Category: Photography (攝影)


By admin, September 7, 2011 4:42 pm

單反 單鏡反光機(SLR, Single Lens Reflex),現在通常指數碼單鏡反光機(DSLR)
小白 / SW 指 Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM,由於 Canon 的長焦 L 鏡鏡身為白色塗裝,而此鏡推出時為焦距最短的一支白鏡,因此被暱稱為「小白」。

小白 IS / SWIS Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM,小白的 IS 版本。
小小白 / SSW Canon EF 70-200mm f4.0L USM,比小白細一級光圈,因此被稱為小小白。
小小白 IS / SSWIS Canon EF 70-200mm f4.0L IS USM,小小白的 IS 版本。
大白 Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS USM,Canon 最長焦距的變焦 L 鏡,因此被稱為「大白」。
小黑 / LB Nikon 80-200mm f/2.8 或 70-200mm f/2.8 變焦鏡,名稱來源應該是因為與 Canon「小白」對應。基於版本的不同,第三代的 AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D ED 被稱為「小黑三」(LB3),第五代的 AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED 就稱為「小黑五」(LB5),如此類推,至於同型號灰色塗裝的就稱為「小灰」。

大三元 Canon 的 f/2.8 大光圈變焦 L 鏡系列,包括 EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM、EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM、EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM 或 EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM

小三元 Canon 的 f/4 光圈變焦 L 鏡系列,包括 EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM、EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM、EF 70-200mm f/4L USM 或 EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS USM

Nikon 三寶 Nikon 的 f/2.8 大光圈變焦 ED 鏡系列,包括 AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED、AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED、AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED 或 AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II

三公主 Pentax FA 31mm f/1.8、FA 43mm f/1.9 及 FA 77mm f/1.8 三支 Limited 鏡頭
三餅仔 Pentax DA 40mm f/2.8 Limited、DA 70mm f/2.4 Limited 及 DA 21mm f/3.2 AL Limited 鏡頭
384 300mm f/4 長鏡,伸延應用為 684、584
328 300mm f/2.8 長鏡
百微 焦距約為 100mm 的微距鏡頭,如 AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D。
俄仔 俄國出產的鏡頭,透過特別的轉接環可用於 135 系統 DSLR。
福仔 福倫達鏡頭
C 記 Canon
N 記 Nikon
OM Olympus,有指當中的「M」字是指 Olympus 前常務董事、Olympus PEN 設計者米谷美久 Yoshihisa Maitani
奶 Leica 的暱稱,伸延應用為「奶味」(相片的色彩或質感有 Leica 的味道)、「奶鏡」(Leica 鏡)
大奶 Leica D VARIO-ELMARIT 14-50mm f/2.8-3.5 ASPH MEGA O.I.S.(4/3 系統)
細奶 Leica D VARIO-ELMARIT 14-50mm f/3.8-5.6 ASPH MEGA O.I.S.(4/3 系統)
菜 Carl Zeiss 蔡司鏡頭的暱稱,伸延應用為「菜味」(相片的色彩或質感有 Carl Zeiss 的味道)、「菜鏡」(Carl Zeiss 鏡)

天涯鏡 焦距覆蓋廣角以至遠攝的鏡頭,可以「一鏡走天涯」的意思,如 18-200mm、18-300mm、28-200mm、28-300mm 鏡頭等。

外閃 外置閃燈
直倒 用於單反的垂直手柄,通常可以加裝額外電
失打繩 快門線,「失打」為 Shutter 的意思
雞腳 看似弱不襟風的鋁質腳架
Full Film Full Frame 的誤稱,即是全片幅的意思
Fo 對焦(Focus)的簡稱,伸延應用為「Out Fo」(Out Focus)、「中 Fo」(Focus 準確)等
打雀 拍攝雀鳥,伸延應用為打蟲、打蝶等
飛燈 外置同步閃燈,將外置閃燈設置在與相機相隔一定距離的地方,以營造更有立體感的燈光效果。飛燈方法一般為以有線或無線方法將閃燈與快門同步,在按下快門時同時觸發遠距離的閃燈。伸延應用為飛燈線(離機閃光燈同步線)。

打 Bounce 中文正講為「跳燈」,意思是將閃燈燈頭扭向天花板或牆壁,以反射的光線來為主體照明,產生較柔和的燈光效果。

拉爆 中途曝光拍攝手法,在曝光中途中進行變焦,令相片出現放射性的線條。
長曝 長期曝光
高炒 / 低炒 高角度拍攝 / 低角度拍攝
Over 曝光過度
Under 曝光不足

最佳的攝影鏡頭 (轉文)

By admin, August 16, 2011 12:24 pm


對于同一款鏡頭的測試結果,它們有時趨于一致,有時卻出現偏差,以致引起不少爭議.引起這些偏差的原因主要有鏡頭的個體差异(特別是業余鏡頭存在質量不穩定現象),測試內容的不同(有的將机械質量和光學質量綜合評判,有的僅測試光學質量;有的僅判斷分辨率和MTF值,有的則綜合考慮色彩傳遞,畸變等) 和判斷標准不同(再客觀的測試,也是由許多個枯燥的數值組成的,要轉化為大家能夠理解的測試報告,最后必須用主觀的方式來表達,如分值,星號等).


Leica Vario-Elmarit R 70-180mm f/2.8(3)
Leica Elmarit R 100mm f/2.8 APO macro(3)
Leica R 180mm f/2 APO(2)
Leica R 180mm f/3.4 APO(3)
Leica R 280mm f/4 APO-IF(3)
Leica R 400mm f/2.8(2)
Canon EF 400mm f/2.8 USM L ?(3)




Leica R 280mm f/2.8 APO-IF = 4.96(4)
Carl-Zeiss Sonnar T* 135mm f/2.8 = 4.87(2)
Canon TS-E 45mm f/2.8 = 4.61(2)
Canon EF 300mm f/2.8 USM L = 4.6(4)
Leica Vario-Elmarit R 80-200mm f/4 = 4.6(3)
Canon EF 135mm f/2 USM L = 4.54(4)
Minolta AF 200mm f/2.8 APO G = 4.52(3)


Carl-Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* 28-85mm f/3.3-4 = 4.17(4)
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 USM L = 4.07(4)
Nikkor AF 35-70mm f/2.8 D = 4.01(5)

而超過4分的定焦鏡頭數量可觀,包括上述定焦鏡頭總共達到45款. 相對与長焦鏡頭來說,廣角鏡頭(無論是定焦還是變焦)由于涵蓋率和构造的關系,更難達到高分.超過4分的定焦廣角鏡頭(焦長28mm以下)有5款:

Leica R 19mm f/2.8 = 4.28 (3)
Carl-Zeiss Distagon T* 21mm f/2.8 = 4.17 (2)
Leica R 28mm f/2.8 = 4.16 (3)
Pentax SMC-F 28mm f/2.8 = 4.13 (3)
Leica R 28 f/2.8mm = 4.12 (2)


Nikkor AF 2.8 20-35mm D = 3.46 (4)
近兩年中又有許多新鏡頭面世,最近克勞斯席洛夫對上述評价做了調整,去掉了徠卡鏡頭和康太時單反相机鏡頭,加入了康太時G系列鏡頭(旁軸平視取景相机),即所列鏡頭全部為自動對焦鏡頭,共計變焦鏡頭115款,定焦鏡頭103款.對評分標准也做了一些修改,去掉了爭議較大的德國<攝影雜志>測試,換之以英國的<業余愛好 者>雜志測試.綜合評分達到4. 5分以上的鏡頭被定為”杰出鏡頭”,目前共有18款,它們是:

Pentax SMC-FA 85mm f/1.4 = 4.85 (3)
Carl-Zeiss Planar T* 45mm f/2 G = 4.77 (3)
Sigma AF 50mm f/2.8 Macro EX = 4.77 (3)
Canon EF 135mm f/2 USM L = 4.72 (4)
Canon TS-E 90mm f/2.8 = 4.72 (2)
Nikkor AF 60mm f/2.8 Micro = 4.63 (4)
Carl-Zeiss Sonnar T* 90mm f/2.8 G = 4.62 (3)
Canon EF 400mm f/2.8 USM L = 4.60(3)
Minolta AF 100mm f/2 = 4.60(3)
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro = 4.57(5)
Carl-Zeiss Biogon T* 28mm f/2.8 G = 4.57 (3)
Nikkor AF 105mm f/2.8 Micro = 4.54(5)
Nikkor AF 85mm f/1.8 D = 4.53(3)
Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM = 4.52(4)
Minolta AF 200mm f/2.8 APO G = 4.50(4)
Canon EF 300mm f/2.8 USM L = 4.50(3)
Nikkor AF-S 300mm f/2.8 ED D = 4.50(2)
Pentax SMC-FA* 200mm f/2.8 ED IF = 4.50(2)


Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm f/2.8 ED D = 4.24 (3)
Minolta AF 80-200mm f/2.8 APO G = 4.18 (3)
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 USM L = 4.16 (2)
Nikkor AF 35-70mm f/2.8 D = 4.11 (5)
Nikkor AF-S 80-200mm f/2.8 ED D = 4.11 (3)
Canon EF 80-200mm f/2.8 L = 4.07 (5)
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 USM L = 4.06 (3)
Sigma AF 70-200mm f/2.8 EX (HSM) = 4.05 (5)
Canon EF 28-70mm f/2.8 USM L = 4.01 (5)


Carl-Zeiss Biogon T* 28mm f/2.8 G = 4.57 (3)
Carl-Zeiss Biogon T* 21mm f/2.8 G = 4.28 (2)
Nikkor AF 28mm f/1.4 D = 4.00 (3)
Pentax SMC-FA 28mm f/2.8 = 3.89 (4)
Canon EF 28mm f/2.8 = 3.82 (4)
Canon EF 24mm f/1.4 USM L = 3.82 (3)
Nikkor AF 24mm f/2.8 = 3.77 (3)
Canon EF 20mm f/2.8 = 3.75 (4)
Canon EF 24mm f/2.8 = 3.75 (3)

‎5D MARK 2影7D, 誰勝誰負, 立分高下﹗:)

By admin, July 2, 2011 11:51 pm



By admin, July 2, 2011 9:38 pm



在那充滿Art Deco氣息的樓梯上﹐曾經留下了你我的腳印





By admin, June 27, 2011 9:56 pm






By admin, June 18, 2011 6:35 pm

今天看見一幅法國攝影大師Robert Doisneau在1950年的成名作﹐再次證明永恆的相片是靠攝影師的現場感直接造就出來的。 

就如Classical Music﹐為何莫扎特那麼多的曲子幾百年後還繪炙人口﹐就是因為他擁有與眾不同的靈感﹐所以常說藝術家總得先有些天賦也就是這個道理了。



Probably The Most Sexy Tennis Girl in History

By admin, May 24, 2011 10:34 pm

1977 Athena Tennis Girl


Mr Elliott who took the picture in 1976 while he was a photography student, used his then girlfriend Fiona Butler, 18, as a model. She borrowed a white tennis dress, a racket and balls and Martin took a photo of her from behind as she lifted her dress and touched her bare bum.

He sold the image to poster chain Athena and it went on to become one of the most famous images in the world. It was first published it as part of a calendar for the 1977 Silver Jubilee – the same year Virginia Wade achieved the Wimbledon ladies single title.

The picture – called Tennis Girl – went on to sell more than two million copes in Athena shops and continued to sell millions after the firm went bust in the 1990s. Mr Elliott retained the copyright to the image and made a fortune but Fiona was never paid a penny – but did eventually marry a millionaire.

He retired to Cornwall 11 years ago after living in Stourbridge and Portishead. He died peacefully aged 63 at his home in Perranwell Station, near Truro, Cornwall, late last month after a ten year battle with cancer.

His widow Noelle, who met her husband in 1987, said the picture had actually hindered his career because no one would commission him as they feared he would be too expensive.

“Martin sold the image to Athena – who turned it into a poster – but he retained copyright. I am still getting royalties to this day,” she said.

“They are only a few pence now but because it has sold all over the world we have done well out of it.

“Martin always felt he had the good times before the business became overrun with image-conscious people and cut-throat deals.”

She added: “He had a marvellous sense of humour and was a great joker. He always thought he would get better. He loved Cornwall and was very content.”

He studied at the Birmingham School of Photography and he took the image at the uni’s tennis courts in Edgbaston.
Speaking before his death he said: “I can remember it was an afternoon in September at the end of the long hot summer.

“It was over very quickly. I only took one roll of film, which is pretty feeble for a photographer and I just hoped I’d got the shot.”

Mrs Butler, now 50, later married millionaire Ian Walker and the couple live with their children in Stourport, Worcestershire. Speaking in 2007, she said that, despite not being paid, she was proud of her iconic status.

“I can remember the day quite clearly. When the picture got so popular I was quite amused that something taken that afternoon could get so big,” she said.

“It became one of those pictures that everyone knows and everyone’s seen.

“I like the fact that it’s got a bit of an air of mystery about it. I think that’s what helped with its longevity, because people kept wondering if it was anyone famous.”

She added: “I remember going to a party with my husband and people were saying ‘is that the girl in the photograph?’. They looked me up and down and said ‘I don’t think so’. My son’s headmaster once said to me that he used to have it on his wall at university. I’ve got no objections to it whatsoever.

“My children have never been upset about it. It’s really nothing that anyone could be offended by. It’s just a bit of fun. ‘I think it was banned in a couple of countries but really I don’t think there was anything to get upset about.

“It was just a picture of a very sort of ordinary girl and there’s something in that that appeals to people.”


By admin, March 29, 2011 10:00 pm

春意盎然的中環和山頂 – Part 2

By admin, March 29, 2011 12:09 pm

春意盎然的中環和山頂 – Part 1

By admin, March 28, 2011 11:38 pm
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