RofGo Collection

By admin, April 7, 2014 2:05 pm

當我還在忙於收藏1比18 GULF車模的時候,這位德國大叔竟然已經完成了這個全球最齊全的私人GULF收藏,你沒看錯,這些都是1比1的真車。


This is Something New for Me

By admin, April 7, 2014 1:10 pm

It is generally accepted as common knowledge that the high-end RISC server vendors—IBM and Oracle—have been bleeding market share in favor of high-end Intel Xeon based servers. Indeed, the RISC market accounts for about 150k units while the x86 market has almost 10 million servers. About 5% of those 10 million units are high-end x86 servers, so the Xeon E7 server volume is probably only 2-4 times the size of the whole RISC market. Still, that tiny amount of RISC servers represents about 50% of the server market revenues.