最近樓下經常有架香蕉色的Lotus Exige出沒

By admin, April 15, 2010 11:14 pm



By admin, April 15, 2010 10:29 pm

原來不打算收250 Testa Rossa﹐因為總覺得CMC沒把它的外形完美複製﹐尤其是車頭太扁太窄了。但自從今天親眼看見這款剛出的250 Testa Rossa限量版之後﹐我就完全改觀了﹐極有可能是黑色車頭加紅鼻子的視覺效果特別明顯﹐這樣的配搭果然令車頭顯得特別的有氣勢﹐加上紅色的內飾﹐實在太美了﹐觀賞了近1個鐘頭後﹐仔細從3個裡挑了個質量不錯的﹐感覺真好﹗之後才發現原來它就是去年在拍賣會上那款破了史上最貴成交紀錄的經典法拉利跑車(英鎊9.02 Million)﹗沒錯﹐是港幣1個億﹗﹗﹗



同日也進了這台做工相當不錯的法拉利的308 GTS﹐來自80年代美國電視劇Oricalc Crisis Division – Magnum PI﹐收它的原因主要是因為自己很喜歡308/328/288這一系列七八十年代的所有車款﹐其實自己已經收齊了京商所有的這一系列的車款﹐但因為這款Hotwheels Elite 出色的做工實在有極大的進步﹐而且經典的淺啡色內飾比京商紅色的GTS更80年代﹐也精緻的多﹐並且有不少地方跟京商版的都有些出入﹐所以變成了我的必收之選﹗但另外那款黃色的308 GTS就沒太大興趣了﹐因為內飾跟京商的是同顏色﹐都是黑色的﹐如果以後見到它減價再入不遲。


1/18 CMC Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa 1957 “Pontoon Fender” (Chassis No. 0714)


1/18 Hotweels Elite Ferrari 308 GTS Red (Oricalc Crisis Division – Magnum PI)

1957 Ferrari Testa Rossa Sets New Auction World Record at €9.02 Million

By admin, April 15, 2010 10:00 pm

As predicted, the legendary pontoon-fender 1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa set a new world record on Sunday at the third annual Ferrari Leggenda e Passione event as RM Auctions, in association with Sotheby’s managed to sell the historic Prancing Horse model for an astonishing €9,020,000 or with the current exchange rates, US$12.2 million. The most expensive motor car ever to be sold at an auction fetched €1,980,000 more than the previous auction world record which was set at the same sale last year.

“The historical significance of this car attracted a bidding war as collectors from around the world – both in the room and on the telephone – competed to secure one of the most alluring and iconic of all Ferrari racing cars,” said Max Girardo, Managing Director of RM Europe.

The Scaglietti-designed ‘pontoon-fender’ 250 Testa Rossa was produced from 1957 to 1958 during which only a mere 22 examples were built. The Ferrari 250 TRs participated in 19 international championship races from 1958 through 1961 taking first place in ten of them. The specific 250 TR with chassis no. 0714TR, took part in many important races including the 1000 km Buenos Aires in January 1958.

This particular 250 Testa Rossa, number 0714TR, was successfully raced during the late 50’s and early sixties in places like Brazil, Cuba, and Portugal and after an active career now exists in this restored state, wearing it’s factory black and red livery. Every aspect of the car is factory perfect right down to the crackle finish on the valve covers of the snarling V12. Only 22 of these pontoon fender Testa Rossas were ever built, and after the 250 GTO, the 250 TRs are considered the most desirable Ferrari’s in history. Current private valuations of lesser examples of these cars hover around $8 million, and if the auction price rises to that level it enters the hunt to become the most expensive car ever sold at auction. We couldn’t think of a more worthy titleholder.


RM Auctions, in association with Sotheby’s, announce the most significant and desirable Ferrari to be offered on the world’s auction stage – the legendary 1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa (TR). Expected to set a new world record* for a vintage motor car sold at auction, this exciting car will be offered at RM Auctions’ exclusive ‘Ferrari Leggenda e Passione’ event, May 17, 2009 in Maranello, Italy.

LONDON, England (February 5, 2009) – RM Auctions, in association with Sotheby’s, will present one of the most historically significant and valuable Ferrari racing cars ever offered at auction, the legendary 1957 Ferrari 250 TR (chassis no. 0714TR), when the famed Ferrari Leggenda e Passione event returns to Maranello, May 17, 2009. Held during the final stretch of the famous Mille Miglia retrospective, the exclusive annual event will offer an unprecedented collection of historic Ferraris for auction.

Considered one of the most alluring, competitive and iconic of all Ferrari racing cars, the beautiful and immediately recognizable Scaglietti-designed, ‘pontoon-fender’ 250 TR was produced from 1957 to 1958 during which only 22 were constructed. The Ferrari 250 TRs entered 19 international championship races from 1958 through 1961 emerging with 10 victories and earning them legendary status among discerning collectors, as well as the honor of being one of the most desirable and competitive racing Ferraris ever built.

“This legendary 250 TR is one of the most exciting motor cars ever to be presented in auction history,” said Max Girardo, Managing Director of RM Europe.

“The Ferrari Leggenda e Passione event, now in its third year, is firmly established as the place to sell important road and race going Ferraris, and we are delighted to present this stunning 250 TR at its Maranello birthplace,” he added.

0714TR was extensively campaigned in its day with significant finishes at the world’s most important racing events and is now being offered at auction for the first time. The car is resplendent in its period race-correct black livery and red nose.

In December 1957, this car was delivered to its first owner, racing driver and future coachbuilder, Piero Drogo in Modena, Italy. Drogo debuted the car as a privateer in the celebrated 1000 km Buenos Aires in January 1958 with a respectable fourth place finish competing with such legendary drivers as Phil Hill, Peter Collins, Wolfgang von Trips and Olivier Gendebien. Following entries in the Grand Prix of Cuba and Portugal, the car was sold by American Ferrari agent Luigi Chinetti to Texas rancher and entrepreneur Alan Connell whose competitive driving skills and affluence afforded him several wins on the 1959 North American racing circuit. 0714TR continued its prowess on the track with subsequent owners and competed in its last professional race in June 1963 at the Elkhart Lake 500.

The Ferrari 250 TR has become an enduring and exceedingly valuable classic whose soaring lines and sculptural elegance give it a sense of speed even when standing still. The legendary s/n 0714TR is by far the most campaigned of the 250TR cliente series cars with a fascinating ownership and racing history, establishing its rarified place in the collector world as one of the most beautiful and valuable Ferraris ever offered in auction history.

All cars presented at the Ferrari Leggenda e Passione event will be certified by Ferrari Classiche.

*Note to Editors: The current world record for the most expensive vintage motor car ever to be sold at auction is held by RM Auctions, in association with Sotheby’s, for a 1961 Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder (s/n 2377GT) which sold for $10,894,400 USD (€7,040,000, £5,598,208 GBP). This current world record was set at Ferrari Leggenda e Passione, in Maranello, Italy on May 18, 2008.


By admin, April 12, 2010 12:12 pm

一個英文網頁上有一文,題為”This is beautiful 3 things”,讀後覺得很有意思,謹介紹一下。括號內是我加的按語。


※生命中三樣東西是你永遠不會也不應失去的,它們是:和平;希望;誠實( Honesty)。(和平當然不是指世界和平,而是心境的和平;人不管處在如何困難的境地也不要失去希望;誠實所指也是個人修為。)


※生命中三樣東西是永遠不確定的,它們是:夢想;成功;運氣( Fortune)。(怎樣才算實現夢想?成功,運氣,又如何定義?)

※生命中三樣東西足以成就一個男人/女人( that make a man/ woman):勤奮;真誠( Sincerity);承擔( Commitment)。(也許這是做人的基本要求,少了這三樣,很難說是一個真正的人。)






來自日本的1比43手版車模廠Make Up

By admin, April 8, 2010 9:56 am

撰文:甘霖 – Make Up (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 副總經理

Make Up 始于1978年,產品主要以1:43手版為主,公司坐落于日本東京都港區南青山一條小巷內,公司很小一共四層,一樓為店鋪,銷售Make Up自己的品牌產品,同時也銷售其代理的其他品牌產品,二樓為開發部,銷售部.

2002年開始Make Up在廣州增城OEM生產,至2008年輾轉了几個代工工厂,皆因其質量要求太高,最終沒能合作長久,經歷几次代工教訓后,Make Up決定于2008年底在深圳沙井注冊了自己的工厂,命名為美卡普模型(科技)深圳有限公司,從此Make Up在中國進入了一個新紀元。

Make Up 車模素以精細著稱,其細致的內外裝飾,平整光亮的表面油漆噴涂,以及高度的仿真度,准确的細節,适中的价格等這些特性使其擁有一批忠實的Make Up迷。

車模在開發階段有些車型可以得到Ferrari公司的3D圖紙,但很多是在Ferrari擁有者家中測量出真車的尺寸,再畫出3D圖紙,在開發初期就會決定整車的配件數量以及使用素材,特別值得一提的是配件的書數量,以Koenig Testarossa 為例,全車共209個配件,是同級別其他品牌配件數量的兩倍到三倍,另外車身的噴涂需要經過四遍:第一遍,primer, 增加低材与面層油漆的附著力,也將底材緊緊封閉住,隔絕空气防止面層油漆起小气泡,第二遍,under color, 視面漆顏色而定,根据不同顏色的面漆,選擇較為接近的顏色噴涂,避免在一些線條,坑位等邊緣面漆漏出底色,第三遍,body color,面漆,第四遍,clear coating, 噴涂光油。每遍中間經過細心打磨,光油噴涂后手工拋光,經過這几道工序后,平整光亮的車身才算完成,在油漆材料上也是選用与提供Ferrari公司油漆的相同的供應商PPG公司的進口油漆。基于以上几個因素,Make Up 在推出新車的速度上要慢過其他制造商,网上也有很多玩家抱怨新款車出的太慢,同一款類似的車卻總是一直出,例如出的最多的F40,但是即便如此Make Up 還是秉承其精細的風格,宁愿犧牲經濟利益也要保持產品的高品質,所以每一款Make Up產品都是性价比很高的,玩家的付出絕對是物有所值。

2008年Make Up 主要推出了Dino, Koenig 512bbi, Reventon, 599HGTE, 599XX, F40, Koenig Testarossa,等几款車。筆者個人認為從設計開發与制作上來評价,除F40之外(畢竟F40出了太多版本了) Koenig Testarossa算是其中最好的產品,首先,整車非常勻稱,線條流暢,外部細節不是很多,其寬平的車身一眼印入眼帘,透過車頭透明膠片一雙圓潤有神的大眼睛清晰可見,短小的一對到后鏡,略顯俏皮,底盤离平台很近,鋁質車轆選用車床加工,剎車盤,剎車轂以及外圈電鍍蝕刻片,電鍍輪軸蓋使輪框這一塊的立體效果非常明顯,車尾碩大的煙通同樣使用車床件外加電鍍,后置引擎雖然被蝕刻片网所遮蓋,但在設計上并沒有忽略,所以通過蝕刻片的网格空隙,依然隱約可見。內飾部分通過車窗也非常容易看見,座椅,腳踏,儀表盤雖然很小,卻非常細致。美中不足的一點是引擎蓋与定風翼的顏色与車身略有偏差,好在對整體外觀影響不大。

為改變車型單一,推出速度慢的狀態,2008年底Make Up在09年加大對設計開發的投入,計划09年推出一個新品牌,品牌名稱為Vision, 原Eidolon仍以Ferrari, Lamborghi為主,而新品牌Vision將會以保時捷,奔馳,阿斯頓馬丁等車為目標,09年4月份開始投入批量生產,第一款車將會是保時捷917K,推出的速度為每月兩款新車(不含Eidolon)。


Make Up果然是日本東京第一把交椅
以前的Make Up專門生產最複雜的super detail模型kit
最棒的有250LM  250GTO  312T  312T2  126C等等















By admin, April 7, 2010 3:27 pm




By admin, April 4, 2010 11:28 pm





Octane Magazine May 2010 Issue


By admin, April 2, 2010 8:15 pm




1/18 Exoto Porsche 959 Silver



Miss You Much

By admin, April 1, 2010 6:06 pm

每年的今天﹐大家都會不約而同地去文華獻一束白玫瑰給您﹐整整七年了﹐原來大家還是這麼深深地掛念著您﹐loving you always…


So many 拉力賽專家 around these days.

By admin, March 31, 2010 7:05 pm

We have two new friends tom-yuen and eleclau, many thanks for joining us today!

I think tom-yuen is Wong Sir’s 高徒 , he quickly broke my 節奏, I lost my patience quickly as well and for some reasons, I’ve broken my DF record today (90% !!!) . So the result is very straight forward, 6:0 (love being me of course haha), I enjoy playing with him as he and Wong Sir can really train up our mind and patience, I do look forward to play with these type of 拉力賽專家 in the future. 

Then we played two tie-breaks, I still got many DF, I even changed to the other side of court (so definitely not 風水問題 ), so I figured out no matter how many sets we are going to play, I will just continue to receive eggs if I don’t change something in my game.

I also enjoyed playing with eleclau, he’s young with lots of energy and we had a close game, I am sure he can improve a lot given he only played 2 years and he had already reached a good level.

Strange enough, I have also maintained some of my best 2 serving games today against Dave, that’s right after playing with tom-yuen, and my serving winning ratio is in 70%, these serves are fast, solid and with angle, few aces down the T (My favourite position on ad court)

Of course, I also received 4 straight aces from Dave, that’s when I starting to call him “Ace Serving Machine”, Man! Those 110mph serve is just too good for me.

I really don’t know how to explain the dramatic difference within 1 hour regarding my serve, but I do notice one thing, I BEND MY KNEES and work like a spring which made a huge difference. :)

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