
By admin, July 15, 2015 1:31 pm

最近看到這段「最低層次才用努力賺錢,高層次的人則懂得用錢去賺錢,最高層次的人甚至會拿別人的錢去賺錢。」然後突然見到畢明的這篇「別讓cheap精得逞」,恍然大悟,原來蘋果賺錢一直都是最高層次的,淨cheap精!!! 呵呵。




我嘅final word是:Don’t work cheap. Never below your market value。

Taylor Swift早前對Apple地對空重手發炮,發射電磁脈衝公開信反剝削,理直氣壯義正詞尖:”Please don’t ask us to provide you with our music for no compensation. We don’t ask you for free iPhones”。一信激起千重浪,全民叫好萬眾群起圍轟Apple Music。

慷他人之慨,是為無品。作為霸業型國際大企 業,Apple Music提供三個月免費試聽給用家,於是音樂人、作曲填詞監製主唱的,在首三個月將分文不獲,幾多人聽幾多人買,蘋果一毫子都不會給你。但你要推廣要做 優惠要促銷益街坊,你嘅事,為什麼要音樂人替你請客,這叫慷他人之慨。人家音樂人不用開飯,祇免費提供音樂讓你上客開飯、無本生利嗎?開埋家門俾埋銀行密 碼你入去放題任食任拎好冇?


想 起早前Pat Pope被樂隊Garbage剝削的擾攘,Pat是擁有超過20年資歷的專業攝影師,作品在《Q》及《Rolling Stone》等雜誌刊登,和很多搖滾頂級大牌如Oasis、David Bowie及 Radiohead等都合作過。Garbage走來問他免費攞相用,不付分文,玩「食霸王餐」。又不是做慈善,Garbage更是唱片銷量1700萬隻的 樂隊,憑什麼要人家給你免費餐。又是「我用你,我益你」嗎?

我不喜歡當廉價車字女工。如果你的作品,不論是音樂、照片、創意、文字是有市場價值,點解要work for free/cheap?又不是做慈善。點解要免費供稿?點解免費賣橋?人哋就拎去賣錢?

我超喜歡Pat的回應:“I’m proud of my work and I think it has a value. If you don’t think it has any value, don’t use it. I’m saying no to a budget that says you can take my work for free and make money out of it”。


更大問題兼更可怕,是 公然剝削這市場癌症,蔚然成風,是慣性,極普遍,甚嚴重,不限音樂娛樂事業,太多其他行業,手握權力財富資源的,縮骨成疾成僻,恃着勢力比人強,不是以包 裝過的手法誘騙壓迫別人免費為其服務,就是用嗟來之賤價向形勢比它弱的一群屈機,以很多財團的size,比它弱勢的差不多就是全世界。貧富懸殊,因為議價 能力蚊髀同犀牛髀。


當今世 上,太多人太多客戶太縮骨,不尊重創意和文字,不尊重它們的市場價值,用各種手法呃呃騙騙唔俾錢,騙徒嘅手法層出不窮,大家千祈別中計兼要鎖好門窗,別讓 賊人有機可乘。幾多人詐詐諦諦約你出來吃飯,問意見「擇腦袋」,用了你的創作拿了你的點子唔使唔該。創作人唔使交租食飯練仙㗎?寫字唔使搭車買衫㗎?有交 情,我幫你,為慈善,有共識,聲明在先,心甘情願,一件事,被屈被濫用,是另一件事。

正如現在有很多媒體,稿費是奇cheap的。世上有很多新媒 體,索性不給稿費。Pat Pope說“If publishers are prepared to accept unpaid contributions it means they are prepared to accept poor work. Why would anyone make an effort to produce work of decent quality if the publisher places no value on it?”他很憤怒,因為業餘的人免費供稿供相做壞市,而無恥的出版人求cheap/free work不求質量,專業人士越來越難做。如果專業的、優秀的,都搵不了食,其他的就更難餬口了。行業還會生氣蓬勃嗎?別的不說,香港幾多人亂寫影評?報社 又受?整行就差不多廢了。

回說Taylor Swift單挑Apple Music一役,她大勝,蘋果極速拆彈華麗轉身,即時從善如流修改政策,妥善撲滅了一場公關災難,宣佈首三個月一樣給各音樂單位付版權費。《時代雜誌》特 別為此寫了一稿,說Taylor Swift拯救了蘋果,而事件贏家還有蘋果。本來市場不太認識的Apple Music知名度大大提升,本來很多不願意和它合作的單位都願意上船,尤其是新勢力。要知道,像Taylor Swift那麼名成利就,那三個月版權費不是什麼,但對新人、未發跡的、浮沉中的人,那就很是什麼。一個行業對羽翼未豐、沒有議價能力的不公義,還有前途 嗎?誰還入行?現在,蘋果的音樂庫實力比之前大大提升,連繫起更多朋友不是創造很多敵人,對自己對音樂人對整個工業,做成了三贏。

“Stop Working For Free. That’s my final word”- Pat Pope

現 在太多高傲的權力,以為你唔做大把人做,是的,現在社會很斷裂,因為太多關係是我冇咗你又得,你冇咗我又一樣,不必珍惜。於是大公司盡情把人力資源踐踏, 盡情屈機,有些人做了幫兇還不自知。很多年前,某名牌雜誌找我供稿,稿費很好笑,多謝榮獲賞識之餘,我說為興趣同長期為傳媒機構做善事是不同的,對方說某 前輩人氣才子都是這個稿費,我答:「關我咩事」。

- 畢明


By admin, July 14, 2015 4:09 pm

真想不到這台#16號Canon拉花的1984 Porsche 956L只在2015年勒芒現場發售,而且是限量500台,看來沒希望了。

PMA 180-836914 p836914 GT 1983 Porsche 956 Canon , Richard Lloyd Racing , 24 Hours of LeMans Lloyd, Richard / Palmer, Jonathan / Lammers, Jan




Porsche 956L Boss #47 24h LeMans 1984 Lässig, Fouche, Graham (183846947, LE 1/500)


Porsche 956L Skoal #16 24h LeMans 1983 John Fitzpatrick Racing (183836916 LE 1/500)


Porsche 956L BP #47 24h LeMans 1983 Henn, Ballot-Lena, Schlesser (180836947, LE 1/1,002)


Porsche 956L Rollei #21 24h LeMans 1984 Charles Ivey Racing, Alain de Cadenet, Allan Grice, Chris Craft (183846921, LE 1/500)


Porsche 956L #33 American 100’s 24h LeMans 1985, john fitzpatrick racing, Hobbs, Gartner, Edwards 183856933, LE 1/500)



By admin, July 12, 2015 10:02 pm



IIS HTTP Stopped Taking Request and Connections_refused

By admin, July 11, 2015 11:40 am

Recently, one of the web server suddenly stopped from taking any request, restarted IIS WWW service won’t help, and there is no W3WP.exe in the process at all! Everything else seems normal, of course restarting the whole server helps, but it will happen again in a few months, so this is not the permanent solution.

Then I found out there are tons of “Connections_refused” entries are logged in the Httperr.log, it turns out the server has run out of non-pool memories.

Work around for this issue is to add the EnableAggressiveMemoryUsage registry entry to the following registry subkey:


Then, set the EnableAggressiveMemoryUsage registry entry to 1.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
  2. Click the following registry subkey:
  3. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
  4. Type EnableAggressiveMemoryUsage, and then press ENTER.
  5. On the Edit menu, click Modify.
  6. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  7. On the File menu, click Exit to exit Registry Editor.
  8. Restart the HTTP service. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd in the Open box, and then click OK.
    2. At the command prompt, type net stop http /y, and then press ENTER.
    3. At the command prompt, type iisreset /restart, and then press ENTER.

By default, the HTTP service in IIS 6.0 stops accepting connections when nonpaged pool memory reaches 20 MB. When you enable the EnableAggressiveMemoryUsage registry entry, the HTTP service stops accepting connections when nonpaged pool memory reaches 8 MB.


By admin, July 8, 2015 1:56 pm


PMA #’s <scale> <dealer> <year> <model type> <race #>
例如: 18 0 84 69 07 就是迷你切即將推出的1984年勒芒7號Porsche 956L冠軍車

但有時個別分銷商 <dealer> 這項會變成1,比如最近CK and Modelisimmo推出的1985年勒芒7號Porsche 956L冠軍車就變成18″3″ 856907。



1/18 TSM Porsche 935/79 Winner of the 1979 24 Hours of Daytona

By admin, July 5, 2015 11:08 am

Coming soon…Limited Edition of 1200

The #0 Interscope Porsche, in the hands of Danny Ongais, Hurley Haywood and entrant Ted Field absolutely destroyed the field, capturing victory with an astounding 49 lap margin of victory.


By admin, July 2, 2015 2:31 pm

這張舊照片時間定格在1936年,巨大的德國興登堡號飛船(LZ 129 Hindenburg) 緩緩地駛過紐約曼哈頓的上空,很有Sci-Fi電影的感覺,沒錯,就是3年前那套Iron Sky!



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