Hotwheels Elite不合理的定價(應該糾正為Benz廠版車模才對﹐請看內文)

By admin, June 4, 2010 8:56 pm

今天下午途徑港島的時候﹐在灣仔車模店看到了黃色的308 GTS﹐原來黃色的價格竟然比紅色電影版Magnum PI的便宜1/3﹐一模一樣的東西﹐怎麼價錢就硬生生地差了1/3呢﹖真摸不清頭腦Hotwheels是如何定價的。但另一方面﹐這個合理價格當然不容錯過﹐現在終于可以跟之前的紅色“團圓”了。

另外今天又差點給Makeup無情地宰割了﹐進了車模店舖後﹐馬上看到了那台一直打算買的紅色Koenig Ferrari 512BB Competition﹐聽店主說前天才到的貨﹐細看之下原來黑色的版本來的更澎湃﹐紅色的運動內飾更顯得激昂﹐挑了近半個鐘頭﹐黑色的實在太好了﹐差不多要給錢的時候﹐才發現黑色尾部的蝕刻片有問題﹐而且自己其實還是比較種情紅色的法拉利﹐但紅色那台又存在這不少其它的問題﹐心理又糾纏了近20分鐘後﹐終于決定兩台都不要﹐現在覺得當時冷靜的決定是正確的﹐還是存多些彈藥來買之後幾個月那些瘋狂推出的1/18好了。

然後在去Autoart專門店的途中﹐身邊有台天藍色的Maybach 62 擦身而過(跟AA的車模一個樣)﹐靜的完全不像一台龐然大物﹐真漂亮﹐可惜沒帶相機﹐難怪有車模同道特別喜歡在灣仔“獵艷”了﹐這區的獵物的確品種極之多又好﹐名不虛傳﹗之後在Autoart專門店跟它的職員傾談間得知橙色的CCX和Zonda R原來至少要到今年9月份以後才會推出。

最後去了在銅鑼灣的Benz Show Room尋找最近推出的廠版銀色SLS AMG﹐職員小姐一邊從房間裡拿出這台紅色內飾的SLS AM﹐一邊不停地重複說這車要訂的。打開盒子看看﹐不看還好﹐一看嚇我一跳﹐我還以為是兩百多的那些Maisto玩具﹐塑料感強得無法形容﹐比之前的那兩台Minichamps黑色和古銅色的SLS AMG做工還要才差﹐職員小姐然後才道出最驚人的事實﹐這車要港幣近1100﹐我暈﹗3秒鐘後我就完全放棄了任何買的打算﹐簡直開玩笑﹐Benz有沒有搞錯啊﹖


1/18 Hotwheels Elite Ferrari 308 GTS – Yellow


Autoart Pagani Zonda R (Carbon Fiber Pattern) 2007

By admin, June 2, 2010 11:58 pm

Coming soon in October, which is the month Autoart releases most of its model cars ususally.

Pagani zonda R

夢寐以求的稀有品種﹕Mclaren F1 GTR LM Prototype

By admin, June 2, 2010 10:28 pm


其實F1 GTR LM Prototype是UT 90年代中關門前匆忙推出的末代產品﹐正因為產量極少﹐所以才成為世界各地車模收藏家極之關注的收藏品。後來在網上查關於UT Mclaren F1 GTR LM Prototype的資料才知道這次掏到了個大大的寶貝﹐原來這款竟然是最多人想找的第一代UT藍色包裝盒子的XP1 LM版本﹐正式學名為Mclaren F1 GTR LM Prototype (XP1 LM) – Papaya Orange  UT MODEL #530 151890, 1st Edition

消化了一下眾多的網上資料﹐得知原來UT木瓜橙色的Mclaren F1 GTR LM Prototype總共有3個版本﹐第一版是印有UT藍色包裝盒子(THE BLUE BOX VERSION)﹐其次的是印有Mclaren標誌包裝盒子的普通版(MARROON REGULAR BOX VERSION)﹐最後的則是有天線的。

1/18 UT Mclaren F1 GTR LM Prototype (XP1 LM) – Papaya Orange



第一版UT藍色包裝盒子(THE BLUE BOX VERSION)的車頭部份主引擎進氣孔比較大﹐前面總共有6個副進氣孔。尾翼的設計是雙層的﹑而且也比較低﹐有助于在高速行駛時靠空氣動力把車身壓得更低。至于後車燈也較為大而且凸出﹐後散熱孔空呈欄杆狀﹐引擎蓋開關也可以在後散熱孔上找得到。最後﹐引擎排氣喉是2個組成一對的而且附有金色的大包圍。



第二版印有Mclaren標誌包裝盒子的普通版(MARROON REGULAR BOX VERSION)的車頭部份主引擎進氣孔有一大一小兩個﹐前面總共有8個副進氣孔﹐而且前防裝欄也較為突出。尾翼的設計是單層的﹑比較寬而且尾翼兩邊朝下。至于後車燈小也較為陷入車身﹐後散熱孔空呈蜂窩狀﹐引擎蓋開關則安置在後車燈(紅燈)旁。最後﹐引擎排氣喉是4個普通的管子。




最後借用MC論壇 lion1108兄弟的圖片作為總結。

Kwando’s picture from Scale18


Update May-13-2011

Found the following written by a veteran UT historian who’s expert in Mclaren variants.

History of UT Mclaren and its Variants

Examples of the cars made UT manufactured quite a number of variants of this car, be it the road car, race car or the longtail versions.

Roadcar: Silver Graphite Grey British racing Green Most of UT Mclarens owners probably have the Common silver ones with them. However, UT did came out with Graphite grey and the Ultra-rare British racing green.

LM XP1 LM (Papaya Orange) XP1 LM (Metallic Blue) XP1 LM (Silver) When we talk about UT Mclarens, many of us thought of their Famous XP1 LM in Orange.

What many people, even UT Mclarens fanatics, didn’t know was they did the XP1 LM in 3 colors, the other 2 being Metallic Blue and Silver. Apparently, the other 2 in the colors commands the highest price for any version of UT Mclarens, Beating even the Dealer edition “final” GT-Rs. GT-Rs #24 ‘gulf’ #30 ‘west’ #34 ‘gulf’ #38 ‘Fina’ #39 ‘Fina’ #51 ‘Harrods’ #53 ‘Franck Muller’ #59 ‘Ueno Clinic’.

Amongst the few, the #59 “Ueno clinic” has got to be one of the favorite Mclarens to collect as it won the ‘96 Le Mans. the car which came in second, the #51 ‘Harrods” is quite popular with UK collectors due to the sponsorship of the giant high-end UK departmental store, Harrods.

GTs test-car (Black, later stripped to be raced as #44 “Lark”) #8 ‘Fina’ #9 ‘Fina’ #39 ‘gulf’ #40 ‘gulf’ #41 ‘gulf’ #40 ‘EMI’ #41 ‘Locitite’ For the longtails, there isn’t a clear favorite for collectors. But note that the #41 ‘Locitite’ is one of the most hardest/rarest Mclaren to get. No idea why though.

Box and Design:

This is the section which i would like to address to most of the people here. alright firstly.


Answer: For roadcars, they are only one, the regular box you have. For LM versions, there are the BLUE BOX and the regular (Green box) versions. Under BLUE BOX versions, there are the normal one and the one with antennae.

for the GT-Rs, there are the “PMA” box, and the regular (Green box) and the Dealer edition box. For the GT, I am not too sure but there should be only one, the regular box you have.



For the LMs & GTRs Blue Box (LM)/PMA box (GT-Rs):

  • Have a split wing (more accurate)
  • Front has a single opening duct (more accurate)
  • Braking and signal lights are protruded out (more accurate)
  • Back engine mesh are panels (LM: more accurate, GTR: less accurate)
  • Has a short base (less accurate)
  • Engine exhaust (more accurate)
  • Headlight top is molded part of body (more accurate) there are 2 versions for the blue box, 1 with antennae and 1 without. Technically speaking, the one with antennae is Inaccurate, but fetches a higher price due to its rarity over the non-antennae version.

Regular Box (Both LM & GT-R):

  • Have a single plane spoiler (Less accurate)
  • Braking and Signal lights are inside (Less accurate)
  • Back engine mesh are wire mesh decals (LM: Less accurate, GT-R More accurate)
  • Has a long base (More accurate)
  • Engine exhaust (Less accurate)
  • Headlight top is a separate piece (Less accurate).

More importantly is the price difference between the 2 versions. Typically, the Blue box version can command at least 40% more than the regular box version. In a Nut Shell, If you are very fussy over details, get the Blue box version. However, if cost is a matter and you would just like to have one of these LM cars for the sake of collecting, the Green box version will do.


By admin, June 2, 2010 10:16 pm







1/18 CMC Maserati Tipo 61 Birdcage (1960)


Prince Graphite Long body – Michael Chang

By admin, June 1, 2010 8:43 pm

This is the 4th generation of Prince Graphite, the 1st generation is the one with one strip and no grommet, the following 2 generations are 4-strips with grommet, 2nd generation is printed with “110″ on top, then “oversize” on top for the 3rd. Being the 4th generation, it’s a 28 inch long body (probably world’s 1st long body back then in early 1990s) and Michael Chang reached his highest ATP ranking of #2 using this racket. I spotted this precious weapon in a local pro shop and bought for one of my tennis partner. 

In fact, for 2nd and 3rd generations, there are three different head sizes, mid (90), mid-plus (100) and oversize (107), this 4th generation head size is actually even larger than oversize (107) which is being truly 110.

Personally, I found everyone will enjoy the power of this long body for serving, but it’s just too stiff for me, I still prefer the Prince Original Graphite (aka. POG or the 2nd and 3rd generation of its family.

Once in a lifetime: Sampras & Federer vs Agassi & Nadal at 2010 Indian Wells Tennis

By admin, May 31, 2010 12:53 pm

My friend sent me this link yesterday and I would like to share with everyone.

This is once in a lifetime exhibition Sampras & Federer vs Agassi & Nadal at 2010 Indian Wells Tennis and who else do we see from the crowd? Rod Laver! Oh My!

It’s just a pure pleasure to watch them play, especially with Agassi’s funny talk and skip to 46:23, you will see Federer playing with Nadal’s famous forehand style for fun and he kept saying “So Much Spin”

Btw, in case you didn’t know, Sampras goes to Babolat!, feel sorry for those who bought K88 previously.



By admin, May 25, 2010 5:11 pm

原來妖是可以不停地演化下去﹐自問見識過八九十年代的Madonna﹐想不到現今風靡全球的Lady Gaga竟然有本事將這種超級的妖文化無止境地延續下去﹐閱覽關於她的Wiki後﹐完全明白了她師承何處﹐怪不得這麼非一般的妖了﹐的確妙哉﹗


By admin, May 18, 2010 10:08 pm

這台紅色的F355是UT早期的作品,因為其車頭霧燈暗暗的﹐而且尾燈中間沒有銀色。今天一看見就馬上聯絡賣家用合理的價格收了它﹐自己特別喜歡開篷版多于硬頂版的F355﹐因為它來的更加瀟灑自如﹐法拉利其實有些開篷版特別漂亮﹐如F50和F355﹐ 中規中矩的如Testarossa﹐但如F40和ENZO等就不怎麼樣了。


但說實在的UT也同時把F355做得太濫了﹐幾乎什麼樣的版本它都出了一遍﹐就連車燈和煞車碟的細節都分不同的版本推出﹐真不知道到底有多少不同版本存在﹐要知道答案的話﹐看樣子可能要問問香港的收藏家米高﹐他極有可能是UT F355世界級的收藏專家。

1/18 UT Ferrari F355 Spider – Red


另附上今天同時買到的8本日本著名軍事模型雜誌-Military Modeling Manual﹐日本的軍事模型大師做的場景幾乎可以以假亂真﹐還是覺得用“變態”兩字來形容再也貼切不過了。



By admin, May 18, 2010 9:53 pm

其實我一直在找的是黃色和橙色的Murcielago Concept概念版﹐但就是一直都沒機會﹐最近反而碰巧給我遇上了絕版已久相似度99.9%的Roadster﹐他們唯一的分別就是只有概念版的Murcielago才有引擎上蓋左右內側的鯊魚腮﹐但個人更喜歡的是這個金色的大牛。


1/18 Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster – Gold


Rolls Royce Ghost by Kyosho

By admin, May 14, 2010 2:24 pm

There is something exciting coming, Rolls Royce Ghost by Kyosho has been shown in 49th Shizuoka Hobby Show 2010 Japan.



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