
By admin, August 17, 2015 1:58 pm

最近看到一個國外收藏家的Show Room,讓我嘗試描述一下,完美的場景應該是以下這樣的。

木飾的展櫃裡沉澱著深厚的汽車文化,一室的咖啡飄香伴奏著輕快的Jazz音樂,就這樣過了一個輕鬆悠閑並且懶洋洋的下午,嗯,This is what life should be like!

然後我突然回過魂來,Damn! 因為這樣的機會在香港看來真的比較難實現,所以還得繼續努力…哈哈哈…

Cleaing up Those Huge MSSQL Log Files

By admin, August 17, 2015 12:21 pm

Today, one of my clients has complained his server is running out of space abnormally, using WinDirStat, I was able to identify the cause of the problem.

It was the MSSQL log files occupied over 20GB of space. The clean up process is pretty straight forward, manually run “EXEC sp_cycle_errorlog” 6 times or more depending how many log copies you kept, the command erased all those gigantic log files and freed up the space as you wished for, simple as that.

There is always something new for me to learn everyday, which is a good thing! :)

Note: Struggled a bit trouble when login back to Mirosoft SQL Server Management Studio, as the correct format for Server Name is /your_server_name/SQLEXPRESS.