
By admin, December 1, 2009 3:23 pm

Bleeding Love Spirit by Leona Lewis

No One – Alicia Keys

You Know I’m No Good by Amy Winehouse

Update July 24, 2011

Amy Winehouse這類與眾不同的R&B其獨特的風格只有在她High了之後才唱得到﹐而High多了的結果就是英年早逝。What a pity! I liked this song a lot actually.


By admin, November 30, 2009 10:52 am

今早真的好像打仗﹐搭正十點﹐才發現Urbtix網上訂飛原來還要事先登記ID(失策)﹐即時轉用同時已接通的信用卡訂飛熱線﹐1分鐘後﹐個Staff話我知西北角位B包廂後的E-G全部沒了﹗﹗﹗到底誰這麼快啊﹖1分鐘內(10:01AM)就把所有的西北角位B包廂後的E-G由1/6至到1/9全部訂完﹗﹗﹗MY GOD﹗

還好﹐H9邊邊位連續有3天都有﹐1/7果日有Michael vs Edberg﹐所以只有果日訂了正西裁判位B行近正中(訂票是還蠢蠢地問個Staff球員坐哪邊﹖她也不清楚﹐印象中好像球員都是坐裁判席旁邊的﹐而且攝影機是放在對面﹐所以判斷球員應該坐在西面而不是東面﹐當即立斷﹐買了西邊﹐希望沒錯)﹐到時候好拿我果塊的POG拍套給培哥簽名羅﹐都等著足足20年才真正有機會近身看我小時候的偶像張德培打波﹐其實我也滿喜歡Edberg的﹐尤其是他的S&V﹐話是話﹐到時一于嘍買我個PS85拍套比他簽名﹐一箭雙雕﹐YEAH﹗哈哈…

Tips:  如果你四天都看﹐記得一定要買套票(HK$1,850)﹐因為同正價(HK$2,320)比有八折﹐而且可以因應你所喜歡的球員來選擇每天都坐不同的最佳位置。



另外, 我覺得再辛苦也是值得的﹐何況都等左20年﹐而且任何事情都可能是最後一次﹐一定要在我可以的時候儘量去爭取。



By admin, November 29, 2009 10:05 pm

真係以前d拍好 d ? - Exilim from Discuss

好多人成日話以前d拍好d ..
最舊ge verson 係最好ge 甘 la .
再唸唸 … 十年後 ge pro 會唔會 paintjob microgel / k-95 做自己本身個支拍 ?
同..我唸 … 如果真係之前ge拍係好d ge .
d pro d 拍就唔會有 n 個硬度同長度 choose la /
如果距地 change 左個硬度同重量
甘就唔係我地出面買到ge pc600 or ps85
而且我都唔係好相信 e + d 拍廠用ge料會做唔番之前甘好   ..
係心結 ???or … 係事實 ? OR …球星效應 ?





分析 UT Ferrari F355 Collection (轉文)

By admin, November 29, 2009 4:59 pm


我從以上的好文章裡﹐學到了之前一直想知道關於UT F355的所有東西。

Ferrari F355 Berlinetta 1994 by UT

黑色 355,帶有強烈的殺氣,又尤其獨特白底霧燈陪襯,更顯凌厲!UT 355 系列,只有後期推出新款式的才用白底霧燈,像黃 355 GTS、黃 355 Spider 米色內裝、紅 355 GTS 賽車椅內裝以及黑 355 都是後期才有的新顏色,也都採用白底霧燈。早期款式,如紅 355 Berlinetta 米色內裝、黃 355 Berlinetta、紅 355 GTS 米色內裝、紅 355 Spider 黑色內裝、黃 355 Spider 黑色內裝..等,都是透明霧燈,因為模型車裡烏漆嘛黑的,所以看起來有點半透明。國外有 355 車主甚至改 HID 霧燈,晚上只開霧燈,因為闔眼式頭燈開起來之後,看起來傻傻的,殺氣蕩然無存。黑 355 是後期作品,因此也有做出卡鉗,可惜沒有通風碟。


Ferrari F355 Berlinetta 1994 by UT

相較於黑色的殺氣,火紅 355 還是最經典的法拉利配色,展現無與倫比熱情。這台紅 355 是早期 UT 作品,從車頭霧燈暗暗的就可以看出來。紅色硬頂米色內裝款的內裝,可以說是幾乎呈白色的,看起來非常有質感,只可惜與實車一樣也不是很耐髒。


Ferrari F355 Berlinetta 1994 by UT

黃 355 Berlinetta,與上面紅色 355 都是前期作品,因此沒有做出卡鉗。黑色內裝配起來比較有分性能感。


Ferrari 355 GTS 1995 by UT

這就是一度搶翻天的 355 GTS,內裝賽車椅隨車色而更改配色,但感覺還是配紅的比較動感些。355 GTS 似乎是 UT 自 Minichamps 獨立出來的後期產品,因此細部比較精緻些。


Ferrari F355 GTS 1995 by UT

UT F355 GTS 一共有三款,分別是黃色配賽車椅黑色內裝、紅色配米色內裝、紅色配賽車椅黑色內裝。中間那台最罕見,我只看過兩次,但其實那是可以靠換內裝辦到的。倒是實車情形正好相反,米色內裝的 GTS 最多,賽車椅似乎是選配,也少有買家捨棄真皮座椅,與模型車的情形一比,還滿有趣的。三個版本的 GTS,只有米色內裝是早期版,其餘都有做出完整煞車系統,包含卡鉗以及打洞通風碟!輪圈做過拋光處理,但沒像 MATTEL 那樣蠢蠢的,可惜拋光層乃收膜構成,熱漲冷縮之際易造成皺縮,這台車的右後輪圈就這麼毀了,不過這層膜的對應好處是不會沾黏,非拋光版的就黏的一塌糊塗。

F355 GTS 的 Targa 車頂可拆,但結構有點緊,建議從擋風玻璃外推,比較不會傷到直角勾。GTS 就是有這個好處,蓋上去就變成 Berlinetta,開啟後又別具風味,還可以感受到後ㄇ型窗的精緻,這可不是可拆軟篷能媲美的喔。


Ferrari F355 GTS 1995 by Mattel

Mattel 在 1999 年全面收購 Ferrari 版權之後,Mattel接手 UT 355 的舊模,不過整體線條卻鈍了不少。尾燈沒有做出倒車燈,車色調的也不好,由豔黃變成鉻黃,而米色內裝也不理想,沒有UT的來得尊貴。不過,輪胎方面可圈可點,因為接手的後期模,煞車卡鉗與打孔通風碟均有,輪圈全部比照 UT 355GTS 的半拋光處理,不知製程是否相同?UT 的拋光輪圈放久了表面會產生龜裂,希望Mattel的不至於也「比照辦理」。


Ferrari F355 Spider 1995 by UT

其實這台的內裝是米色,我把它的內裝對調。355 的結構其實不難,難就難在「勇氣」,要拆市價五六千的車,壓力不是蓋的。而 355 的螺絲也不少,我拆完第一次,多了 2 根螺絲?!第二次卻少了一根?!最可惜的是,355 內裝無法拆乾淨,在椅子後方那塊內裝版拆不下來(除非鋸玻璃 ?!)。當初會想拆內裝,純粹是因為想把 355 全部收齊,卻在內裝顏色差了一步,才會突發奇想。


Ferrari F355 Spider 1995 by UT

UT 後期 355 SPIDER 與 GTS 都有個通病:拋光輪圈表面會剝落,這台也不例外,雖然它擺在盒子裡七八年,仍逃脫不了這個命運。算一算我的 355 敞篷已經全收齊了!紅-米配的敞篷能見度相當低,感謝阿昌熱情交流!


Ferrari F355 Spider with black interior 1995 by UT

連續看了四部 UT 355,是不是發現除了卡鉗外,倒車燈也不盡相同呢?紅 355 Berlinetta 沒有倒車燈;黃 355 Berlinetta、紅 355 Spider 的倒車燈又跟黑 355 不太一樣。依我的推測,只有黑 355 那種倒車燈才是後期版本,其餘都是早期版本。這台也是拆內裝,敞篷版一樣拆不掉,但配上米色內裝並沒有很突兀,畢竟實車是有這種搭配的。


Ferrari F355 Spider with tan interior 1995 by UT

相較於 Berlinetta,Spider 的內裝就比較深色,但是質感感覺還是很棒。這款米色內裝 Spider 應該是全部 355 裡面銷路最差的,在當時真是多到沒人要,我也是百般考慮才買,沒想到後來身價連幾翻


Ferrari F355 Spider 1995 by Mattel

Mattel在 355 來講,做得最好的首推 355 GTS ,而這台紅 Spider 也值得一看。米色內裝調的還不錯,可惜不若 UT 的象牙白高貴,而車頭車尾燈的含混,不需多說,倒是不知有沒有人發現,Mattel的355 SPIDER 跟 UT 355 有一處本質上的不同:UT 的是歐規車,Mattel是美規版本!判斷方法也很簡單,就是側邊美規燈啦。理論上美規輸出會比歐規略低,不過這不是「看」得出來的。

若說 UT 是標準模型廠,那麼Mattel算是典型的商人了,MATTEL 355 全系列生產一批停一批,顏色也被亂玩,先推出的顏色不再版,定價也慢慢調高,反正版權獨攬,不怕你不買!適逢 UT 關門大吉,大家一窩蜂搶 355,給Mattel殺個片甲不留。台灣的情況比較特殊,355 的量很多,所以沒有很突出的炒作。因為 355 經歷了兩任總代理:美泰兒以及辰耀,可能是交接的緣故,數量上沒有控制好,反而多了一倍在市場上,所以初期Mattel355 的行情並不看漲,之後由於某總代理策略成功,355 也跟著稀有起來啦!

不過終究是Mattel 的「佳作」,Mattel 355 就算是最有行頭的 GTS,了不起給炒到 2000 就軟了,雖說 UT、Mattel 355 的定價差不多,但行情價根據的是做工,當然不會跟著「差不多」。


UT和AutoArt千絲萬縷的關係 (轉文)

By admin, November 29, 2009 4:34 pm


UT 全名 Unique Toys,原先幫德國 Minichamps 代工部分 1:18 模型,像 DTM 系列或是早期藍色包裝的 UT 車模,盒子背後印的公司是一邊 UT,一邊 Minichamps,意思是說,版權在 Minichamps 上,由 UT 代工。

大約在 1997 年,來自香港的 GATEWAY 集團收購了 UT,同時買下 UT 模具以及版權,此時包裝就改成銀色的,部分車型在細部上做了修飾(像 355,多了排檔座以及煞車碟)。GATEWAY 集團旗下同時挾有 AUTOART, GATE 兩廠牌,與UT相結合連成低、中、高全面價位。

這其中又以中價位的 UT 最熱賣,由實惠價格帶出的高 C/P 值,雖然對消費者是一大福音,但總公司看在眼裡總不是滋味,因為 UT上砍 AUTOART,下刺GATE。GATEWAY 集團幾經討論後,決定將重心放在 AUTOART,也鑄成GATEWAY 集團在 2000 年關閉 UT 生產線。

但 UT 的模型並沒有因此銷毀(除 Ferrari 因版權而交出版模于 MATTEL),GATEWAY 的腦筋也動得很快,搞起「高級版」,把舊 UT 模型復刻,冠上AUTOART 的光環販賣,CONTEMPORARY DIVISION 大部分的車就是這樣來的。還有兩副模具直接以 Performance 販賣:PORSCHE 996 Carrera Facelift Coupe, Cabriolet,如果大家手邊有 UT 996 與 AutoArt 996 的不妨比較一下,雖然 AUTOART 已經修改不少,但還是看得出系出同源。

總之,UT, AUTOART, GATE 這三間品牌曾經並存至少兩年,至於 UT 算不算是為 AA 開路?我的看法是 Yes!就算模具大部分沒有共通,但起碼技術上提供了 GATEWAY 集團學習的機會,另一方面也藉 UT 在市場打下良好的口碑,這對日後 AUTOART 的產品,不能說沒有助益。


1/18 Autoart Mercedes Benz 300 SEL 6.3 1970: Classic of the Classic

By admin, November 26, 2009 3:20 pm

Just released yesterday in Hong Kong.

MERCEDES -BENZ 300 SEL 6.3 1970 represents one of the greatest looking M. Benz in history and I am so glad Autoart has finally released such detailed model car, and don’t forget to buy the white version later.




1/18 Autoart Mercedes Benz 300 SEL 6.3 1970 Black

Days being wild, when we were young back then…

By admin, November 25, 2009 11:11 pm

I was really crazy back then when I was 20 something, buying lots of Reebok stuffs, from his tennis shirts, to shorts, to different Reebok pump shoes, there is one version even pumped with high-tech nitrogen costed USD130 back then. (exactly the one showing in the following picture)


Of course, his Prince Graphite Oversize is still my all time favourite, still using it after 20 years and going strong, the only rkt that doesn’t give me elbow pain after playing over 2 hours, amazing 80s technology!

I still remember there is a really cool TV commercial about first generation of Reebok Pump Court Victory (the neo blue with yellow pump one), Michael hits with a ball machine, and at the end there is not a single ball on his side meaning he’s able to hit all the ball over the other end, then he swing his rkt like a Amercian cow boy using their guns or something, I noticed it’s not POG, but Prince Boron, which comes with Two stablizer bar.


I still have the POG cover almost like new, must bring it for him to sign in coming 香港網球精英賽 in Jan 2010!

PS. Btw, there is a side story, I found one POG Oversize with 90 printed on top instead of 110 or mid-plus or oversize in MRS last night, the shop owner told me it may be fake, but as far as I know there isn’t fake POG back in the 80s, could it be something 錯版﹖May be I shall ask in TW forum as well.

Update on Nov 30, 2009, finally I have found the video and it was my mistake, the racquet should be POG instead of Prince Boron, but I am not totally convinced as I remembered somewhere the racquet showed two bars instead of one, anyway.

Finally some history about Prince:

Prince Milestones

1970 Working in his garage, Bob McClure invents Little Prince, the first tennis ball machine for home court use, and Prince Manufacturing – named after the town of Princeton , NJ, is born.

1971-1975 Frustrated with his tennis game, Howard Head is introduced to the Prince Ball Machine. Soon he feels compelled to work out a few design bugs in the Ball Machine. Before you know it, he is majority owner and Chairman of the Board.

1976 As Prince’s Ball Machine prospers, Howard Head still struggles with off center hits and lack of control, motivating him to invent the first patented Prince oversized racquet, the Prince Classic. At 110 square inches, its revolutionary design changed the game and became the most successful racquet of its time.

1977 The Prince Graphite establishes Prince as the material technology leader, the first “top players” graphite racquet quickly becomes the standard by which all others are compared. Today it is still the choice of many top pros.

1978 The larger racquet headsize places greater demands on string, so Prince develops its first multi-filament string which becomes the top selling string that very same year.

1979 Prince introduces the Prince Pro, the world’s best selling aluminum racquet and the racquet Pat Cash uses to win Wimbledon .

1980 Prince begins designing functional sport bags and ultimately becomes the leader in this important category.

Prince combines the best of the old and the new by bringing together traditional wood and modern graphite technology in a revolutionary racquet, the Prince Woodie.

1982 Responding to the more practical aspects of the game, Prince introduces the P-200 Stringing Machine.

Prince Manufacturing, Inc. sold to Chesebrough- Ponds, Inc. Company sales continue to increase, and manufacturing capabilities were added in 1983 resulting from the acquisitions of Grafalloy Corp. in El Cajon , Calif. , and Grafamex in Mexicali , Mexico .

1984 Prince introduces its first line of tennis wear, continuing its commitment to serve a tennis player’s every need.

1985 Prince combines graphite, fiberglass and Kevlar in a racquet that becomes a best seller in specialty stores worldwide, the Prince Spectrum Comp.

Prince sees the need to go beyond the all- purpose tennis shoe and develops a lightweight and durable shoe for tennis, the TPU-4000.

1987 In January, Unilever N.V., an international consumer products company, acquired Chesebrough-Pond’s. This provided an opportunity for Prince management, in conjunction with Brentwood Associates, a private investment firm located in Los Angeles , to purchase the company. This transaction was completed in August of 1987. That same year, the Company entered the international squash market with the introduction of squash racquets and a line of accessories.

1988 Prince entered the men’s and women’s apparel market in Europe to further expand its brand worldwide. Demonstrating its strategy and commitment to growing its business, Prince purchased Ektelon, the global leader in racquetball.

1989 The graphite Prince Extender changes the future of squash with its longer main strings which dramatically enlarge the powerzone. Now the #1 selling squash racquet in the world.

Prince creates the Constant Taper System (CTS), the revolutionary “tip to Grip” racquet performance system that delivers more power without compromising control or comfort.

Michael Chang wins the French Open with the Prince Original Graphite racquet.

1990 Prince joined the Italy-based Benetton Group SpA, a global $1.7 billion lifestyle consumer products company, incorporating Prince into Benetton Sport system USA, Inc.

1996 Michael Chang climbs the rankings to the #2 player in the world after switching to the Prince Precision Michael Chang LongBody racquet

1997 Patrick Rafter wins the US Open with the Prince Precision Response racquet.

1998 1998 Patrick Rafter wins his second consecutive US Open using the Prince Precision Response racquet.

Jana Novatna wins Wimbledon with the Prince Thunder Lite racquet.

1999 Prince’s technology and innovation has continually revolutionized the game of tennis. Prince introduced the Triple Threat Racquet Series in 1999, which offered a revolutionary new weighting system. Triple Threat technology was the game’s first and only racquet technology to offer perfect balance and stability.

2001 Prince introduced Tungsten, a strong dense metal, into the Triple Threat 2001 Series. This new addition heightens racquet stability and provides the highest level of power and precision on the market today.

Jennifer Capriati wins both the Australian Open and French Open using the Prince Triple Threat Rebel racquet.

2002 In January Prince introduced the MORE Performance line of tennis racquets. MORE Performance racquets are the first racquets in history that are built using Prince’s revolutionary PowerLock technology – a unique patented molding technique that creates string channels so that absolutely no drilling of the racquet is required.

Jennifer Capriati wins her second consecutive Australian Open using the Prince Triple Threat Rebel racquet.

2003 Prince introduced the S Series to the MORE Performance.

Michael Chang: Always a Legend in My Heart

By admin, November 25, 2009 1:19 pm

Just found a really good and emotional one on the tube.

It’s first time for me to see someone gave an under hand serve during such an important match, woww….

Finally congratulations to Michael for finding a perfect wife after 36 years!


As he mentioned in the above video, it took 17 years to win a Grand Slam, but it took 36 years to find a perfect wife.


Balcony BBQ at The Peninsula

By admin, November 22, 2009 11:41 pm

The view is magnificent, but the food is really so so.  :P

I think the most delicious food is the seafood cocktail.

What about the BBQ…Naa…OMG!





Michael Schug – An Amazing Collector from Germany

By admin, November 22, 2009 12:36 pm

Michael is famous for his excellent model car photo shooting with beautiful German castles as the background, the natural combination results in a perfect harmony that gave great pleasure to our eyes!

His website can be found at http://www.michamel.eu

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