Category: Tennis (網球)

Prince Original Graphite (POG) Long Body (LB) MidPlus

By admin, August 27, 2012 2:15 pm

It’s one of its kind among the rarest ones, I’ve seen it on TW once, but no longer for sell available now.

I’ve finally got a chance to test drive this POG LB MidPlus (100) yesterday, it belongs to my tennis friend’s collection,  he bought this racket from the States about 10 years ago.

Somehow, it’s quite stiff than the usual POG Oversize, very powerful, lots of spin, but I still can’t really manage to hit the center well, probably due to it’s 28 inches length.It feels very much close to Michael Chang’s long body (the blue one with signature) but even heavier.

I noticed this POG LB comes with one green line stripe deco than 4 stripes on the normal POG and “GRAPHITE LB” printed on the stabilizer bar instead of “GRAPHITE”.


By admin, August 14, 2012 8:25 am




King of Wilson PRO STAFF 85 Collector!

By admin, August 9, 2012 12:59 am

Just saw someone posted this photo from his collection and he’s from Hong Kong too.




By admin, August 6, 2012 10:41 pm

兩年都沒買過一件網球用品,自從上星期買了那對橙黑色的Barricade 7後,購買慾就一發不可收拾,OMG,最近簡直就是入不敷出,要節省些了。


神兵Wilson Prostaff 85 (台灣版)

By admin, August 5, 2012 11:02 pm

昨天去Pro Shop穿線的時候,突然在2手堆裡看見了這個罕見的神兵! 好久都沒在本地鋪子或者網上看到過Prostaff 85舊版本的蹤影了,所謂可遇不可求,所以這次看到了這個合理價錢8/9成新的2號Grip (Butt. Code: UGW) 寶貝自然不能放過。


其實本身已經擁有一塊台灣版的PS85(3號Grip)了,極之喜歡它獨特的手感和擊球的獨特感覺,St. Vincent、台灣版這些早期的PS85跟近兩年再版的Pro Staff 85 6.0感覺當然完全是兩回事,你親自試過就馬上知道它們的不同之處了。

最大的不同是舊版的Prostaff 85很軟身,擊球時感覺像鞭出去一樣爽,但是對持拍者的要求變態的高,遲一點點準備功夫都可能會打不中Sweet Spot,而且拍身比較重,打起來很吃力,所以玩票性質還可以,拿來比賽的話簡直就是玩殘自己。


自己見過最罕見的版本是在2010年的Hong Kong Tennis Classic,一位超級PS85收藏家拿著這塊全新的Prostaff 6.1 Paint Job Prostaff 85給Edberg簽名,哇,真羨慕死我了!


Wilson Pro Staff Midsize Appearance Evolution:

The Chicago PS85:
- original bright yellow and red pinstriping
- bumperless construction
- grip size sticker, recommended tension sticker “String at 65-70 lbs.” and specification sticker “Weight/Oz. 11.6-12.3 Unstrung; Balanced 1.0-1.5 in. headlight” inside one side of the throat
- three separate raised throat grommets
- brown Fairway leather grip
- White butt cap with large red “W”
- no registered trade mark symbol
- red primer seen at grommet drill holes and through scratches in the top black coat
- Buttcap code located below red “W”
- pinstriping and “Midsize” on both sides of throat
- Wilson Pro Staff nylon racket bag with strap, without grip venting

Transition to St. Vincent (early-mid):
- Addition of “St. Vincent W.I.” sticker above red “W” of buttcap (these are easily lost)
- Recommended tension sticker (at some point) lowered to “String at 55-65 lbs.” Some early St. Vincent frames may have the previous higher recommended tension sticker.
- transition from bumperless construction to addition of bumperguard

St. Vincent (mid-late):
- Stickers replaced in throat to decals that describe Wilson PWS on one side, recommended tension on the other (50-60 lbs.) and higher/lower tension recommendation for control/power
- black rectangular grip size sticker placed at the outside of the throat above the handle
- throat grommets are thinner
- these have either “Midsize” decal on both sides of throat or one side has “80% braided graphite/20% kevlar” decal
- addition of red registered trademark symbol at lower right of “W” on butt cap
- “Wilson Quality” hologram sticker at base of throat opposite grip size sticker. Serial number in bold black font

Transition to Taiwan (early):
- loss of red primer to grey primer
- Butt cap code location moves above red “W”
- all cap “TAIWAN” sticker placed below “W” on butt cap
- brown Fairway leather grip

Taiwan (later):
- pinstriping color darker in tint
- recommended tension decal now has recommendation for using Wilson syn gut
- “Wilson Quality” hologram sticker now has bar code and small dot-matrix print
- Fairway leather grip
- racket bag looks similar to original, but has grid-venting for grip

Transition to China:
- same as late Taiwanese, but has all cap “CHINA” sticker below “W” on butt cap (assuming use of last Taiwanese stock)
Chinese PS85 (early):
- new design with wider throat and one-piece throat grommet
- slightly different drill pattern as the old grommets no longer easily fit
- white primer
- “Italicized” Pro Staff logo
- larger font for “PWS” at sides of head
- “85 sq. in.” decal on inner face of head near throat
- brighter, wider pinstriping
- Fairway leather and white butt cap
- throat decal has specs and square with “6.0″ swing index info
- racket bag matches fonts on racket with “braided” image on face

Chinese (mid):
- use of “Pro Staff 6.0″ in Garamond font at face of throat
- transition from use of Fairway leather to Wilson leather
- transition from white butt cap to black butt cap with red square and small white Wilson “W”
- racket bag matches the fonts and graphics of frame

Chinese (late and last):
- transition to silver specification decal at insides of throat
- use of generic Wilson Pro Staff racket bag
Tour DB (Japan):
- made in China, double braided
- sold only in 85sq in headsize
- throat says ‘Tour DB,’ not 6.0
- listed on Wilson Japan’s website under ‘Pro Staff Original 6.0,’ but picture is of Tour DB model
- different string spacing than 6.0
- strung weight ~333g, strung balance 305mm
- 6.0 is also sold in Japan (called ‘US spec’), strung weight 357g, strung balance 310mm
- discontinued in 2009 prior to release of KPro Staff 88

Prince Original Graphite (POG) 重出江湖!

By admin, August 5, 2012 10:12 pm

當然是玩票性質,主要因為Syn Gut w/Duraflex 16是1年多前免費得到的,只需到Pro Shop付出$70穿線費即可享受回以前的感覺。


令我驚訝的是Pro Shop的老闆竟然說此拍也有假貨,我總共有5只不同版本的POG,全部都是Oversize,現在想起來有點擔心。請教他如何分辨,得到的回答竟然是不方便透露,你吊我癮咩﹖老闆!

後來上網查了查,全世界只找到在中國大陸的一個網球論壇里提及此事,分辨真假是看拍身Prince Logo,假的水貼是黏上去的,真的是在透明油漆下面的。


再來一對Adidas Barricade 7 Black/Orange

By admin, August 5, 2012 10:01 pm

預計現役的兩對Barricade V應該只剩下2個月的壽命,所以趁著夏季大減價,去了旺角波鞋街碰運氣,竟然發現整條街都給”波鞋霸權”允記集團玩晒,但為什麼允記不搞上市呢﹖可能其現金極充裕,根本不需要集資擴張。

最後在街尾的一間允記鋪子找到了這對”型仔”! 價錢比上星期的那對還便宜$55,熱情的店員更送了對襪子給我,誰說香港的零售服務態度差呢﹖唯一的就是覺得人山人海,自由行幾乎塞滿了波鞋街的每一間鋪子,如果我是店主該多好呢,哇!!! 錢像流水一樣地進來,哈哈。。。



By admin, August 4, 2012 10:42 am




今日小小收穫 Uniqlo + Adidas Barricade 7 Orange/Black

By admin, July 22, 2012 6:11 pm

頭先去左Uniqlo,見到大減價,買左兩件T-Shirt (每件$149) 同買短褲($99),真係好鬼抵買!

同埋見到Addias B7係Gigaxports Discount大概$683到(便左近1/4),即刻入左對,而且仲係自己最鐘意o既顏色。







By admin, May 20, 2012 10:02 pm


那年留學英倫,有幸第一次去看溫布頓,那天親眼見到了正在冒起的網壇天王Pete Sampras,還有兩JIM大戰:Jimmy Connors vs Jim Courier, it was a classic match!


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