
By admin, February 19, 2014 1:25 pm


以下是來自美國專業人偶製作工作室Racing Dioramics的技巧提示:

We use Slow Zap hobby glue and an industrial extremely micro fine bondo to fill gaps and air bubbles- it is a little bit expensive and I dont recommend it for just one job.

We use toothpicks to apply the putty. 220 sandpaper then 400 after. We have never tried hobby putty but I suppose it’s the same.

We prime (that’s how you can see the blemishes) and sand. Then we use a white laquer base coat because the grey primer makes the paint not be true in color and white primer often chips.

We use an airbrush for all this but it is not neccessary. Spray can will do just fine too.

Then we do the painting of the various colors and shading by hand.

We use a combination of acrylics and enamels depending on their properties for the purpose. After- spray dull coat.

For the goggles, use 5 minute epoxy because the Slow Zap glue ( or any instant glue) gives off vapors that fog clear glas and plastic.

If you like, you can put a little Future floor clear or hobby acyrlic clear to clarify the eyes and goggles.

2 Responses to “關於人偶上色的一些技巧”

  1. F1 Fan says:

    Hello that figure was not painted by Racing Dioramics but by an Irish artist.

  2. admin says:

    Sorry it was my fault, I should indicate the figure was painted by Paul Marshall.

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