來自Aston Martin的藝術品

By admin, July 23, 2015 9:37 pm

今天收到國外車模店的最新通告,裡面有以下的一個特別收藏品。我馬上就聯想到幾年前那個來自Jaguar的藝術品,它們倆竟然是如此地相似! 當然這個體積大很多、也重很多(20磅左右),所以不用問價格也肯定像真車One-77一樣,遙不可及!

On offer is a rare Aston Martin One-77 owner’s model. Only 77 of these special sculptures were made for clients who purchased the real car. It is constructed from a solid billet of aluminum that weighs over 20 lbs and has been hand polished to a mirror finish. This 10” long replica is packaged in a premium Aston Martin display box with a note signed by CEO Dr. Ulrich Bez.

This special piece of art was given to the customer following the completion of the second payment instalment which secured a firm build slot for their car.

This is the only one of the 77 gifts made that is for sale, all others are with their car owners.

塞翁失馬 焉知非福

By admin, July 23, 2015 2:18 pm

想不到之前那台宣傳只在2015年勒芒現場發售Porsche 956L #16 Canon拉花限量版竟然突然公開販賣了,當然馬上下單,據為己有。


這叫之前那些用高價在拍賣場上購得此車的收藏家門是如何的義憤填膺!!! 也再次證明了收藏模型車這個嗜好強求最終是得不到幸福的,不如順其自然的好。

倒是年頭出現在紐倫堡玩具展的那台也是Canon拉花的#14號現在卻沒了蹤影,不過誰知道呢? 可能下星期就會推出。

另外跟956L同好聊天的時候,得知PMA幾年前通過澳洲BIANTE模型銷售商曾經推出過以下這台極為罕有的PETER BROCK 1984年956L版本。

PMA 183-846934 p846934 GT 1984 Porsche 956 #34 Bob Jane T-Marts , Team Australia / LeMans / Biante Exclusive LE (1/2500) Brock, Peter / Perkins, Larry


最後這次的採購也一併收了等待已久的80年代DTM冠軍車 寶馬廠花版的M3 (E30)!




Porsche 956L Canon #14 24h LeMans 1983 Lammers, Palmer, Lloyd (180836914, LE 1/1,002)