MM Touring Barchetta Lord Selsdon, Luigi Chinetti 3178.299 km 132.420 km/h
1950 Talbot Lago T26C Biplace Sport Louis Rosier, Jean Louis Rosier 3465.120 km 144.380 km/h
1951 Jaguar C-Type Peter Walker, Peter Whitehead 3611.193 km 150.466 km/h
1952 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Competition Coupe Hermann Lang, Fritz Riess 3733.800 km 155.575 km/h
1953 Jaguar C-Type Tony Rolt, Duncan Hamilton 4088.064 km 170.336 km/h
1954 Ferrari 375 Plus Pinin Farina Spyder Jose Froilan Gonzales, Maurice Trintignant 4061.150 km 169.215 km/h
1955 Jaguar D-Type Works Long Nose Mike Hawthorn, Ivor Bueb 4135.380 km 172.308 km/h
1956 Jaguar D-Type Works Long Nose Ron Flockhart, Ninian Sanderson 4034.929 km 168.122 km/h
1957 Jaguar D-Type Works Long Nose Ron Flockhart, Ivor Bueb 4397.108 km 183.217 km/h
1958 Ferrari 250 TR58 Phil Hill, Olivier Gendebien 4101.926 km 170.914 km/h
1959 Aston Martin DBR1 Carroll Shelby, Roy Salvadori 4347.900 km 181.163 km/h
1960 Ferrari 250 TR59/60 Paul Frere, Olivier Gendebien 4217.527 km 175.730 km/h
1961 Ferrari 250 TRI61 Phil Hill, Olivier Gendebien 4476.580 km 186.527 km/h
1962 Ferrari 330 TRI/LM Phil Hill, Olivier Gendebien 4451.255 km 185.469 km/h
1963 Ferrari 250 P Ludovico Scarfiotti, Lorenzo Bandini 4561.710 km 190.071 km/h
1964 Ferrari 275 P Jean Guichet, Nino Vaccarella 4695.310 km 195.638 km/h
1965 Ferrari 250 LM Masten Gregory, Jochen Rindt 4677.110 km 194.880 km/h
1966 Ford GT40 Mk II Chris Amon, Bruce McLaren 4843.090 km 210.795 km/h
1967 Ford Mk IV Dan Gurney, A.J. Foyt 5232.900 km 218.038 km/h
1968 Ford GT40 Mk I Gulf Pedro Rodriguez, Lucien Bianchi 4452.880 km 185.536 km/h
1969 Ford GT40 Mk I Gulf Jackie Oliver, Jacky Ickx 4997.880 km 208.250 km/h
1970 Porsche 917 K Hans Herrmann, Richard Attwood 4607.810 km 191.992 km/h
1971 Porsche 917 K Gijs van Lennep, Helmut Marko 5335.313 km 222.304 km/h
1972 Matra MS670 Henri Pescarolo, Graham Hill 4691.343 km 195.472 km/h
1973 Matra MS670B Henri Pescarolo, Gerard Larousse 4853.945 km 202.247 km/h
1974 Matra MS670B Henri Pescarolo, Gerard Larousse 4606.571 km 191.940 km/h
1975 Mirage GR8 Cosworth Derek Bell, Jacky Ickx 4595.577 km 191.482 km/h
1976 Porsche 936 Gijs van Lennep, Jacky Ickx 4769.923 km 198.746 km/h
1977 Porsche 936 Jurgen Barth, Jacky Ickx, Hurley Haywood 4671.830 km 194.651 km/h
1978 Renault-Alpine A442B Didier Pironi, Jean-Pierre Jaussaud 5044.530 km 210.188 km/h
1979 Porsche 935 K3 Klaus Ludwig, Don Whittingdon, Bill Whittingdon 4173.930 km 173.913 km/h
1980 Rondeau M379 Cosworth Jean Rondeau, Jean-Pierre Jaussaud 4608.020 km 192.000 km/h
1981 Porsche 936 Derek Bell, Jacky Ickx 4825.348 km 201.056 km/h
1982 Porsche 956 Derek Bell, Jacky Ickx 4899.086 km 204.128 km/h
1983 Porsche 956 Al Holbert, Vern Schuppan, Hurley Haywood 5047.934 km 210.330 km/h
1984 Porsche 956 Henri Pescarolo, Klaus Ludwig 4900.276 km 204.178 km/h
1985 Porsche 956 Paolo Barilla, Klaus Ludwig, John ‘Winter’ 5088.507 km 212.021 km/h
1986 Porsche 962C Derek Bell, Al Holbert, Hans-Joachim Stuck 4972.731 km 207.197 km/h
1987 Porsche 962C Derek Bell, Al Holbert, Hans-Joachim Stuck 4791.700 km 199.657 km/h
1988 Jaguar XJR-9 LM Andy Wallace, John Dumfries, Jan Lammers 5332.970 km 221.665 km/h
1989 Sauber Mercedes C9 Jochen Mass, Manuel Reuter, Stanley Dickens 5265.115 km 219.990 km/h
1990 Jaguar XJR-12 Martin Brundle, John Nielsen, Price Cobb 4882.400 km 204.036 km/h
1991 Mazda 787B Bertrand Cachot, Johnny Herbert, Volker Weidler 4922.810 km 205.333 km/h
1992 Peugeot 905 Evo 1 Bis Derek Warwick, Yannick Dalmas, Martin Blundell 4787.200 km 199.340 km/h
1993 Peugeot 905 Evo 1 Bis Geoff Brabham, Christophe Bouchut, Eric Helary 5100.000 km 213.358 km/h
1994 Dauer Porsche 962 Mauro Baldi, Yannick Dalmas, Hurley Haywood 4678.400 km 195.238 km/h
1995 McLaren F1 GTR J.J. Lehto, Yannick Dalmas, Masanori Sekiya 4055.800 km 168.992 km/h
1996 TWR Porsche Manuel Reuter, Davy Jones, Alexander Wurz 4814.400 km 200.600 km/h
1997 TWR Porsche Michele Alboreto, Tom Kristensen, Stefan Johansson 4909.600 km 204.186 km/h
1998 Porsche 996 GT1 EVO 98 Allan McNish, Laurent Aiello, Stephane Ortelli 4773.184 km 199.324 km/h
1999 BMW V12 LMR Joachim Winkelhock, Yannick Dalmas, Pierluigi Martini 4967.991 km 207.624 km/h
2000 Audi R8 Frank Biela, Tom Kristensen, Emanuele Pirro 5007.998 km 208.660 km/h
2001 Audi R8 Frank Biela, Tom Kristensen, Emanuele Pirro 4367.205 km 180.949 km/h
2002 Audi R8 Frank Biela, Tom Kristensen, Emanuele Pirro 5173.350 km 215.562 km/h
2003 Bentley Speed 8 Guy Smith, Tom Kristensen, Rinaldo Capello 5146.050 km 214.399 km/h
2004 Audi R8 Seiji Ara, Tom Kristensen, Rinaldo Capello 5169.970 km 215.415 km/h
2005 Audi R8 J.J. Lehto, Tom Kristensen, Marco Werner 5050.500 km 210.216 km/h
2006 Audi R10 TDI Frank Biela, Emanuele Pirro, Marco Werner 5187.000 km 216.125 km/h
2007 Audi R10 TDI Frank Biela, Emanuele Pirro, Marco Werner 5029.101 km 209.152 km/h
2008 Audi R10 TDI Allan McNish, Tom Kristensen, Rinaldo Capello 5192.649 km 216.300 km/h
2009 Peugeot 908 HDi FAP David Brabham, Marc Gene, Alexander Wurz 5206.278 km 216.664 km/h
2010 Audi R15 plus TDI Timo Bernhard, Romain Dumas, Mike Rockenfeller 5410.713 km 225.228 km/h
2011 Audi R18 TDI B.Treluyer, M.Fassler, A.Lotterer (F,CH,D) 3006.4 125.06
2012 Audi R18 TDI M. Fässler, A. Lotterer, B. Tréluyer    5151.76 km
2013 Audi R18 TDI T. Kristensen, A. McNish, L. Duval 4742.89 km

Drivers Most wins
Rank     Driver     Wins     Years
1     Denmark Tom Kristensen     9     1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2013
2     Belgium Jacky Ickx     6     1969, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1982
3     United Kingdom Derek Bell     5     1975, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1987
Germany Frank Biela     2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2007
Italy Emanuele Pirro     2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2007
6     Belgium Olivier Gendebien     4     1958, 1960, 1961, 1962
France Henri Pescarolo     1972, 1973, 1974, 1984
France Yannick Dalmas     1992, 1994, 1995, 1999

Constructors Most wins
Rank     Constructor     Wins     Years
1     Germany Porsche     16     1970, 1971, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985,
1986, 1987, 1994,[2] 1996, 1997,[3] 1998
2     Germany Audi     12     2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011,
2012, 2013
3     Italy Ferrari     9     1949, 1954, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965
4     United Kingdom Jaguar     7     1951, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1988, 1990
5     United Kingdom Bentley     6     1924, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 2003
6     Italy Alfa Romeo     4     1931, 1932, 1933, 1934
United States Ford     1966, 1967, 1968, 1969
8     France Matra-Simca     3     1972, 1973, 1974
France Peugeot     1992, 1993, 2009
10     France Lorraine-Dietrich     2     1925, 1926
France Bugatti     1937, 1939
Germany Mercedes-Benz     1952, 1989[4]
13     France Chenard & Walcker     1     1923
United Kingdom Lagonda     1935
France Delahaye     1938
France Talbot-Lago     1950
United Kingdom Aston Martin     1959
United Kingdom Mirage     1975
France Renault-Alpine     1978
France Rondeau     1980
Japan Mazda     1991
United Kingdom McLaren     1995
Germany BMW     1999

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