Category: Movie (電影)

An Education

By admin, May 11, 2010 11:16 pm

很喜歡60年代的時裝﹐以前經常翻看父母在英國倫敦讀書時的照片就覺得那時候人們的衣服都很漂亮。這套戲帶給我一種很特別的懷舊情懷﹐加上戲中有很多我喜歡的經典英國車如Bristol 405, Jaguar MKII等等。

片中David(由Peter Sarsgaard飾演)用他的紳士魅力完全迷倒一個情竇初開的高中女孩﹐風度翩翩的男主角令我想起了另一套戲A Little Romance裡的Julius(由Laurence Olivier飾演)﹐當然這華麗的背後是隱藏著一個不可告人的秘密。



New York, I Love You, a film directed by…

By admin, March 22, 2010 2:52 pm

I just finished watching a recent movie called “New York, I Love You” (2009)
and it really did surprise me at the end, as it was directed by Jiang Wen! Unbelievable!


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