Equallogic Hardware Architecture Exposed! Difference between PS6100 and PS4100

By admin, May 23, 2012 10:51 pm

This article from Mainland China revealed the secret of the latest Equallogic hardware architecture.

PS6100 uses 64bits RISC CPU which provided by NetLogic XLS616, it has 4 MIPS cores with 4 threads per core at 1Ghz each (ie, 16 total threads per CPU), and 1MB L2 Cache.

In contrast, PS4100 uses its younger brother NetLogic XLS608, which has 2 MIPS cores with 4 threads per core at 800Mhz each (ie, total 8 threads per CPU), and 1MB L2 Cache, so the processing speed has been cut at least 50%.

Everything else is the same except the above processor speed and number of cores. It is also interesting to learn about the super conductor instead of traditional BBU cache for data.




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