Free Tools from VKernel

By admin, May 4, 2011 4:52 pm

It seemed the market for 3rd party virtualization tools is really heating up, this time it’s VKernel offers some free apps for those who love every bites of those nice looking GUI based tools.

  • ApplicationVIEW
  • CapacityVIEW
  • StorageVIEW
  • Capacity Modeler 

I’ve tried them all, well, it does what it suppose to, which is just to give you a very preliminary of what your current virtual infrastructure is and also present you some problems it discovered, to get into more details, you have to pay as expected. Well, to some extend, I don’t like VKernel’s free tools, as they are really does nothing but to get you into buying their products, by contract, Veeam is doing much better for the free products that’s actually useful, so I’ve uninstalled all 4 after 30 mins of testing as I found they are really not useful at all.

A few years back, I was seriously consider buying VMkernel’s chargeback product as it’s more advanced than VMware’s chargeback product, but both contains flaw and drawbacks. After almost 3 years, I still don’t see anyone on the market offers a good cloud based chargeback/billing panel for easy to use and customize to individual company’s requirement, if you know any new comer, please drop me a line, thanks.

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