Beyond Five Nines 99.999% Availability with Dell Compellent

By admin, May 5, 2013 11:15 am

Five nines or 99.999% availability standard (5.26 mins downtime per year) has its origins in the telecom industry. It characterizes the technical capabilities of an individual system. It does not characterize the capability of an organization to use the technology to meet its goals. To measure the impact of technology on an organization requires consideration of the entire IT environment and its effectiveness as a whole in providing access to data.


Dell Compellent: Going beyond five nines

By virtualizing physical resources, Dell Compellent Storage Center achieves a higher level of abstraction that overcomes the limitations of traditional storage, allowing you to perform routine management and maintenance without taking down the applications users rely on to keep business moving.

At Dell, we’re addressing data accessibility issues with a 24×7x365 mentality. The Dell Compellent family offers 99.999% availability1 by the standard measure, but we go beyond the concept of five nines. We take planned data downtime into consideration in our approach to building our hardware, the technologies behind our software and in our unique, award-winning support.

Building high availability into hardware

The foundation of continuous data availability is based on a hardware environment in which users can access the data during activities that traditionally require downtime, both unplanned and planned.
Dell removes the potential for a single point of failure from the whole environment rather than merely moving that single point of failure around within the environment. Our approach is to provide a hardware environment in which accessing data uses no shared components.

Clustering dual storage controllers with no shared backplanes or midplanes, and then connecting that fully redundant cluster to storage devices in a multi-loop or multi-chain configuration, provides redundancy at all points and allows for a hardware environment that is highly available. Providing reliability and redundancy in components most likely to fail—power supplies, fans, spinning disk drives—contributes to this infrastructure of availability. Wherever possible, components are designed to be hot swappable, eliminating downtime for maintenance and repair.

Data management traditionally requires planned downtime. Virtualization can help change that. Dell Compellent virtualizes storage at the drive level, enabling you to create high performance, highly efficient virtual volumes in seconds, without allocating drives to specific servers and without complicated capacity planning and performance tuning. Read/write operations are spread across all drives in your virtualized pool of storage, so multiple requests are processed in parallel, accelerating data access.

In addition, you can change and scale your virtualized storage dynamically without disruption or downtime. Start with a single controller, add a second controller, join the two into a cluster, all while allowing access to the data. Add drives and drive enclosures, replace fans and power supplies—even go inside a controller and replace interface cards to upgrade or fix hardware issues, with your data accessible to users all the while.

A hardware environment built on this blueprint can keep data accessible during activities that traditionally had a negative impact on business, and keep the organization moving forward.

Building high availability into software Software

that contributes to data availability includes automated data placement, virtualization, and data protection solutions. Again, the Dell Compellent approach is holistic, and focused on keeping data optimally accessible for users—in any circumstance, and at every stage in its lifecycle.

Dell Compellent storage software features built-in automation that optimizes the provisioning, placement and protection of data throughout its lifecycle. For example, storage tiering enables an organization to keep data available cost effectively. Data Progression, Dell Compellent’s patented tiering technology, automatically classifies and migrates data to the optimum storage tier and RAID level based on actual usage. As shown below, all new data is written to Tier 1, RAID 10 and snapshots cascade to the lowest available tier within 24 hours. Then, the most active blocks of data remain on high-performance drives, while less active blocks automatically move to lower-cost, high-capacity drives. Under this approach, your storage is optimally utilized, data is easily recoverable and users and applications have fast access to the data they need.


Dell Compellent automated tiered storage dynamically classifies and migrates data to the optimum tier based on frequency of access.

Another way Dell Compellent builds high availability into storage software is Dell Compellent Data Instant Replay, sometimes referred to in the industry as “snapshot technology” or “continuous data protection.” A Replay is similar to a snapshot in that it captures a point-in-time copy of data; however, it has intelligence that lets you access read-only data without having to make a copy of that data. You can take continuous, space-efficient snapshots to speed local recovery of lost or deleted files. Once an initial snapshot of a volume is taken, only incremental changes in the data need to be captured. Every Replay is a readable and writable volume that is automatically stored on lower-cost drives, and can be used to recover any size volume to any server in less than 10 seconds.

Remote Instant Replay leverages Replays between local and remote sites for cost-effective disaster recovery and business continuity solutions. After initial site synchronization, only incremental changes in data are replicated on an ongoing basis, cutting hardware, bandwidth and administration costs. You can replicate over Fibre Channel or native IP as your business requires.

Dell Compellent Live Volume, enables dynamic business continuity by letting you move storage volumes between Dell Compellent arrays on demand. All migration occurs transparently while applications remain online. Live Volume functionality is fully integrated in the Dell Compellent platform and requires no additional hardware, server agents or costly appliances. It supports any virtualized server environment and complements leading virtual machine movement engines.


將Windows Server 2012當Desktop來用

By admin, May 5, 2013 10:36 am

因為w2k12繼續可以用OEM SLP Activate的原因,所以很多PC發燒友將w2k12當w2k8來用

但是轉換過程原來好鬼麻煩,乾脆放棄,Desktop還是用回Wiondows 7 Pro算數。

黑色午夜: 這次不是哥哥張國榮的歌

By admin, May 4, 2013 9:59 pm

這次Elite的比京商便宜2.5倍,而且外型也准過京商,几乎擁有所有的UT F355紅黃色,唯獨就差黑色,很高興今天終于完夢了。

線條比京商粗, 內飾沒京商好,但比UT好得多,地毯是噴硬薄絨的,跟很久以前的UT RS差不多,不是一貫的Elite厚絨風格,另外引擎很多貼紙和蝕刻片,頭燈可以跳起,車尾F355 Berlinetta是蝕刻片。



另外沒拿車出來(4個螺絲還是算了), 看圖覺得HW精細版的輪子做得太大了,不合比例,已經拿車出來的兄弟請評論。


大鵬展翅 一飛衝天!

By admin, May 3, 2013 5:14 pm




還古董車生命 (轉文)

By admin, May 3, 2013 1:29 pm


英籍古董車專家Andy Duarte除了維修老爺車、幫朋友買車,亦出租車位,為擁有多輛老爺車的車主照顧愛車。

丁屋發展顧問元崇徵,於英治時期曾服務當時專門管理新界事務的元朗理民府,他是個車迷,曾經擁有過許多名車,十多年來最愛的始終是第一輛購入的古董車、1976年英國出產的Triumph TR6,當年見過英兵駕着這輛車在新界飛馳的畫面,就讓他迷醉近40年。
米 字旗卸下,他才擁有自己的Triumph TR6,是一輛已經37歲的老爺車,他找來長居香港的英籍古董車專家Andy Duarte,為車輛徹底翻新,重塑當年的味道。英軍走了,只要坐到這輛英國古董車上,他就記得昔日的美好時光。當整個香港都活在紅色的陰影下,英國人、 英國事都叫我們特別眷戀。
記者:吳宛蔚 攝影:黃偉傑

「七十年代,我住荃灣,每日駕車到元朗上班都經過英兵駐紮的石崗軍營,當年全個香港就只有他們有能力駕這款車。」現年60多歲的元崇徵說的是他第一部擁有 的老爺車,就是現時全港不多於十輛、1976年出廠的Truimph TR6。他自稱超級車癡,洋洋得意地說:「你說得出的跑車品牌如快意、法拉利、保時捷等我都曾經開過!」從前獨愛新車,但近十年,卻迷上老爺車,「以前打 政府工,人工低沒甚麼錢,錯過很多七、八十年代的天價跑車,如平治300SL,但今日都變成負擔得起的老爺車,將它們買回來算是還自己一個心願吧。」
他 最記得當年常見英軍駕駛Triumph TR6的英偉畫面,這輛車,成了他多年的dream car,但TR6在港並不算流行,2003年他竟於錦田一個車房門口再次遇上,他當然機不可失上前問價,可是車房負責人表示車主正遠遊,未能即時談交易。 「那時,我每日都會抽空到車房門外看它,再同車房主人聊天,深怕有其他競爭者同時對它虎視眈眈。」最後,他不但成功以五萬元買到心頭好,還把車輛交給 Andy翻新。「Andy受過正統的機械教育,維修老爺車更得心應手。」憑英國人的身份,Andy在老家從不同的渠道找到汽車零件,只用了九個月時間總共 花了十萬元就將全車內外翻新。「對我來說,車一定要有生命,可作日常用車,這才是賦予老爺車新生命的最大意義。」

Land Rover裝帳篷花灑

時隔10年,元崇徵的TR6仍是Andy最稱心的作品之一。被元崇徵視如翻新車神的Andy,1996年因同鄉朋友一句「香港工作機會多」,就帶着20英 鎊二話不說來到這個陌生國度,在赤鱲角機場製造保安車,由此認識了一班車迷,支持他在錦田開設自己車房。本來只做普通的汽車維修,一次意外地幫車主寄賣老 爺車,就吸引了元崇徵,成功促成交易又完美地將這輛TR6復修好,從此踏進老爺車世界。
每有客人要找冷門老爺車,他都會試試幫他們聯絡世界各地的老爺車賣手,曾經成功買到美國版的福特 Mustang、1951年右軚的平治170S、七十年代於澳洲昆士蘭省及新南威爾斯省公路上巡邏的佳士拿Valiant Charger特別版等。
在 他手上獲得重生的一部部老爺車都是他的履歷,口碑令他成為老爺車會眾多會員的「御用」維修師。他錦田的車房,有逾15輛老爺車乖乖地「排隊」待Andy逐 一翻新。他曾為一輛1988年出產Land Rover安裝雪櫃、外置帳篷,甚至淋浴裝置,讓車主可駕着它環遊世界,他不但為古董車賦予生命,還為車主圓夢。

OnBase 電話:24881823

1951年 平治170S


1966年 福特Mustang

話你知:Andy為Mustang用了美國最貴的車胎Boyd Coddington親筆簽名系列,只是一對車胎售價就要15,000美元(約117,000港元)。

1974年 Datsun260Z

話 你知:日產車廠於1969年首推S30型號跑車,內銷用Nissan Fairlady Z而外銷則用Datsun240Z、260Z及280Z,直至車廠於1970推出統一的Fairlady Z系列為止。

1976年 佳士拿 Valiant Charger


1988年 Land Rover


1998年 賓利Turbo RT



By admin, May 3, 2013 10:39 am



兩代經典Change of Guard:瘋狂搶購

By admin, May 3, 2013 10:23 am

想不到最新一期以Ferrari 250 GTO & Mclaren GTR F1作為封面的著名英國汽車雜誌Octane在兩天內就被知音者一掃而空,幾乎全港九的書店雜誌鋪子都出現缺貨,經典超跑的魅力果然非同小可!



即將推出: Lamborghini Countach LP400 Orange (74647)

By admin, May 3, 2013 10:10 am








京商10年前的Countach LP400 (08321P)




By admin, May 3, 2013 9:56 am




偉大的意大利汽車設計師: Marcello Gandini

By admin, May 3, 2013 9:34 am

Marcello Gandini是誰? 他就是著名意大利汽車設計工作室Bertone Design Studio的設計大師,傑作包括了林寶堅尼的3大旗艦Countach, Miura和Diablo。


Gandini年輕的時候竟然與現任林寶堅尼的總裁Stephan Winkelmann有幾分相似。

生於上世紀1938年,和另外兩個同年出生的意大利汽車設計大師Giorgetto Giugiaro及Leonardo Fioravanti齊名,號稱意國的三大曠世汽車設計奇才The Italian Automobile Triumvirate!

最初剪刀門的設計概念也是Gandini發明的,1968年首次應用在Alfa Romeo Carabo上,之後70年代初才輾轉在林寶堅尼上身上出現。


Gandini的其它設計還包括了一眾出名的超級跑車如Alfa Romeo Montreal, Lamborghini Espada/Urraco, Bugatti EB110, Maserati Ghibli, Lancia Stratos還有那個極像Espada的Jaguar Pirana。

“Gandini’s design interests are focused on vehicle architecture, construction,assembly, and mechanisms – not appearance.”

曾經是Gandini上司的Giorgetto Giugiaro則設計了Ferrari 250 Berlinetta Bertone, De Tomaso Mangusta和Iso Grifo。但究竟是一山不能藏二虎、合作了短短的兩年後就跟Gandini不合而離開了Bertone去了外面闖蕩。

最後一位Leonardo Fioravanti更是大名鼎鼎! 他就職於另一間意大利汽車設計工作室Pininfarina、也就是法拉利的御用車身設計廠。可惜最新的法記旗艦La Ferrari首次放棄了使用Pininfarina的設計,結果當然是劣評如潮!

Fioravanti所參與的設計包括了Ferrari Dino, Daytona, Ferrari P5/P6; 512 Berlinetta Boxer, 308 GTB,最後還有兩台80年代最出名的法拉利旗艦Ferrari 288 GTO和F40!!!

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