Updated Equallogic Host Integration Tools for VMware (HIT/VE)

By admin, September 10, 2011 7:15 pm

hitveThe first release of HIT/VE (Version 3.0.1) was back in April 2011, it did make storage administrator’s life a lot easier particularly if you are managing hundreds of volumes. Well, to be honest, I don’t mind creating volumes, assigning them to ESX host and setting the ACL manually, it only takes a few minutes more. I feel that I need to know every step is correctly carried out which is more important because I can control everything, obviously, I don’t have a huge SAN farm to manage, so HIT/VE is not a life saver tool for me.

Today, I came across a new video about the latest HIT/VE, in the video, it shows clearly the version being 3.1.0, which is a new version that has the option of VASA added, too bad it works on vSphere 5.0, but not vSphere 4.1.

However, version 3.1 cannot be found at EQL support web site, I guess it’s only for internal evaluation.

Dell EqualLogic Host Integration Tools for VMware 3.1 — provide customers with enhanced storage visibility and datastore management as well as improved performance and availability through tight integration with VMware vSphere 5, VMware vSphere Storage APIs for Storage Awareness, VMware Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler (SDRS), and VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager™ 5.

Dell EqualLogic Host Integration Tools for VMware 3.1, Dell EqualLogic Host Integration Tools for Microsoft 4.0, and SAN Headquarters 2.2 software are in beta now and planned for release this year.

Update Sep-13, 2011

EqualLogic has released HIT for VMware V3.1 Early Production Access, I don’t prefer putting any EPA products into production as it might contains bug that will create disaster which no one can guarantee it won’t happen, so I shall skip it and wait till the official release.


By admin, September 10, 2011 12:06 pm

臨近中午的時候﹐樓下突然傳來一陣與眾不同的引擎啟動聲音﹐憑經驗估計應該是屬于意系一類的超跑。一看之下﹐喜見那意大利浪漫的紅色﹐但款式則完全摸不到頭腦﹖雖然陌生﹐但好像又在哪套電影裡見過似的(God Father系列﹖)。


但如何看都不太像Maserati的出品﹐小弟學淺才疏﹐上網查出原來是台80年代的Maserati Biturbo Sypder﹐連這麼冷門的跑車現在還有人開﹐可見香港中產欣賞Classic汽車的文化水平已經到達了一個很高的層次。


80s Maserati Biturbo Sypder