Category: Others (其它)

Balcony BBQ at The Peninsula

By admin, November 22, 2009 11:41 pm

The view is magnificent, but the food is really so so.  :P

I think the most delicious food is the seafood cocktail.

What about the BBQ…Naa…OMG!






By admin, November 22, 2009 12:22 pm






By admin, November 12, 2009 10:08 pm



最後再次多謝DTLK和阿YU的指點﹐進排開始跟不同的師兄們打多了好多SINGLE (相對以前半年都沒有一次來講)﹐我希望可以吸收多些實戰經驗﹐令自己網球的程度再上一層。因為Playing Rally跟真正單打是完全不一樣的﹐尤其是心理方面。




I love tennis game more and more each day﹐ 再次謝謝大家。


By admin, November 11, 2009 12:39 pm

The following was my reply in a local Internet forum.

Being married I couldn’t agree more with Luiph08 and friendly1, it’s better to know the opponent gender then asking each other for single game. I remembered back in March this year during my 1st attempt to find tennis partners, there are quite a few female players asked me, I admitted it’s quite embarrassing and I was not thoughtful enough, but again, if my post showing I only wanted to look for male partner, then wouldn’t it become an case of sexual discrimination? Anyway, I’ve learnt my lesson wisely that the rule can’t be indicated clearly, but it’s underlying there Clearly, we just don’t need to outline it so obvious, I think you guys know what I mean. In English, it’s called “Dilemma (進退兩難)”.

agassi-graf-2[1]For those single guys with purpose, then it’s another story, (but don’t get too excited yet, especially Nurse, ha…), I read sometimes ago in discuss forum a topic named 球場上無真愛, a brother felt in love with a gal from the tennis gathering, I must say I do not agree with his biased view because I think love is everywhere, love is around us and love does exist on tennis court as well (An extreme example would be A.Agassi and S.Graf), if you do look around carefully, you will be rewarded.

Anyhow, for those guys being single, you can having single tennis game with a lady being single, it’s called social networking and it’s very normal, so don’t be shy and ask them out for a tennis game.

Finally, who have seen the movie “The Ugly Truth” recently? I found it’s quite disgusting and also very true reflecting the most basic instinct of man and woman.

Ladies and gentlemen, wish you all best of luck!

香港網球精英賽2010: Michael Chang 張德培 & Edberg are coming to Hong Kong

By admin, October 28, 2009 2:12 pm

明年1月假維多利亞公園舉行的周年盛事香港網球精英賽,未因主要贊助商 JB集團退出而失色,反而重新加入男單及引進新賽制,共邀得 8名現役女球手及 4名退休男球手參加,包括剛宣佈「掛拍」的沙芬及 90年代最佳華人球手張德培。


1繼森柏斯及阿加斯日前於澳門作表演賽後,多名已「掛拍」的男網手將於明年 1月 6至 9日舉行的香港網球精英賽「出山」,剛宣佈於 11月巴黎大師賽後「掛拍」的沙芬將率領俄羅斯隊,與美少女舒拉寶娃及莎朗莉娃出戰;現年 37歲的張德培將夥拍「大威」威廉絲及杜高為美洲隊力爭衞冕。

至於亞太隊代表為前亞洲「第 1拍」斯里查潘、森田步美及中國的鄭潔;前世界「 1哥」艾保Edberg則會連同新晉球手禾施妮雅琪及艾莎倫嘉代表歐洲隊。

分組抽籤將於下月尾舉行,每組兩隊,賽事分兩圈進行,每圈共打兩場女單、一場男單及一場混雙; 1、 2號種籽歐洲隊及俄羅斯隊被安排於不同組別。本年度賽事由香港政府盛事基金贊助,香港網球贊助人協會賽務總監簡德龍先生未有透露總金額,他期望能藉此提升香港國際地位:「我們會推出優惠、團體及豪華旅遊套票,包括機票、酒店、賽事及球手派對入場票,以吸引遊客來港觀賽。」

香港網球精英賽 2010

日期: 06-09/01/2010


發售日期: 12月初

Official Web Site:

Videotaping: an easy and great way to improve your tennis game

By admin, October 26, 2009 8:54 pm

I finally videotaped my tennis session for an hour today and when I reviewed it on TV, I couldn’t belive that I’ve made so much little mistakes.

I watched it over and over again and wrote down those mistakes that I’ve made and the way how I am going to correct them.

Anyway, I do find this is a very easy, cost effective and great way to improve my tennis game and hope this will help all the CHings to improve your game too.

I’ve never thought I could be the other side who’s playing with me as that person (ie, the camera) never tell lies, so she’s your good coach.

Virtualization is the future of computing

By admin, October 22, 2009 1:33 pm


VMWare is probably the ONLY name you need to know in virtualization world, its flagship product vSphere is the one you cannot do without. VMotion/HA/DRS/FT are the amazing tools to maintain business continuity, service stability and SLA.

A Comprehensive comparison between VMware/Microsoft Hyper-V/XEN/RH Linux

見城 – 日本壽司的典範

By admin, October 22, 2009 12:34 pm

I love 80s tennis the most

By admin, October 20, 2009 9:23 pm

I am not sure about you, but I somehow still love 80s tennis the most!
The following video brought so much lovely memories from the past.


忽然驚見: Borg用同樣的Nadal梳頭式Top Spin的打法,到底誰是“祖師爺”?

By admin, October 16, 2009 9:34 am

過去一直以為Nadal強勁梳頭式的Top Spin打法是他自創的。

但昨天重溫了1981年溫布頓網球決賽波格對麥根萊時突然發現怎麼波格的正手Top Spin的打法完全跟NADAL的一模一樣。

突發奇想﹐原來波格才是梳頭式TOP SPIN打法的“祖師爺”﹐只不過他用早了30年而已。其實越看就越覺得當年BORG的打法就是現在NADAL的原始型﹐網壇20多年後由NADAL推出了“BORG式打法”的超人加強版。

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