關於Exoto車模版權的江湖傳聞 (如有雷同,純屬巧合)

By admin, January 7, 2014 1:22 pm

據知Exoto老闆Tony K.的老婆Eileen是一個專業的美國版權法律師,聰明的她最終找到了關於當地版權法的灰色地帶。辦法就是在新產品上不提及任何法拉利(Ferrari)的字樣,而用Tipo這個字眼代替,最重要的是宣稱這個產品跟原車廠和駕駛員沒任何關係,所有的東西只是作為參考(reference purposes)而已。

This product is not licensed by, endorsed by, or affiliated with Jaguar Cars Limited.

All manufacturer’s names, symbols, and descriptions are used for reference purposes only, and do not imply that any Exoto Product listed is the product of these manufacturers.

Any racing team and/or driver names, symbols and/or descriptions are used for reference purposes only, and do not imply that any Exoto Product listed is the product of these racing teams and/or drivers, or is endorsed by any racing team or driver.



