Category: Equallogic & VMWare (虛擬化技術)

Tag Devices as SSD under vSphere 5

By admin, April 29, 2013 11:47 am

Just found this useful information.

Tag Devices as SSD
You can use PSA SATP claim rules to tag SSD devices that are not detected automatically.

Only devices that are consumed by the PSA Native Multipathing (NMP) plugin can be tagged.

If you need more information about the commands listed in this topic, see the Getting Started with vSphere Command-Line Interfaces and vSphere Command-Line Interface Concepts and Examples documentation.



Identify the device to be tagged and its SATP.

esxcli storage nmp device list

The command results in the following information.

Device Display Name: DGC Fibre Channel Disk (naa.6006016015301d00167ce6e2ddb3de11)
Storage Array Type: VMW_SATP_CX
Storage Array Type Device Config: {navireg ipfilter}
Path Selection Policy: VMW_PSP_MRU
Path Selection Policy Device Config: Current Path=vmhba4:C0:T0:L25
Working Paths: vmhba4:C0:T0:L25

Note down the SATP associated with the device.


Add a PSA claim rule to mark the device as SSD.

You can add a claim rule by specifying the device name.

esxcli storage nmp satp rule add -s SATP  --device device_name --option=enable_ssd

You can add a claim rule by specifying the vendor name and the model name.

esxcli storage nmp satp rule add -s SATP  -V vendor_name -M model_name --option=enable_ssd

You can add a claim rule based on the transport protocol.

esxcli storage nmp satp rule add -s SATP  --transport transport_protocol --option=enable_ssd

You can add a claim rule based on the driver name.

esxcli storage nmp satp rule add -s SATP  --driver driver_name --option=enable_ssd

Unclaim the device.

You can unclaim the device by specifying the device name.

esxcli storage core claiming unclaim --type device --device device_name

You can unclaim the device by specifying the vendor name and the model name.

esxcli storage core claiming unclaim --type device -V vendor_name -M model_name

You can unclaim the device based on the transport protocol.

esxcli storage core claiming unclaim --type device --transport transport_protocol

You can unclaim the device based on the driver name.

esxcli storage core claiming unclaim --type device --driver driver_name

Reclaim the device by running the following commands.

esxcli storage core claimrule load
esxcli storage core claimrule run

Verify if devices are tagged as SSD.

esxcli storage core device list -d device_name

The command output indicates if a listed device is tagged as SSD.

Is SSD: true
What to do next

If the SSD device that you want to tag is shared among multiple hosts, make sure that you tag the device from all the hosts that share the device.

一篇關於Equallogic, HP EVA & EMC儲存的好帖!

By admin, April 26, 2013 7:58 am

今天看到了以下的這個討論,很久都沒有見過這樣精彩的帖子了,當中大多數都是根據事實、論據中立地道出各家產品的Pros & Cons。

其實橫向(Scale Out)儲存發展到今天,已經不只Equallogic一家擁有此項技術,倒是希望EQL可以自由地讓我們在每個Module Box後接上JBOD Chassis,這樣性價比會來得更高。


标题: HP EVA P6550 VS dell EQuallogic PS6100XV

作者: watechws    时间: 4-18-2013 17:13
标题: hp EVA P6550 VS dell EQuallogic P6100XV
本帖最后由 watechws 于 4-18-2013 17:32 编辑

3、EQ只能scale out,EVA只能scale up



其实同等预算华为的T系列也值得考虑,点睛之笔是最大1.2TB的ssd缓存,免除了只能scale up产品机头性能不足的顾虑,又不用承受scale out产品丢数据的压力。


作者: housefull    时间: 4-18-2013 17:53
个人觉得选HP EVA P6550 不如考虑一下 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200

作者: allenzhang628    时间: 4-18-2013 17:53
EMC VNX5300呢?

作者: housefull    时间: 4-18-2013 17:56
个人觉得EMC VNX5300中规中举,没有性价比

作者: allenzhang628    时间: 4-18-2013 18:04

作者: HYBT    时间: 4-18-2013 22:14

作者: watechws    时间: 4-18-2013 22:38

作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前

1– EVA的前身是什么? HP 收购Compaq的时候带进来的产品,在Compaq之前呢? EVA是什么? Digital,听说过这个名字 吗? 对的,EVA的技术是在Digital开发出来的,最早 2002年才在HP形成产品(HP StorageWorks)

2– 然后EQL呢? 在Digital被1999 年 compaq收购之前,就从Digital出来的元老成立的EQL公司(2001年成立),直到被DELL 收购;所以EQL是比EVA还要早出产品

3–这2个存储底层的所谓 “虚拟层”技术基本相同,但是EVA放弃了横向的扩展,做深度开发(但是深度比不过DELL的 Compellan)


5–最近的消息?因为DELL的关系,EQL跟VMWARE走得太近了,甚至2家合作制定了很多VMWARE底层的协议标准,包括VAAI的标准里面很 多函数都是EQL跟VMWARE一起制定的,包括最近5.1里面的空间回收,块拷贝;EQL能支持VMWARE的快照穿透(直接由EQL来实施 VMWARE层面的快照,这个需要每一个VM一个VOL这样设计才能做到)

6–EQL最近的发展可谓风头正猛啊,10G的ISCSI出来,下半年就会有 20G的 控制器面世(PS6120这样的)


作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前
另外,EVA中高端 的 6和8系列仍然有FC的硬盘可以选择,但是,这里请注意



作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前
所以我的结论是,玩ISCSI 目前性价比最高的就是DELL 的 EQUALLOGIC系列存储

有钱的就上EQL里面的混合存储(7XSSD +17 10K SAS),或者直接1个SSD的笼子+1个15K的笼子做分层

没钱就上7.2K RPM的E系列

作者: dilidolo    时间: 7 天前

winxp2000 发表于 4-19-2013 00:04

1– EVA的前身是什么? HP 收购Compaq的时候带进来的产品,在Compaq之前呢? EVA …

空间回收是SCSI-3 T10标准,跟VMware和EQ半毛关系都没有。所以很多不支持VAAI的存储也支持空间回收。

作者: watechws    时间: 7 天前

作者: 天擎    时间: 7 天前

作者: dilidolo    时间: 7 天前

watechws 发表于 4-19-2013 08:37


作者: 天擎    时间: 7 天前

watechws 发表于 4-19-2013 08:37


作者: TiGi    时间: 7 天前
5–最近的消息?因为DELL的关系,EQL跟VMWARE走得太近了,甚至2家合作制定了很多VMWARE底层的协议标准,包括VAAI的标准里面很 多函数都是EQL跟VMWARE一起制定的,包括最近5.1里面的空间回收,块拷贝;EQL能支持VMWARE的快照穿透(直接由EQL来实施 VMWARE层面的快照,这个需要每一个VM一个VOL这样设计才能做到)

补充一下:这是基于HIT实现的 —— 而且其实并不限于VMware平台 —— Hyper-V上安装HIT/ME后,可以对Lun上单个VM进行快照。

作者: TiGi    时间: 7 天前
本帖最后由 TiGi 于 4-19-2013 11:27 编辑

天擎 发表于 4-19-2013 08:51
每个人都是从自己的使用情况出发,谈自己的看法,所以每个人看法不一样是 …

问题还是有点的 —— 当然,个人觉得有些问题不能算是大问题:

新功能发布了之后,旧产品也能免费获得 —— 这点,估计绝大部分厂商的类似产品不会有吧?

作者: allenzhang628    时间: 7 天前





作者: 天擎    时间: 7 天前

TiGi 发表于 4-19-2013 11:04
问题还是有点的 —— 当然,个人觉得有些问题不能算是大问题:


作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前

TiGi 发表于 4-19-2013 11:04
问题还是有点的 —— 当然,个人觉得有些问题不能算是大问题:

1–EQL的口号你可能不知道,用iSCSI打败FC SAN(或者作世界上最快的ISCSI SAN,要比FC SAN还要快)







作者: housefull    时间: 7 天前

winxp2000 发表于 4-19-2013 15:44
1–EQL的口号你可能不知道,用iSCSI打败FC SAN(或者作世界上最快的ISCSI SAN,要比FC SAN还要快)

2– …

呵呵。。。第一点就吹破牛皮了, 只能骗骗没见过世面的

作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前
口号而已,当时DELL收购EQL,也觉得有点夸张;不过后来随着市场的接触,接受和推广程度越来越高,根据IDC 最新报告

CY12Q4 的报告中

在大中华区(中国,香港,澳门)iSCSI存储的市场份额里,DELL的市场份额是  16.8% 排第一名(包括所有的企业)

在中国SMB中小型企业市场分析结果,DELL的ISCSI市场份额 39.4% 排第一名(领先第二至少3倍多)

作者: housefull    时间: 7 天前
本帖最后由 housefull 于 4-19-2013 17:57 编辑

winxp2000 发表于 4-19-2013 17:06
口号而已,当时DELL收购EQL,也觉得有点夸张;不过后来随着市场的接触,接受和推广程度越来越高,根据IDC  …


但仔细分析一下。。。大中华 / iscsi 存储。。。

dell的EQL只能在性价比方面有点优势。。。 要当真正的存储市场老大,路还远得很。。。

作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前

housefull 发表于 4-19-2013 17:55

但仔细分析一下。。。大中华 / iscsi 存储。。。

这位网友,似乎带着有色眼镜,或者至少抗拒接受DELL EQL在ISCSI存储领域的领导地位这个事实



Great China IDC CY12Q4 – Overall Storage Dell 9% 排名第三,相对上一个季度,DELL上升了2名
跟去年全年相比,DELL的市场占有率上升了1.8%  相比去年增长了 35.3% ,相对正规存储行业的发展,戴尔的贡献是 +27.6%

排第一的是IBM 22.4%,但是相对上一年占有率下降了 2.6% 相比去年 没增长,还是降低了 3.6%(就是负增长),对整个行业的贡献是 – 11.2%

排名第二的是EMC 15.9% 相比上一年市场份额增长了 0.5% 相比上一年增加了 10.9%  对存储行业的贡献是 3.2%

作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前
本帖最后由 winxp2000 于 4-19-2013 18:09 编辑


IT行业发展太快了,DELL今年的主题其实什么都不是,就是迈克尔.戴尔 个人对戴尔公司的反购计划


作者: housefull    时间: 7 天前

winxp2000 发表于 4-19-2013 18:06
这位网友,似乎带着有色眼镜,或者至少抗拒接受DELL EQL在ISCSI存储领域的领导地位这个事实

不过你非要 …




作者: allenzhang628    时间: 7 天前

winxp2000 发表于 4-19-2013 18:07

IT行业发展太快了,DE …

我看Michael Dell的私有化计划比较悬。

作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前
本帖最后由 winxp2000 于 4-19-2013 18:36 编辑

housefull 发表于 4-19-2013 18:19
说实话,对dell的EQL没有什么意见,还赞扬它的性价比,绝对不带任何有色眼镜。。。看不惯有人对EQL吹泡泡 …


全球市场而且是统计了所有的SAN营收 DELL 是 6.8%
你的数据没问题, EMC的确是 30.7%





作者: housefull    时间: 7 天前

winxp2000 发表于 4-19-2013 18:29



作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前

allenzhang628 发表于 4-19-2013 18:28
我看Michael Dell的私有化计划比较悬。

4月19日消息,据国外媒体报道,消息人士透露,在声称有意竞购戴尔不到一个月之后,私募股权公司黑石集团已经退出对戴尔的争夺。黑石此前一直在争 取各方支持竞购戴尔,压过创始人迈克尔·戴尔(Michael Dell)和私募股权公司银湖的联合报价。按照黑石的收购方案,戴尔的部分股份会维持在股东手中。


作者: winxp2000    时间: 7 天前

housefull 发表于 4-19-2013 18:34


大中华区的IDC report是有第一的

作者: housefull    时间: 7 天前

winxp2000 发表于 4-19-2013 18:29

全球市场而且是统计了所有的SAN营收 DELL 是 6.8%


1 EMC的市场占有率最大的贡献来自他家的中高端存储,dell以前卖的cx低端淘汰很久了

2 dell在存储的总体市场占有率去年下半年开始缓慢下滑。。。
一 dell主推eql,他家其他的系列没怎么卖出
二 dell把eql归类为”纯iSCSI存储”,在这个类别的市场占有率提高,但其实是这个类别前几大存储商都不怎么做的,所以出现了“山”中无老虎,猴子称大王的现象

三 要说跟vmware最密切的存储厂商,dell还排不上号,建议你去vmware BJ研发office看看。。。emc很低调

四 要说VMWARE的环境下便利性,舒服性,建议你有机会瞧瞧 hp 3par , ibm v7000  … 要说性能,比eql好的就数不胜数了

五 eql是不错的“性价比”产品

作者: TiGi    时间: 7 天前
本帖最后由 TiGi 于 4-19-2013 19:22 编辑

housefull 发表于 4-19-2013 18:19
说实话,对dell的EQL没有什么意见,还赞扬它的性价比,绝对不带任何有色眼镜。。。看不惯有人对EQL吹泡泡 …

26楼的表,我看过,没有记错的话,与之配套的还有一个表:整个磁盘市场份额 —— 好像在这个表内,Dell排第五。
结合Dell目前在PC市场(No.3 – No.5)、x86服务器市场(No.3)的地位,其实很显然,Dell的外置存储系统的市场排名还是比较靠前的。
而两个表格中,还有很多事情没有明说:EMC、IBM、NetApp、Hitachi的大部分存储,定位、定价都要较Dell的高 —— 高端存储盘柜内,一套盘柜10万美刀的话,可能也就是10TB、20TB的容量;而PVMD系列的价格,也就是2万美金左右;而20个或40个PC硬盘的 价格,也就是2000美刀。
对于这里的大部分人员而言,如果使用共享存储,基本上也就是iSCSI以及中低端FC或者中低端统一存储 —— 用高端的,肯定有,随便揣测一下:“dilidolo”一个人他们公司每年的NetApp的采购金额总额,说不定就远超这里其他用EQL的所有人的采购总 金额。呵呵。由此,Dell的市场地位可见一斑(确实处于市场“小弟弟”;当然,也可以说“iSCSI”老大)。但是,这一切其实都无所谓的,存在就是合 理。所以,”eql是不错的“性价比”产品”。呵呵。

作者: housefull    时间: 7 天前

TiGi 发表于 4-19-2013 19:16
26楼的表,我看过,没有记错的话,与之配套的还有一个表:整个磁盘市场份额 —— 好像在这个表内,Dell排 …


同意你的总结, eql =性价比

作者: TiGi    时间: 7 天前
本帖最后由 TiGi 于 4-19-2013 20:43 编辑

housefull 发表于 4-19-2013 19:22

同意你的总结, eql =性价比

如果不谈性价比,这个论坛的接入线路应该至少1GB —— 1000个并发,每人1MB;不可用的时间,每年不得超过5分钟 —— 打开网页报错时,去倒杯水,回来就好了,呵呵。

作者: housefull    时间: 7 天前

TiGi 发表于 4-19-2013 19:27
如果不谈性价比,那这里所有的XDJMs,使用的个人电脑,都应该配置128GB以上的内存、2TB以上的SSD,呵呵。 …

说句老实实话“性价比” 这种东西是相对的。。。


作者: TiGi    时间: 7 天前

winxp2000 发表于 4-19-2013 18:39

大中华区的IDC report是有第一的

此外,很多咚咚,不能看数字的,如果仅仅看数字,Cisco的销售额,只有Dell的 1/5!而五大以外的其他厂商的,总计还不如Dell —— 或者说排名第四及以后的,连HP一家都不如。呵呵。

作者: housefull    时间: 7 天前

TiGi 发表于 4-19-2013 20:04
排名,有几种,销量、销售额,以及特定产品(例如x86、WinTel架构等)的销 …

老外最看重的就是数字, 知道 Mc dell为什么要急着将他一手创建的dell退市么? …呵呵

Dell目前的市值只有它最风光时候的 1/5


作者: TiGi    时间: 7 天前

housefull 发表于 4-19-2013 19:55
说句老实实话“性价比” 这种东西是相对的。。。


1、使用了大部分功能 —— 不用快照、卷克隆、精简备置、主机集成工具等功能,没必要用EQL;
2、有两个或者两个以上的EQL —— 只有一个EQL的话,复制、同步、迁移,都用不了。

作者: allenzhang628    时间: 7 天前


作者: TiGi    时间: 7 天前

allenzhang628 发表于 4-19-2013 21:11


作者: dilidolo    时间: 6 天前

TiGi 发表于 4-19-2013 19:27
如果不谈性价比,那这里所有的XDJMs,使用的个人电脑,都应该配置(三台或者四台总计)128GB以上的内存、 …


作者: TiGi    时间: 6 天前
本帖最后由 TiGi 于 4-20-2013 10:15 编辑



2、在一定价位的情况下,在具备一定功能的前提下,EQL具有足够的性价比 —— 之所以这样说,参见39楼和42楼以及下面第4点;

3、在纯iSCSI市场,EQL不管是技术还是市场份额都具有一定的优势 —— 之所以说“纯iSCCSI”、“一定”,就是为了避免各种可能的争执,此外也不能脱离“1”这个前提 —— 对于探讨对象的不明确,前面已经有太多的争执了 —— 怎样界定优势,也没有必要争执了,一个细分市场具有一定的市场,就能称之为优势,例如某些行业软件,其实很烂,但是在这个市场能混、有足够的份额,就可以 称之为市场优势 —— “winxp2000”的某些观点,其实没错,只不过没有在前面明确说出先决条件;

4、Dell的价格,就我自己感触,不管是销售还是售后,都还是有一定的竞争力的 —— 咱们不说最便宜、很便宜,毕竟怎样是便宜,很难界定 —— 我们的兄弟企业,去年底在Dell那里续保了两台HP的服务器,续保价格,基本上只有HP原厂的7成左右;而“dilidolo”这个巨牛的NetApp 客户和我这个一般的Dell客户,也曾经比较过后续服务价格,EQL的第6、7年续保相对价格远较NetApp的第4、5年的续保相对价格还要便宜 —— 相对价格,是指“续保价格”与“产品新购时的总价”之比

奥迪A4是不错的车子,但是和A8去比? —— 而A4和A8去比较性价比,也没有意义 —— “买、坐A8的”和“买A4的”的是不同的客户群。当然,A8和RR去比,又不是一个级别的了。

作者: yangtaoyuke    时间: 6 天前

作者: allenzhang628    时间: 6 天前

yangtaoyuke 发表于 4-20-2013 20:29
我进入vmsky坛子里边来后,这是我觉得各位资深专家最精彩的一个帖子,收藏了。 …


作者: watechws    时间: 4 天前

作者: qieyifonger    时间: 4 天前

作者: watechws    时间: 4 天前

housefull 发表于 4-18-2013 17:53
个人觉得选HP EVA P6550 不如考虑一下 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200

StoreServ 7200美元报价差不多,软妹币市场价》eva P6550。

作者: housefull    时间: 4 天前

watechws 发表于 4-22-2013 15:51
StoreServ 7200美元报价差不多,软妹币市场价》eva P6550。

HP 3par 最近进行了一次降价, 国内有几个配置型号在进行促销推广。。。

作者: duanxk_de    时间: 4 天前

Why I Am Getting This Error? vmware-vmrc.exe – Drive Not Ready

By admin, February 23, 2013 5:27 pm

I googled around and couldn’t find any thing matching the error message.

Checked vCenter physical DVD-Rom (Drive Z:) is closed BUT NO CD/DVD, all VM does not have anything attached to this phyical DVD-Rom.

I am pretty sure this error message is related to starting of the vCenter server instead of the individual VM, somehow VC is trying to communicate with the physical DVD-Rom.



走寶! 我個Dell Account Manager竟然沒通知我!

By admin, February 18, 2013 4:26 pm


Update Feb-20

Just received the latest promotion for Hong Kong customers, well, not exactly attractive as I don’t want any series E, option 3 & 4 has to buy something I don’t need.

This only leaves with option 2, but it’s Near-Line SAS, which is different from SAS (as NL-SAS is basically a merging of a SATA disk with a SAS connector), so Nope I don’t want any SATA, same reason as for series E.

Hey, somehow I think Option 2 is a cheat!


How SAS, Near Line (NL) SAS, and SATA disks compare

By Scott Lowe
February 7, 2012, 10:20 AM PST

Takeaway: Scott Lowe breaks down the differences in reliability and performance between SAS, Near-Line SAS, and SATA drives.

When you buy a server or storage array these days, you often have the choice between three different kinds of hard drives: Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), Near Line SAS (NL-SAS) and Serial ATA (SATA). Yes, there are other kinds of drives, such as Fibre Channel, but I’m focusing this article on the SAS/SATA question. Further, even though solid-state disks (SSD) can have a SAS or SATA interface, I’m not focused here on SSDs. I’m focusing solely on the devices that spin really, really fast and on which most of the world’s data resides.

So, what is the real difference between SAS, NL-SAS and SATA disks? Well, to be cryptic, there are a lot of differences, but I think you’ll find some surprising similarities, too. With that, let’s dig in!


SAS disks have replaced older SCSI disks to become the standard in enterprise-grade storage. Of the three kinds of disks, they are the most reliable, maintain their performance under more difficult conditions, and perform much better than either NL-SAS or SATA disks.

In reliability, SAS disks are an order of magnitude safer than either NL-SAS or SATA disks. This metric is measured in bit error rate (BER), or how often bit errors may occur on the media. With SAS disks, the BER is generally 1 in 10^16 bits. Read differently, that means you may see one bit error out of every 10,000,000,000,000,000 (10 quadrillion) bits. By comparison, SATA disks have a BER of 1 in 10^15 (1,000,000,000,000,000 or 1 quadrillion).  Although this does make it seem that SATA disks are pretty reliable, when it comes to absolute data protection, that factor of 10 can be a big deal.

SAS disks are also built to more exacting standards than other types of disks. SAS disks have a mean time between failure of 1.6 million hours compared to 1.2 million hours for SATA. Now, these are also big numbers – 1.2 million hours is about 136 years and 1.6 million hours is about 182 years. However, bear in mind that this is a mean. There will be outliers and that’s where SAS’s increased reliability makes it much more palatable.

SAS disks/controller pairs also have a multitude of additional commands that control the disks and that make SAS a more efficient choice than SATA. I’m not going to go into great detail about these commands, but will do so in a future article.


NL-SAS is a relative newcomer to the storage game, but if you understand SATA and SAS, you already know everything you need to know about NL-SAS. You see, NL-SAS is basically a merging of a SATA disk with a SAS connector. From Wikipedia: “NL-SAS drives are enterprise SATA drives with a SAS interface, head, media, and rotational speed of traditional enterprise-class SATA drives with the fully capable SAS interface typical for classic SAS drives.”

There are two items of import in that sentence: “enterprise SATA drives” and “fully capable SAS interface”. In short, an NL-SAS disk is a bunch of spinning SATA platters with the native command set of SAS. While these disks will never perform as well as SAS thanks to their lower rotational rate, they do provide all of the enterprise features that come with SAS, including enterprise command queuing, concurrent data channels, and multiple host support.

Enterprise/tagged command queuing. Simultaneously coordinates multiple sets of storage instructions by reordering them at the storage controller level so that they’re delivered to the disk in an efficient way.
Concurrent data channels. SAS includes multiple full-duplex data channels, which provides for faster throughout of data.
Multiple host support. A single SAS disk can be controlled by multiple hosts without need of an expander.

However, on the reliability spectrum, don’t be fooled by the acronym “SAS” appearing in the product name. NL-SAS disks have the same reliability metrics as SATA disks – BER of 1 in 10^15 and MTBF of 1.2 million hours. So, if you’re thinking of buying NL-SAS disks because SAS disks have better reliability than SATA disks, rethink. If reliability is job #1, then NL-SAS is not your answer.

On the performance scale, NL-SAS won’t be much better than SATA, either. Given their SATA underpinning, NL-SAS disks rotate at speeds of 7200 RPM… the same as most SATA disks, although there are some SATA drives that operate at 10K RPM.

It seems like there’s not much benefit to the NL-SAS story. However, bear in mind that this is a SATA disk with a SAS interface and, with that interface comes a number of benefits, some of which I briefly mentioned earlier. These features allow manufacturers to significantly simplify their products.


Lowest on the spectrum is the SATA disk. Although it doesn’t perform as well as SAS and doesn’t have some of the enterprise benefits of NL-SAS, SATA disks remain a vital component in any organization’s storage system, particularly for common low-tier, mass storage needs.

When you’re buying SATA storage, your primary metric is more than likely to be cost per TB and that’s as it should be. SAS disks are designed for performance, which is why they’re available in 10K and 15K RPM speeds and provide significant IOPS per physical disk. With SAS, although space is important, the cost per IOPS is generally just as, if not more, important. This is why many organizations are willing to buy speedier SAS disks even though it means buying many more disks (than SATA or NL-SAS) to hit capacity needs.


At a high level, SAS and SATA are two sides of the storage coin and serve different needs — SAS for performance and SATA for capacity. Straddling the two is NL-SAS, which brings some SAS capability to SATA disks, but doesn’t bring the additional reliability found with SAS. NL-SAS helps manufacturers streamline production, and can help end users from a controller perspective, but they are not a replacement for SAS.

In an upcoming post, I’ll talk about SAS commands and why they help cement SAS’s enterprise credibility.

Riverbed Stingray (Zeus) Traffic Manager Load Balancer vAppliance

By admin, February 11, 2013 9:32 pm

What can I say? Riverbed Stingray Traffic Manager (previously know as Zeus Traffic Manager)  is probably one of the best Load Balancers I’ve tested on the market, now it’s also available as VMware OVF format.

From initial VM OVF deployment to the actual implementation of the first load balanced web sites was less than 30 minutes. Simple concept and solid performance during stress tested (concurrent over 10,000 users per seconds).

I particularly like the admin GUI, simple and intuitive, everything is self explanatory and no non-sense.

What’s best, it also comes with an integrated Application Firewall as well as Traffic Manager Cluster Mode which you can add one or more Traffic Managers to the cluster to make it HA, wow, this idea is brilliant!

I’ve even gone as far as adding the 3rd TM (on a different subnets) into the cluster, it worked somehow, but failed when creating a Traffic IP as the Traffic IP must be seen on all subnet, I think this can be easily solved using a router between the two different subnets thought. Alternatively, I think GSLB is my next option on the list, but don’t have time now, will try later.

The most magical feature is Aptimizer which transparently optimize your web page (ie, compressed, hence reduced the time for loading) without you rewrite any of the coding.

Stingray Aptimizer is what was formerly known as Website Accelerator, or WAX. It was created by New Zealand software developer Aptimize to rejigger and accelerate web pages running on IIS or Apache web servers as well as pages stored on content delivery networks from Akamai Technologies.

Aptimizer analyzes how web pages load and reorganizes the content so a web browser doesn’t have to make so many roundtrips back to the web server to load a page. Because there are dozens of elements on a typical page, reconfiguring the web pages on the fly and storing the more efficient web page in cache on the web server can reduce page load times by a factor of four. The beauty is that this optimization does not change the web applications one bit, so you don’t have to modify your code.

The only complain is probably the cost, which is prohibitive to implement for the average SMBs, but since Riverbed is really targeting enterprise market, so I guess they don’t really care about the little ones after all. :)

Oh…there is a free and fully functional with limited features (10 request per second) Developer edition, don’t forget to try it out.


Equallogic: RAID 5 and No-Spare Configurations Not Recommended

By admin, February 6, 2013 11:29 am

This is the latest recommendation from Dell Equallogic, found in Firmware 6.0 Release Note:

Beginning with this release, the Group Manager GUI no longer includes the option for configuring a group member to use RAID 5 for its RAID policy. RAID 5 carries higher risks of encountering an uncorrectable drive error during a rebuild, and therefore does not offer optimal data protection. Consequently, Dell recommends against using RAID 5 for any business-critical data.

RAID 5 may still be required for certain applications, depending on performance and data availability require-ments. To allow for these scenarios, you may still use the CLI to configure a group member to use RAID 5.

For a complete discussion of RAID policies on PS Series systems, review the Dell Technical Report titled PS Series Storage Arrays: Choosing a Member RAID Policy, which can be downloaded from either of the following locations:



In addition, Dell recommends against using RAID configurations that do not use spare drives. You should convert all group member that are using a no-spares RAID policy to a policy that uses spare drives.

Known Issues and Limitations

The following restrictions and known issues apply to this version of the PS Series Firmware. For information about known issues and restrictions from other releases, see the Release Notes for those versions. For issues about Dell EqualLogic FS Series Appliances, refer to the Dell EqualLogic FS Series Appliances Release Notes. For issues and limitations pertaining to host operating systems and iSCSI initiators, refer to the iSCSI Initiator and Operating System Considerations document.

RAID Conversion From No-Spares To Spares Does Not Work
RAID conversion from a no-spares policy to a spares policy appears to work, but it actually converts to no-spares, resulting in no change. (Funny :) )

SAN HQ 2.5, HIT Microsoft 4.5 and HIT VMware 3.5

By admin, February 6, 2013 10:36 am

I am pretty happy with SANHQ 2.2, HIT MS 4 and HIT VMware 3.1, and there aren’t much new features I need, so I choose to delay the upgrade for the time being.

Furthermore, there are two interesting videos presented by Dell EQL User Group in Taiwan (in Chinese), the following new features were intensively mentioned as well. (Part 1 and Part 2)

SAN HQ 2.5 Announcement

Dell announces Host Integration Tools for Microsoft 4.5

Dell Announces Host Integration Tools for VMware 3.5

Note: HIT for VMware v3.1.1, and earlier, is not compatible with Equallogic Firmware Version, 6.0, of the PS Series Firmware. A later version must be installed prior to upgrading to Version 6.0, for compatibility.

Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Component Architecture Poster

By admin, January 29, 2013 11:50 am

This huge PDF poster shows some of the advanced features that VMware doesn’t have, even I am not a Microsoft visualization guy, but it’s good to know what competitor is up to.


First Equallogic Disk Failure in Two Years

By admin, December 12, 2012 6:24 pm

Just received three email alerts simultaneously from SAN HQ, Dell OME and EQL Group Manager all saying slot 5 in one of the Equallogic members has failed, the last disk (slot 15) kicked in and the raid set is reconstructing. Called local Dell ProSupport, parts is being arranged and will be delivered to data center within 2-3 hours. (Update, raid reconstruction took about 3 1/2 hours to complete)

It was quite a black day today as this is the 2nd incident happening to my equipment, and Equallogic SAN was under very light load and the disk just failed without any pre-warning. Where is the predicative disk failure feature in Equallogic after all?


Alert from Dell OME:
Device: , Service Tag:, Asset Tag:, Date:12/12/12, Time:17:46:17:000, Severity:Critical, Message:Sent when eqlDiskStatus changes from one state to another state. Variables: eqlDiskStatus=Failed,eqlDiskSlot=5

Alert from EQL Group Manager:
Warning health conditions currently exist.
Correct these conditions before they affect array operation.
Non-fatal RAIDset failure. While the RAID set is degraded, performance and availability might be decreased. There are 1 outstanding health conditions. Correct these conditions before they affect array operation.
Failure: HDD Drive: 5, Model: ST3600057SS , Serial Number: 3SL14VVR
Reconstruction of RAID LUN 0 initiated.

Alert from SAN HQ

  • 12/12/2012 5:45:46 PM to 12/12/2012 5:47:46 PM
    • Warning: Member eql RAID Set Is Degraded
      • Warning: Member eql RAID set is degraded because a disk drive failed or was removed.
    • Warning: Member eql RAID More Spares Expected
      • Warning: Member eql The current RAID configuration requires more spare drives then are currently available.
    • Warning: Member eql has a failed drive in slot 5

Running Windows Server 2012 under ESX 4.1

By admin, December 4, 2012 1:10 pm

I just saw this post, seemed someone got it working finally, I haven’t got time to try, if you did make it running, pls drop back a line, thanks.

Re: How to install windows 8 on esxi 4.1 ?

If you’d like to give it a shot, download the attached file and add the following options to your configuration file:

bios440.filename = “<full path to rom image>”
mce.enable = TRUE
cpuid.hypervisor.v0 = FALSE
vmGenCounter.enable = FALSE

bios.440.rom (512.0 K)


Stop error 0×109: CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION on a VMWare virtual machine

To work around this issue, manually create a CPUID mask for the affected virtual machines:

To manually create a CPUID mask for the affected virtual machines:
  1. Power off the virtual machine.
  2. Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit Settings.
  3. Click the Options tab.
  4. Select CPUID Mask under Advanced.
  5. Click Advanced.
    • For Intel:
      • Under the Register column, locate the edx register under Level 80000001.
      • Paste this into the value field:—-:0—:—-:—-:—-:—-:—-:—-For example:

        cpuid.80000001.edx = —-:0—:—-:—-:—-:—-:—-:—-

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