Alizee – J’en Ai Marre

By admin, July 12, 2011 12:57 pm

Wow! This French girl does know how to twist her body!

A Huge Complex Upgrade Task Became A Piece of Cake with Virtualization and Equallogic!

By admin, July 11, 2011 10:31 pm

Today, I found Symmantec Antivirus has stopped updating its definition again due to space shortage, and I’ve tried everything to squeeze the last drop of space from my w2k3 without success, the original installation was back to mid-2004, at that time, 5GB is more than enough for the root C: dirve.

However after almost 7 years with all the patches and installed programs, it gradually filled up the C: drive to about 500MB left, so this leaves me no choice but to take the risk by using Acronis Disk Director to expand the partition.

First, I took a snapshot of the powered down VM, and then Edit the VM property and found the disk size has been gray out! Why? I don’t know, but after deleting the snapshot, I was able to expand the disk again, then took a snapshot again just to make sure.

Boot into Acronis Disk Director and I found there was no disk found due to SCSI controller was Paravirtual, changed to LSI Logic Parallel (LSI Logic SAS didn’t work) solved the problem, and the rest expanding the partition was just a piece of cake! I later found out there is no need to use Dell’s ExtPart utility as Acronis Disk Director did it all for me.

The interesting part was when Acronis Disk Director moving the blocks, it estimated 30 mins to re-arrange a 50GB partition, but at the end it only took less than 8 mins to complete the whole job, thanks to Equallogic’s fantastic 15K RPM Raid 10 IOPS capability! (Average Read/Write is about 2,000 IOPS, it’s quite high for two on-going parallel jobs)

Just to be cautions, if there is anything goes wrong, I still have the snapshot, the backup from Acronis True Image Server as well as my last resource Veeam backup, so it’s pretty safe to do the above with 3 different kind of backup on hand. Of course, I always forgot to mention there is the 4th hidden backup, it’s the Equallogic snapshot, but it’s the very last resource if all 3 backup methods failed to restore.

One more thing to take care of is the left over snapshot as I found the VM disk type automatically became Thick from Thin, this is due to the snapshot in the previous step, simply remove it will revert the disk to Thin again, nothing to worry about, but the removal process surprised me as it did took quite a long time to complete, if you know why, please let me know.

Boot up the VM and everything is back to order again. Back in the old days, when we perform a disk space upgrade, we often need to use Acronis True Image to clone all the partitions, then take out the old disks, normally raid 5 with 3 disks, and then insert 3 bigger size disks again and create a new raid 5 volume, finally restore it using CD-ROM, the whole process can take up to 4-5 hours to complete if you are lucky and need to cross your finger to pray no bad things happened!

Wow! I must admit that I love the benefits of virtualization and the magic of Equallogic more and more everyday!


By admin, July 11, 2011 2:38 pm





Bentley Mulsanne原廠與量產版本之分別

By admin, July 10, 2011 12:51 am

原廠版(Dealer Edition)的顏色叫做Brodgar﹐而量產版的叫做Brown Metallic﹐看上去兩者之間的分別的確不大﹗但在我仔細觀察之下﹐還是發現了個最大的不同﹐就是原厂版(Dealer Edition)的大燈有一點橙色﹐而量產版的則沒有了﹐有圖有真相﹗

原厂版(Dealer Edition) – Brodgar


量產版 – Brown Metallic


根據淘寶上賣家的描述原厂賓利的編號是BL843純綠色 ,量產的是黑白條形碼,MINICHAMPS編號是100 139901。




By admin, July 9, 2011 5:18 pm

今天出門口的時候﹐突然發現鄰居那台掛T牌的紅色法拉利F458不見了﹐換來的是台黑色的四門Bentley Continental Flying Spur。看來超跑掛T牌最近還真的不好使了﹐開在街上整天提心吊膽的﹐擔心警察叔叔問長問短﹐極度影響駕駛樂趣。所以鄰居可能索性把F458賣了﹐換台舒適的高檔家庭車可能更實用些。

其實如果銀彈足夠的話﹐這樣的玩車法也挺符合經濟效益的﹐每隔幾個月換台超跑﹐大概虧10到20萬左右來滿足自己對超跑的強烈慾望﹐比那些玩名貴的手錶玩家合算多了﹐想想看拿個10萬就能開到各式各類的超跑玩它幾個月﹐反正過幾個月後就一定會玩厭的﹐就當租車吧。另外我發現之前的那個開黑色Bentley Continental GT的車主也在玩了幾個月後就把那車賣了﹐足以證明我這個看法和估計是正確的。


最後在它旁邊看見台青綠色的Lotus Elise﹐樣子的確很古怪﹐像條難看的綠色昆虫。其實我是很喜歡英國跑車的﹐但唯獨不愛Lotus﹐感覺它太Vivienne Westwood的味道﹐Lotus的跑車都跟英國街頭Punk文化一樣超激﹐我實在接受不了。



By admin, July 8, 2011 10:17 pm

保時捷為了參加1973年的歐洲GT賽事﹐推出了以911 Carrera S為藍本改良的
Carrera RS 2.7這個賽車版本。原來只打算推出500台﹐但最後因為太受歡迎﹐所以最終生產了多達1663台﹐成為保時捷輝煌歷史上的一代宗師﹗

911 Carrera RS 2.7最為突出的設計就是那翹起的鴨尾和車側印有醒目的Carrera RS字體。全車以超薄鋼片製造﹐引擎的最大輸出達到了當時驚人的210匹馬力﹐而且全車很多部位都採用了當時十分先進的玻璃纖維以達到減輕整體重量的目的。

911 Carrera RS 2.7曾經馳騁七十年代的歐洲GT賽事﹐當年一舉打敗了眾多強勁的對手﹐包括那極之出名的法拉利Daytona 365 GTB﹗

所以現在一輛保養良好的Carrera RS 2.7二手車價完全可以買2至3台最新997 Carrera RS。

我之前一直想買這台Autoart出品的Carrera RS 2.7﹐但那上千的標價令我遲遲未能出手﹐最近遇上了個好機會用合理的價格收到了它。其實Autoart多這台Carrera RS 2.7整體做工一般﹐真的就值我買的那個價錢。另外比較了下鄰居的那台1比1的奇怪964 Carrera RS﹐還是經典的RS最好看﹗

最近在車模店看見了一系列Jadi分支出的懷舊Rolls Royce和Jaguar MK II樣板﹐外觀還可以﹐但內飾就真的一塌糊涂﹐不過以500-700左右的價格的確又能贏得一班喜歡這類老爺車的收藏家們。


1/18 Autoart Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7 1973 – White


Oh..Yeah…Alicia Keys is so Cool!

By admin, July 5, 2011 12:15 pm

I don’t like most of the modern ones, but this one is an exception! This song is also used in the movie “Sex and The City 2″ trailer.


By admin, July 4, 2011 2:23 pm


十分的昂貴價錢 !
八分的觀眾氣氛 !
五分的3D效果 !




‎5D MARK 2影7D, 誰勝誰負, 立分高下﹗:)

By admin, July 2, 2011 11:51 pm



By admin, July 2, 2011 9:38 pm



在那充滿Art Deco氣息的樓梯上﹐曾經留下了你我的腳印




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