Adidas Climachill

By admin, October 2, 2014 5:10 pm


今天路過網球店鋪發現正在夏日大減價,一直想試的紅色Adidas Climachill終於打六折了,於是毫不猶豫馬上入手,下星期一就可以證實是否宣傳裡面那麼利害了。不過經驗告訴我期望越大,失望越大。 :)


CLIMACHILL™ keeps you cool with a meshlike fabric of aluminum-silver dots that conduct heat away from the body

Adidas claims that Climachill fabric is able to deliver an instant cooling effect with its mix of titanium-blended yarn and 3D aluminum cooling spheres. The 3D spheres are mapped to correspond with the body’s hot zones, keeping those areas cooler. Meanwhile, the use of the titanium “SubZero” flat yarn delivers a claimed 36 percent increase in cooling capacity over Adidas’ older Climacool fabric.

In order to find the “ultimate Climachill fabric,” Adidas tested fabric blends in its “Clima” chamber, cranking the heat up to 122ºF (50ºC). It then zeroed in on what was most effective.


By admin, October 2, 2014 9:24 am


今早讀了一本在會所拿的香港Privite Banking雜誌2014,我想不少人應該知道現在的普通私銀最低入門資產要求是USD3M,但你猜Goldman Sachs的私銀客戶最低要求是多少﹖US100M! 沒錯是港幣8個億!!! 另外我發現私銀的最大功能是避免富不過3代,但背後隱藏的最大用途其實是防止自己的孩子們以後爭產,哈哈,難怪人們都說有錢人的煩惱還真只剩下錢了。