
By admin, April 10, 2019 3:47 pm



Amateur 直接借自法語,而法語詞則源于拉丁語 Amator,其詞根為 Amare (Love) 。故嚴格地說 Amateur 的意思應為“愛好者”,而今多指“業余愛好者”,即不是為了錢而出于喜愛去從事某項活動或研究的人。


Play MKV, MP4, FLAC, APE on IPad/iPhone

By admin, April 10, 2019 11:43 am

VLC Media Player App is so good!

Simply use iTune’s File Sharing and drag your media to VLC.

All your MKV, MP4, FLAC, APE, MP3…can be played on iPad/iPhone now and no more conversion required, nice and easy!

Btw, Apple support really SUCKS! It’s just completely waste of my time. Google is your best friend as always