
By admin, October 13, 2011 12:28 pm


- AA的Mustang 2010﹕希望不會又是個換殼不換芯的變種特工﹐我最近買了個風火輪精細版的紅白色GT500﹐就是看中了它鏤空的前引擎入氣口﹐淘寶價才$280 ﹐性價比AA高了很多分。


- AA的Aston Martin V12 Vantage﹕因為自己接受不了V12 Vantage這種畫蛇添足﹐完全破壞了原先V8 Vantage的高雅美感。V12引擎蓋子上那堆好像黑色昆虫的物體令我馬上聯想到經典恐怖科幻片“異形”裡的相似場面﹐簡直就是難看的要命。記得上回看Top Gear的主持人Jeremy在夕陽中開著那台V12 Vantage﹐一路嘆息這類心愛超跑將會很快在消失人間﹐因為歐盟即將推出對大排放量的超跑提出更嚴格的管制。




- AA的Lamborghini Countach系列看來沒戲了﹐我們等來的居然不是紅色和銀色25週年紀念版本。這幾款預告的版本跟京商相比之下﹐除了那液壓桿之外沒有任何進步﹐但價格一定會在一倍以上。另外之前還在其它玩具展覽裡看到AA即將推出的那一眾極為誇張的Countach版本﹐如美版在車頭加上了難看的保險杆和尾巴排氣管多達10個之多的怪物等實在不敢恭維。唉﹐無它﹐京商多年前就已經把準則設的太高﹐除非你實在沒辦法或者之前錯過了。AA這次來的太遲了﹐難怪古語有雲“既生瑜,何生亮﹖”



- AA的Alfa Romeo TZ 1963﹕無論是TZ或者是TZ2都有抄襲法拉利250GTO的嫌疑﹐所以它們未能引起我的購買意慾。反而那台謠傳已久的Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale Prototype 1967完全令我心魂顛倒。


- JAGUAR E-TYPE﹕看來AA這季度最有機會成功的便是這一系列的經典英國國寶。今年適逢JAGUAR E-TYPE 50週年紀念﹐再加上車迷們等SERIES I 3.8/SERIES II 4.2等到的脖子都長了(5年了吧)﹐希望可以在年底前成功收到紅色開篷的SERIES I 3.8(必收色和款)﹑米色開篷的SERIES II 4.2(70年代法國情色電影艾曼妞中的跑車)和黑色的硬頂SERIES I 3.8。









- 最後不得不提的是那個半路殺出個程咬金的最大驚喜﹗WELLY將會推出Bentley Continental Supersport﹐看來Bentley終于肯放手把車模牌照發放給幾家(JADA Paragon和WELLY)﹐不在是Minichamps的專利了﹐這是個好事﹐因為之前AA獨大發生不愉快的亂加價事件真的令人很反感﹐市場有競爭才有進步﹐這絕對是件好事。


Equallogic MEM and Number of iSCSI Connections in the Pool

By admin, October 12, 2011 11:13 pm

The following is from the latest October Equallogic newsletter:

How will installing Dell EqualLogic Multipathing Extension Module (MEM) for MPIO on my ESXi hosts affect the number of iSCSI connections in an EqualLogic pool?

The interesting answer to this question is for most the number of connections will increase but for a few it will go down.  The key to understanding the number of iSCSI connections created by MEM are the following variables:

  • The number of ESX hosts you have
  • The number of vmkernel ports assigned for iSCSI on each ESX server
  • The number of EqualLogic members in the pool
  • The number of volumes in the EqualLogic pool being accessed from the ESXi hosts
  • The MEM parameter settings

The MEM is designed to provide many enhancements over the VMware vSphere Round Robin multipathing and standard fixed path functionality including – automatic connection management, automatic load balancing across multiple active paths, increased bandwidth, and reduced network latency.  However, before installing the MEM you should evaluate and understand how the number of iSCSI connections will change in your environment and plan accordingly. In some cases it may be necessary to adjust the MEM parameter settings from the defaults to avoid exceeding the array firmware limits.

The MEM parameters are listed below.  You’ll notice each parameter has a default, minimum and maximum value.  What we’ll go over in this note is how to determine if the default values are suitable values for your environment and if not, what values are suitable for your environment to ensure that the total iSCSI connections to the EqualLogic pool remains below the EqualLogic pool iSCSI connection limit.

Value Default Maximum Minimum Description
totalsessions 512 1024 64 Maximum total sessions created to all EqualLogic volumes by each ESXi host.
volumesessions 6 12 3 Maximum number of sessions created to each EqualLogic volume by each ESXi host.
membersessions 2 4 1 Maximum number of sessions created to each volume slice (portion of a volume on a single member) by each ESXi host.

Single EqualLogic Array in Pool

Let’s start with a simple example – a four node ESXi cluster with 4 vmkernel ports on each host.  Those hosts all connect to 30 volumes on an EQL pool and that pool has a single EQL array. For each individual ESXi host the following variables effect how many connections MEM creates: 

Input Value
membersessions MEM parameter value 2
volumesessions MEM parameter value 6
totalsessions MEM parameter value 512
# of vmkernel ports 4
# of volumes 30
# of arrays in pool 1

So the first step in our ESXi host connection math is to get some subvalues from these parameters we’ll call X, Y and Z.

X = [Lesser of (# of vmkernel ports) or (membersessions parameter value)]

Y = [# of volumes connected to by this ESXi host]

Z = [Lesser of ((# of arrays in pool) or (volumesessions/membersessions)]

We then use X, Y and Z to calculate the total MEM sessions for one ESXi host using the formula below.

Total iSCSI Sessions from ESXi host = [Lesser of (X * Y  *  Z)  or (totalsessions MEM parameter value)]

So in this particular scenario X = 2 (the membersessions MEM parameter value),   Y = 30 (# of volumes connected to by this ESXi host) and Z = 1 (the # of arrays in the pool).  So for one ESXi host in this scenario we have a total of 60 iSCSI connections.  Since 60 is less than the totalsessions MEM parameter limit of 512 the MEM will create all 60 connections on this ESXi host.

We have 4 ESXi hosts in our environment this EQL array will have a total of 240 (4 x 60) connections from those ESXi hosts.   

Why would I get less iSCSI connections with MEM?

Let’s go back to our statement that some environments you may have less connections with MEM than with VMware vSphere Round Robin multipathing.  Typically this will only happen if you have a single member group and when the number of vmkernel ports is more than the membersessions MEM parameter.  In our original example we had four vmkernel ports so with VMWare fixed VMware vSphere Round Robin multipathing you would have four connections to each volume.  When you install MEM it will look at the membersessions MEM parameter and change the number of connections to the default of 2 connections per volume.

You may be concerned that changing from four connections per volume to two connections per volume might have a performance impact but this is usually not true. MEM will use all four VMkernel ports for the various volumes but just not use all vmkernel ports for all volumes. In addition, the EqualLogic array connection load balancing will keep the network load on each individual array port balanced out as evenly as possible.

Add Additional
EqualLogic Arrays in Pool

Let’s say your environment grows and you need more storage capacity.  Let’s add another two EqualLogic arrays to that single member pool in our original example.   The volumes in the pool will now spread out over all three arrays. That is, there is a “slice” of the volume on each of the three arrays.  Now the 3rd MEM parameter – volumesessions – comes into play.  MEM will create 2 connections (membersessions default) to each of the three arrays that have a slice of the volume. MEM is aware of what portion of each volume is on each array so these connections allow it to more efficiently pull volume data down to the ESX server. Standard ESX MPIO doesn’t know about the EqualLogic volume structure so it can’t be as efficient as MEM.

The only parameter that changes in the table from the first example is the number of arrays which increases from 1 to 3.

So let’s get our subvalues X, Y and Z for the situation where there are 3 arrays rather than just one:

X = [Lesser of (# of vmkernel ports) or (membersessions parameter value)]  = 2

Y = [# of volumes connected to by this ESXi host] = 30

Z = [Lesser of ((# of arrays in pool) or (volumesessions/membersessions)] 

= (3) or (6/2)

 = 3

So   X * Y * Z = 180 connections per ESXi host in this example.  180 is less than the totalsessions limit of 512 so MEM will create a total of 180 connections from each ESXi host. 

We have 4 ESXi hosts in our environment this EQL array will have a total of 720 (4 x 180) connections from those ESXi hosts.   720 total connections is within the limits for a PS6xxx series array but is well over the connection limit for a PS4xxx series pool.  However, if any additional expansion of the environment occurs – such as adding two additional ESXi hosts – the session count will now be 1080. So in some circumstances we may need to make some adjustments in the MEM parameters or array group configuration to optimize our configuration.   We’ll talk about that in the next section.
Planning the Number of iSCSI Connections

So if you have done your math and see that you’re getting near the array firmware limits for connections how do can you alter the number of connections?  There are several choices for this including:

  • reduce the number of volumes per pool
  • reduce the number of ESX servers that connect to each volume
  • move some of the EQL arrays/volumes to another pool
  • reduce the membersessions MEM parameter limit on each ESX server
  • reduce the volumesessions MEM parameter limit on each ESX serer
  • reduce the totalsessions MEM parameters limit on each ESX server.

Remember when you’re doing your math that you also need to include any connections from non-ESXi hosts when deciding if you’re going to exceed the array iSCSI connection limit.

As we’ve seen a little bit of planning will help you keep the iSCSI connections to your EqualLogic pool at an optimal level.


By admin, October 11, 2011 10:59 am

自己90年代初Ayrton Senna走後就再沒關心過F1的賽事﹐記得小時候還很用心的做過一台他Marlboro紅白拉花1:24的F1賽車。




P.S. 咦怎麼最近朋友見到我都說我玩車模後“苗條”了不少﹐看來一定是給車魔折磨的利害。

3 Idiots

By admin, October 10, 2011 1:25 pm

近年來印度寶萊塢好戲連場﹐大有取代香港作為東方Hollywood之勢。之前2008年的Slumdog Millionaire叫好叫座﹐但另一套3 Idiots卻遲了3年才在香港上演。




Battles Between the Two: Veeam Backup & Replication and Acronis vmProtect

By admin, October 10, 2011 12:36 pm

I wouldn’t say it’s professional to be exact, but somehow their words between the lines did reveal the truth.

Btw, I love both products and using both in my client’s environment, both has its advantage and disadvantage. IMOP, I would say Veeam is the leader in virtual world and Acronis continues to be the leader in physical or within each vm as it allows more granular restore requirements.

The whole flight is that Anton was pissed about Sergey mentioning their own method of running VM from backup image directly via NFS and not to say a word about this feature was in fact invented by Veeam in the first place. (ie, Copycat from Acronis)

At the end it seemed to be Anton from Veeam vs Sergey from Acronis, fight start, Round 1, KO! :)


Sergey Kandaurov wrote:

In vmProtect we offer an alternative solution which can effectively replicate replication in most scenarios: a virtual machine can be started directly from a compressed and deduped backup. It only takes several seconds, sometimes up to a minute to create virtual NFS share, mount it to ESXi host, register and power on the VM.


Anton Respond:

You only forgot to mention that this feature was originally invented by Veeam, has been available as a part of Veeam Backup & Replication for 1 year now, and is patent-pending (as you are well aware). While it is a smart thing to copy the leader (not for long though), I think you should at least be fair to the inventor, and should have referenced us (in this topic about Veeam), instead of making it look like something you guys have unique to replace your missing replication with.

Nevertheless, back to your replication comment, I must mention that you seem to completely lack any understanding of when and how replication is used in disaster recovery. Replicas are to be used when your production VMware environment goes down, which means you cannot even run your appliance (vmProtect can only run on VMware infrastructure, and does not support being installed on standalone physical server, am I correct)? Also, even if your appliance is somehow magically able to work after VMware environment or production storage disaster, I would love to see it running a few dozens of site’s VMs through NFS server, the disk I/O performance of those VMs, and how they will be meeting their SLAs. You clearly still have a lot to learn about replication and production environments, if you are positioning vPower as an alternative to replication.

I would have never replied to you, because I generally avoid vendor battles on public forums, just like I avoid advertizing Veeam products on these forums (instead, I only respond to specific questions, comments or remarks about Veeam). With thousands of daily visitors on Veeam’s own forums, I have a place to talk about my stuff. But this one looked so very special, I just could not pass it. First, clearly your only intent and sole purpose of registering on these forums a few days ago was to advertize your solution (which is NOT the purpose of these forums). Not a good start already, however, it would be understandable if you created the new topic. But instead, you have chosen the topic where OP is asking about the two very specific solutions (assume you found it by searching for Veeam), and crashed the party with blatant advertizement paired with pure marketing claims having nothing in common with reality. And that was
really hard to let go, I am sorry.


Why, instead, you have decided to go with 100% copycat of Veeam’s patent-pending, virtualization-specific archicture, which is nowhere near what you have patented? No need to answer, I perfectly realize that this was because your patented approach simply would not work with virtualization, as in-guest logic is not virtualization aware – so things like Storage VMotion (which is essential to finalize VM recovery), would not produce the desired results if you went that route.


By admin, October 9, 2011 12:37 pm




By admin, October 7, 2011 3:37 pm







By admin, October 5, 2011 4:28 pm


  • 伍佰 浪人情歌
  • 黃品源 你怎麼捨得我難過
  • 陳昇 把悲傷留給自己
  • 趙傳 我是一只小小鳥/我終於失去了你
  • 陳淑樺 夢醒時分
  • 陳淑樺、羅大佑 滾滾紅塵



By admin, October 3, 2011 10:07 pm



金玉其表,敗絮其中 = AA
敗絮其表,金玉其中 = CMC





不知是什麽原因,Frank 兄竟然把CMC 的後輪裝到前輪軸上,況且還反轉裝,怪不得車輪看來這麼怪模怪樣。再者,CMC 鯊魚鼻的四個車輪是前小後大,所以我不明白為什麽 Frank 兄會說它沒有把這個特性表達出來。莫非 Frank 兄是買了”A 貨”,那就難怪與 Exoto 的一比便如此差勁。我也細心的比較過 Frank 兄拍的 CMC 和Exoto 的輪呔照片。事實上,CMC 那條輪呔跟我手上的CMC 鯊魚鼻的輪呔細緻度是差了一些。雖然如此,Exoto 那條輪呔除了 Dunlop Racing 這幾個字之外,輪呔上是清脫脫的,不如 CMC 那條連一些細小的文字和logo都有,況且 Dunlop Racing 這幾個字的字型也沒有 CMC 的像真。

說到鋼線輪圈,Exoto 的造工大大落後於 CMC 的技術,從CMC 第一代車模產品開始做鋼線輪圈,已經是用合金圈鑽孔穿鋼線,現在更升華到連每根鋼線也穿了固定咀,而 Exoto 的卻只是用幾層夾片式的合成輪圈,說不定穿的可能是魚絲之類,而整條輪圈也可能是塑膠注模噴了銀色,這樣兩者比較,誰比誰強,也不用多說,我只覺得我們都 給 CMC 寵慣了,寵壞了,每個出品都配上這個無比精細的鋼線輪圈,便以為是理所當然。 Exoto 恐怕不知要多少時間才可以達致這項技術,而一朝達到了,恐怕還要大吹特吹地大幅加價。

現在想討論一下 scale model car (車模) 在我心中應是什麼標準。Frank 兄說得對,我絕不是剛接觸車模,而且我從來也是組裝車模的愛好者,經驗超過二十年,對於車模的細緻精密度,有很高的要求。Frank 兄有興趣可以到我的一個組裝車模网頁看看,這輛車還有一段時間才可完成,网頁底部附有製作日誌:

我之所以發那個 scalemotorcars 的网頁連接給大家看,概念從未搞錯。我是希望大家在大讚特讚 Exoto 鯊魚鼻是超世紀精品車模之時,認識一下什麼才算是精密車模,也希望大家可以在兩者比較之下,認識到原來Exoto 的是如此”粗劣”。相反如果大家以這如此精密手製車模與CMC 的車模比較一下 ,大家不難會讚嘆CMC 的造工,不知不覺地到了如此高的境界。

以個人的意見,車模的精髓在一個 scale (比例)的字上,換言之,最主要外型比例準確,內部零件保持一定的仿真度和細緻度,整體完成度高,才稱得上是精品。其實我也是最近這幾年才收集CMC 的車模,主要是被它的準確外型及高精度造工吸引,連我這個組裝車迷也嘆為觀止,甚至要我自己動力組裝,也未必達到 CMC 這個水平。所以我認為 CMC 的車模,已經差不多到達人手打造的 museum quality,最難得是量產,取價厚道,不是一些手模那麼高不可攀的價錢。老實說,以一輛 CMC 的車模,要我動手組裝,所花的材料費,恐怕要比售價貴兩倍也不止。

Exoto 這輛鯊魚鼻,不否認比 CMC 的零件數量多,有些如剎車碟也造得很好。但可惜這些零件很大部份都 out of scale ,比實物大而外型不準確,就像它的鋼線輪圈和輪呔一樣,跟精密還有一段距離。零件數量多,密麻麻的,剎眼間看很吸引,但如果不合比例,便有消化不良的感 覺。加上這輛車的裝嵌工夫也很粗糙,零件的夾縫處處可見,沒法感受到像 CMC 的那種用心地精確打造的水準。之所以這樣我便拿它比喻是像玩具一樣。我在网上看過很多這輛 Exoto 鯊魚鼻的圖片,差不多沒有幾輛的後車殼可以緊貼地蓋在車身上。相對 CMC 的零件沒有 Exoto的多,但整體細緻度也不弱,內部零件比例造得跟真車接近,看上去像真度高。像它那個電池的精密度就比 Exoto 強得多,而最重要的是外型的仿真度高,車殼跟車身的夾縫準確,那四只鋼線輪增加了整輛車的真實感,金屬質量直接的可以看到和感受到。

Frank 兄說 CMC 這輛鯊魚鼻只是普通之作,不算上品。但不要忘記,這款車本來是很 nimble 的一輛賽車,車架及內部結構都比較簡單,所以縱使造得仿真度高,也沒幾多零件去吸引。而Exoto鯊魚鼻的問題卻是車模看起來比真車還要多零件,那麽還算 不算「像真」,「精密」呢?Exoto 鯊魚鼻如果不看內容,單從外觀,它的四只車輪是弱點,令整輛車子精緻度降低,後車罩不能緊貼地蓋在車身也嚴重地影響完成度,之所以我不同意把它推嵩到為現 世代之極品車模。事實上,它比起近期的 CMC 產品,在準確度和精密度,還有一大段距離。譬如CMC 的 Porsche 901,嵌在擋風玻璃的橡膠邊再嵌鍍鉻邊,又有幾多車模廠可以如此精緻地
忠實再現,而這種精密度是自然而不誇張的。也絕非如 Exoto 鯊魚鼻那樣重量不重質地加幾件重口味的零件便稱是超精密車模所能比擬。

整體而論,個人認為 Exoto 這輛鯊魚鼻只可能說是超越它自己廠方的水準,而粗糙做工是它的致命傷,難以接近 museum quality 水準。它的造工和零件的精密度,甚至 CMC 早期的產品如Maserati 250F 1957, Tip 62 Birdcage 都已經比它強,近期的如 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Millie Migia ,Porsche 901, Audi 225 Front Roadster,隨便那一輛都比Exoto 這輛鯊魚鼻有過之而無不及。只不過,如我上面說過,我們都給 CMC 寵慣了,寵壞了,每個精品面世都好像理所當然一樣,沒有細意地用心去欣賞。

CMC 的鯊魚鼻是根據深入搜集資料和原廠的圖則參攷製造,可以信賴仿真度極高,同時也獲得 Ferrari 的授權,但 Exoto 的鯊魚鼻是根據如何資料製造的沒有說明,也沒有獲得 Ferrari 的授權。

Frank 兄堅持要我拿一台不像玩具车的合金车模给大家分享一下,其實大部份近年 CMC 的車模造工都已經接近 musuem quality 水準,隨便那一輛都不是「玩具」而是 a miniature replica of the real car。如果一定要我選作為例子,我會為大家推薦CMC 的Maserati 250F 1957,整輛車不論內外完成度非常高,造工精細,外型仿真度極高,打開引擎蓋,更加令你嘆為觀止,車身後半部用銅釘加銅片一行行的打造,我玩組裝的也要 拜服這個工藝。

最後,這里介紹一個网頁看一下一輛近年根據原圖複製的 F156 ,以增加大家的興趣。這輛車是仿製品,但卻沿用很多原廠的零件,整輛車用了五年去製造。


到网上尋找一下資料吧。還可以容易看到一些真車圖片比對一下。因為這輛F156已經沒有真車存在, 沒法子去量度一下真車的尺寸, CMC 的是憑 Ferrari 廠供給的原圖造的, 所以外形和比例會較為可靠可信, 也得到 Ferrari 廠的認可。雖然如此, CMC也不是不會犯錯, 而且是屢見不爽, 錯得很離譜和明顯也不少。我相信這反映上層下層對車的熱愛程度有限, 出車模也只是出一個商品地出產吧了。

Exoto 的 F156 便不知道憑什麼圖則去造的。仿間也不乏這車的資料和圖則, 各種比例模型也出過不少, 所以要出一個1:18的也不會太難。但畢竟沒有 Ferrari 認可, Exoto 也不能名正言順叫這車模為 Ferrari F156 而只可怪胎的叫 Exoto F156。

兩款F156外型比較, CMC 的我覺得還是「順眼」一點, Exoto 的鼻子造得有點誇張, 身型也真是肥徧了, 這鼻子是 Sharknose 的標緻, 不易造, 造不好整輛車也沒意思了。不過,這是個人的意思, 有錯還望指正。


微軟揭露Windows Server 8核心功能 (轉文)

By admin, October 3, 2011 6:34 pm

微軟首度展示Windows Server 8多項核心功能,不需共享儲存,也可以同時進行多個虛擬機器的線上轉移,遠端虛擬桌面也能支援觸控操作

微軟在Build研討會中釋出新一代作業系統Windows 8和Windows Server 8的開發者預覽版本,也首度揭露Windows Server 8開發者預覽版的核心功能,除了內建Hyper-V 3.0新版外,強化了線上轉移功能,不需共用儲存可同時讓多臺虛擬機器線上轉移,也提供了多達上千個PowerShell指令和新版的伺服器管理平臺,可在單一管理介面中控管多臺伺服器,讓企業更容易調度各種Hyper-V的虛擬化資源。不過,微軟表示,預覽版本功能未來也可能異動。

微軟伺服器和雲端部門副總裁Bill Laing表示,微軟從過去推出的公有雲服務中累積了各項系統經驗,來開發Windows Server 8的新功能,讓Windows Server 8能夠成為企業打造私有雲的利器,其中包括了虛擬化功能強化、多伺服器管理機制的簡化、多租戶網路架構設計以及多媒體的遠端虛擬桌面機制等。

Windows Server 8內建了新版Hyper-V 3.0,最高可提供32顆虛擬處理器和512GB記憶體的虛擬機器,也新增虛擬光纖通道的支援,可在虛擬化環境中建置虛擬SAN。Windows Server 8內建了新版Hyper-V 3.0,最高可提供32顆虛擬處理器和512GB記憶體的虛擬機器,也新增虛擬光纖通道的支援,可在虛擬化環境中建置虛擬SAN。

除此之外,另一個虛擬化功能的改善是VM線上轉移(Live Migration)機制的增強,過去一次只能線上轉移一個虛擬機器,現在則可以在虛擬機器不停機的情況下,在線上同時進行多個虛擬機器的搬移,而且線上轉移時,不需要先建立共享儲存。只要兩臺伺服器之間透過網路連結,就能將第一臺伺服器中的虛擬機器線上轉移到另外一臺中執行。此外,也新增了虛擬儲存空間線上轉移的功能。



微軟已經開放下載的Windows 8預覽版,包括了Visual Studio 11預覽版本,和Team Foundation Server 11的預覽版本,以及.NET Framework 4.5,而Windows Server 8預覽版則只開放給MSDN用戶下載。

Windows Server 8核心功能

● 虛擬化:VM支援32顆虛擬處理器和512GB記憶體、VHDX格式最大達16TB、Hyper-V最大支援2TB實體記憶體和160顆邏輯處理器。單一叢集最大支援63節點和4,000個VM。可多VM線上轉移,新增Hyper-V Replica可線上複製VM、線上儲存轉移、線上VHD合併,以及支援虛擬光纖通道等。

● 管理機制:上千個PowerShell指令,包括了PowerShell命令的Rest API、150個Hyper-V PowerShell命令、儲存機制命令、網通機制命令、可移除Shell和IE、多機器管理協定、PowerShell和系統功能的作業流程整合。

● 網路機制:Virtual NIC監控模式、SRIOV Networking、多租戶網路架構(包括Port ACLs和防火牆)、支援Virtual NUMA、NIC Teaming等。

● 多媒體遠端虛擬桌面:VDI、RemoteFX、遠端3D圖像支援、遠端觸控支援和遠端USB支援。

● 監控機制:新資源監控介面,包括處理器、網通、儲存計量機制和儲存空間管理的監控。可在單一平臺控管多臺伺服器。Guest應用系統健康監控。

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